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Weekly Roundups

Belated Fashion Flash Mid-October Edition

If you’ve wondered where I’ve been this week, boy, was I sick! My garden variety cold turned at least 10 times worse after I had my annual physical on Monday. My doctor suggested that I wait on my flu shot, but for some reason she recommended that I get a pneumonia shot. Four hours later, not only could I not move my arm (for 3 days) but my temperature went up to 102, and I was sick, sick, sick. Today, I finally forced myself out of bed and into the shower. Now clean with clean hair, I feel more human, though I’m still hacking away with sinus and chest congestion. Ugh. I strongly recommend remembering to clean off the bar where you place your hands on the carriage at the supermarket.

So here’s what to look forward to in this week’s Fashion Flash, hosted by my friend Marcia from Beauty Info Zone.

  • get some inspiration from Fall and Halloween themed table decor
  • how to spoil your grandkids in Florida
  • classic and classy fall outfit ideas
  • how to make better food choices by reading labels
  • how becoming a long distance runner and competitor can enrich your life in middle-age
  • can apples prevent aging
  • a drugstore mascara find that you need to know about
  • artist-designed packaging that make a line of gorgeous liquid and regular lipstick into covet-worthy objects of desire
  • a new hair drying towel that you need to know about.

Take a break and click over to Beauty Info Zone and check out Fashion Flash before the new one comes out!

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