Weekly Roundups

Bon Voyage & Beauty Spotlight Team

Although I have been preparing for this trip to Great Britain for a long time, I am so unready! Hopefully, by tomorrow afternoon, I’ll have my “stuff” together!! I am trying to pack for cool/cold rainy weather (boo!), but I hope I’ll be pleasantly surprised when we arrive. In years gone by, October is often one of the most beautiful months in London with warm temperatures, sunny skies, and changing leaves. This year will most likely continue the cool, rainy weather, but I can always hope!

Just a funny story. A couple of weeks ago, I was reading about the sensational Coco Chanel exhibition that was opening in London just a few days before our arrival. I told Jeff that I really wanted to try to get tickets for it. For some inexplicable reason, I thought it was being held at Kensington Palace. In my mind, I thought that was because Princess Diana had lived there and had been a fan of Chanel suits and other pieces of clothing. So I got tickets for us to go to Kensington Palace at 10am on Tuesday. The name of the exhibit we were going to see is “From Crowns to Couture”. Couture, as in Chanel couture, right? Wrong.

photo credit: taken from the Kensington Palace page on Facebook

At Vidal Sassoon a couple of days ago, I mentioned the Chanel exhibition to my colorist who often wears Chanel even at the salon.

photo credit: photo by Peter Kelliher/courtesy of V&A Museum via CNN article

I told her I was excited to be going to Kensington Palace to see it. She told that she and her family were going to London for New Year’s, and that she had scored the last available tickets during her visit for 4pm on New Year’s Day at the Victoria & Albert Museum. I was surprised, and I said no, it’s at Kensington Palace. She was insistent that it was at the V&A. So I immediately googled the event, and Laurel was correct, the V&A is where it is and it is completely sold out now through the end of the exhibition in February. Oh, what a dope I am!

I discovered that there is a way I can get to go: I can become a member at the Victoria & Albert Museum. If Jeff wants to go with me (which he says he does), it will cost 122 pounds for me to join and get one guest ticket that will allow us free entrance at anytime to the sold out Chanel exhibition. That’s more than $125 to go to the museum once. Well, I will have to think long and hard about this one.

So, we’re off to London on Sunday and then to Dublin for just a couple of days on Oct. 8. I most likely won’t be blogging during that time, but I’m sure I’ll have a lot to say and show when I return. In the meantime, take care and cheers!

Beauty Spotlight Team

Beauty Spotlight Team 1

Angie at Your True Self Blog has discovered 11 simple ways to stay healthy and live longer. It’s never too late, so age doesn’t matter! Why don’t you start adding years to your life today?

The Boxwalla October Beauty Box: A Skincare Nerd’s Dream featuring Cipher is a revelation in high quality and effective skincare. Lola’s Secret Beauty Blog gives these products an A+, and thinks you really need to know about this brand.

If you follow Allison from Never Say Die Beauty, you know that she loves all things heart-shaped. Check out her recent surprise when a heart-shaped lipstick arrived in her Boxycharm box!

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  1. Gabrielle says:

    Bon Voyage! Make loads of happy memories as you have a glorious adventure!

  2. Gabrielle says:

    I hope you are having a truly splendiferous time!

    1. Thank you, Gabrielle xoxo It went by too fast!

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