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Blizzard and Fashion Flash 13 March 2018

March is certainly coming in like a lion here in Massachusetts. We’re expecting our third Nor’easter in less than 10 days starting later tonight/Monday and going through tomorrow/Tuesday. In fact, here on the coast, they’re calling it a blizzard which is considered worse than a Nor’easter. We’re supposed to get between 12-18 inches of heavy wet snow with hurricane force winds. So I expect I will be losing my power again. I probably should leave my house now, and go somewhere that’s less likely to lose electricity. But I sort feel like I need to know what’s going on at my house and property. My friend Sue and I made a pact that if one of us loses power, we can go to the other’s house. She lives about a 5 minute drive from me, but her house is up a steep driveway in the woods. Oddly enough, she loses power less often than I do living in a subdivision with power lines that are buried underground.

At any rate, I just had a preview of things to come. The landline, internet and TV (from good ole Comcast) just cut out a little while ago, but while I was on hold to speak to a human, they came back on.

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So, this is my post for Tuesday, this week’s edition of Fashion Flash, hosted by Mary Lou Floyd of the very interesting Second Lives Club blog. I love that she showcases people who in midlife change careers or hobbies or whatever. It’s so inspiring!

This week’s Fashion Flash is its usually melange of topics:

  • a magic trip along the witchcraft route of Spain – who knew?
  • a zinc sheer facial sunscreen mist that sounds like something I need if summer ever arrives
  • info on why turmeric is something you should eat more of
  • inspirational exercise tips
  • the skinny on whether you really need a separate eye cream
  • beautiful and affordable lipsticks from an indie company on the Lower East Side of Manhattan
  • 4 gorgeous purple polishes from OPI
  • a reminder about Love Your Age, the fab new self-help book from Barbara Grufferman
  • and in case you missed it, my post on my latest acquisitions from Mont Bleu, the King of Glass Nail Files and precision beauty tools.

Click on over to Second Lives Club to read any and all of these fun and interesting posts.

If you’re in the path of the blizzard or any other foul weather, I wish you the best! Be safe. I’ll be back soon if my power remains or sooner or later if it doesn’t! xo

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  1. Rachel Goldstein says:

    Like you, I am expecting to lose our power, but all is OK right now and I am grateful. It is actually very beautiful here with fluffy white snow coating every branch.

    Even if you wanted to go to your friends house, how would you get there? Just getting your car down the driveway and along the unplowed street will be scary and near impossible. Better to stay home under lots of blankets!

    Stay safe…

    1. You too, Rachel! Thanks for the good wishes. I haven’t heard about RI on the radio this morning, just the Cape getting clobbered. I can’t see out the windows here, but it didn’t start snowing till about least after 5am when I was able to see out the windows. You are right about getting to my friend’s house. I hate driving in the snow, and they haven’t plowed our neighborhood yet though I can’t really see. Fortunately, the wind is strong but not as bad so far as during the last two storms. Fingers crossed. I hope your power is on and you’re doing OK too.

  2. gloria patterson says:

    Stay warm, stay safe!!

    1. Thank you, Gloria! So far, so good

  3. Sandy Weinstein says:

    luckily i have not lost power this year with all of the storms, we have had some bad ones but not as bad as the north or midwest. in nc if we get any snow, it is a mess b/c no one is ever really prepared.

    1. Which part of NC are you in? Jeff’s younger daughter lives in Asheville, and she had mentioned snow earlier in the winter. His older daughter was visiting Chapel Hill this past week interviewing for a couple of post doc assignments. I know what you mean about NC not being prepared. They had snow in Atlanta this winter, and things were a mess. It should be spring now in NC. In fact, I think Jeff’s daughter mentioned the trees being in bloom. Too late for snow!

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