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Weekly Roundups

Beauty Spotlight Team May 22 Weekly Roundup

I overdid it today, so this will be short and sweet. I went for a 4 mile hike that included the equivalent to 37 flights of stairs, and then I mowed the lawn. Today, I took 15,000 steps equal to 6.3 miles. I am exhausted. Good night and have a good weekend xoxo

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Are you a fan of K-Beauty? Check out Never Say Die Beauty’s review of two skincare products from the vast, science-based, yet affordable K-Beauty brand, Abib Cosmetic
Westman Atelier Baby Blender Brush is perfection for powder or cream products, but if you love to wear cream blush there is simply no better brush for the job! Lola’s Secret Beauty Blog is obsessed with their brushes, and now wants all of them!
Dark spots got you down? Prime Beauty shows you that Dermalogica Powerbright can get you right back up.
A kimono makes the simplest outfit into something special. Age doesn’t matter. You can wear it day or night, at home or out, at the beach or pool, dressed up or down, during cool or warm weather. Visit Angie at Your True Self Blog to see her ideas for over 45 sure-fire ways to rock a kimono!
With anything in life, experience comes education but also comes from mistakes. And today, Barbie’s Beauty Bits will debunk some skincare tips over the years that were incorrect. Skincare tips I relearned from my esthetician.
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