Weekly Roundups

Beauty Spotlight Team’s Pammy and Her Guilty Pleasure

This week the Beauty Spotlight Team’s spotlight is on Pam from Pammy Blogs Beauty. Her guilty pleasure will certainly come in handy at this time of year.

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Pam from Pammy Blogs Beauty sure does love exploring beauty products and fashion trends. However, did you know that she is also loves baking? Baking is a fantastic outlet for this stay-at-home Mom’s creativity. Plus, the kids can join in the fun! Check out some of her latest creations and hear all about one of her biggest “Guilty” Pleasures: Baking! But, really…she is not guilty about it one bit (well, that depends on how many cookies she eats)! 😉


Head over to her blog by clicking here, and see what she has up her sleeve! I know I’m going to. Maybe I’ll pick up a new recipe or two or a little inspiration 🙂


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