Weekly Roundups

Beauty Spotlight Team “Most Repurchased Cosmetics” Featuring Shipra from Taneja’s Bride

The Beauty Spotlight Team continues its “Most Repurchased Cosmetics”.

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This week, we hear from Shipra from Taneja’s Bride blog. Shipra is about to have her second child any day now (the perfect host for a Mother’s Day weekend post), but she managed to get together her 5 most repurchased items. Now that’s dedication. Here’s what she has to say:

“Often times, we want to get into our favorite beauty bloggers’ heads and see what products have become their holy grail and which ones they have repurchased over and over! So, today, I decided to share with you 5 of my favorite beauty repurchases. These products are a must have for me, so they are definitely at the top of my list. ”

Let’s hop over to Taneja’s Bride and see what are her HG cosmetics!

Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers out there!


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  1. I know I’m guilty of repurchasing favs! But if they work great, then why switch. I’ll definitely go check out Shipra’s blog 🙂 Happy Mother’s Day!
    Vivienne recently posted…A Light Spring Timepiece To Complete Your WardrobeMy Profile

    1. I agree, Vivienne! That’s one of the small downsides to blogging that sometimes you have to take a hiatus to try something new for review when you already have something you love. But I recently had to do that and the new one was just as good/better! Hope you’re having a Happy Mother’s Day with your little man!

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