Bath & Body, Product Spotlight

Bye to odors with Arm & Hammer™ Essentials Liquid Hand Soap

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If we’ve learned nothing else the past two years we have learned how important it is to wash our hands. We’ve hopefully become a cleaner nation, one that’s more aware of the germs and bacteria we are capable of spreading.

Arm & Hammer has created a line with bath essentials that includes two types of Hand Soap. You can choose from Arm & Hammer Essentials Liquid Hand Soap and their Foaming Hand Soap. The soaps help wash away bacteria in a moisturizing formula. These are available in 5 refreshing fragrances:

  1. Orange Citrus
  2. Lavender Vanilla
  3. Pomegranate
  4. Peppermint
  5. Crisp Cucumber

When I received this it went directly into my bathroom but as I read it seems that it’s even better for the kitchen. Arm & Hammer Essentials Liquid Hand Soap works on neutralizing odors and the kitchen is more likely to need that. (Although the Orange Citrus would be perfect in the bathroom IMO.) This works to neutralize lingering kitchen odors.

Look at those two ingredients listed on the label  – soothing Baking Soda and Aloe Vera. These are pure natural ingredients that are good for us. These soaps are dye-free, paraben free, vegan and cruelty-free.

This collection has only been available since May so it may not look familiar yet but Arm & Hammer Essentials Liquid Hand Soap is a product you should be looking for. CVS and Rite-Aid are among the stores that carry it. The prices are reasonable enough that Peppermint and Orange Citrus will be on my shopping list. What about yours?


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  1. This sounds like a wonderful smelling liquid hand soap! I will definitely pick up a bottle when I see it!
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  2. We go through handsoap like crazy! Sounds like a good one for after cutting onions! haha… Id like to see how the cucumber and peppermint ones smell!

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