eye shadow palettes
Weekly Roundups

Beauty Spotlight Team Feature: What’s Marcia’s Guilty Pleasure?

Beauty Spotlight Team logoWelcome to our new Beauty Spotlight Team series: GUILTY PLEASURES. The way the Beauty Spotlight Team works is to do alternate weeks: one week with links to posts published by members of the team during the previous two weeks that we think you’ll enjoy and the following week a special series. After much brainstorming we decided to let you in on some of our secrets, aka Guilty Pleasures. Some may be beauty-related, others may be something altogether different. Someone had to go first and after much arm twisting, here is Marcia from Beauty Info Zone and her guilty pleasures!

Just click on the link below the photo, and it will take you to her post.  And here’s a hint about her Guilty Pleasure. Can you relate??

eye shadow palettes


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  1. This seems like a fun series! I’m with her on the eyeshadows and palettes!
    Lisa @ Midwest Glam recently posted…Gimme shelterMy Profile

    1. I agree. I have more palettes than anything and I only use a few of ’em, how sad

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