
Catching Up

Belated Happy Canada Day and Happy Independence Day! Hope you celebrated with friends and family and enjoyed the time off. My aunt spent the holiday weekend with us. To try to entertain her (she’s 88 and has the beginnings of age-related dementia), we had a BBQ, went to fabulous outdoor fireworks, made a stop at our beach club so she could visit with her other nieces and nephews, went to the Cape Ann Museum,

hung out at the Beauport Hotel bar in Gloucester snacking on cocktails and a yummy cheese board,

made blueberry/raspberry jam, toured my garden about a million times (the wire cages are to protect the plants from being eaten by the rabbits),

and then drove her home before the Sunday traffic. Last night we sat around the fire pit with friends and had a delicious cocktail that my friend crafted from rhubarb-vanilla syrup that she made from the rhubarb that Jeff grew and the vanilla beans that she brought back from Madagascar. Total yum!

Today, I am writing this quick post to update you yet again. The theme I bought that was installed by an IT developer in the Far East failed. If you tried to read my blog at the end of last week, chances are you got an error message “License status is unknown”. I have no idea what that means, but it is related to that new theme.

I called the company that hosts my blog, and they disabled that theme for me. Somehow the WordPress theme or design, Twenty Twenty-One, has been activated. It’s not a bad theme, but I can’t find out how to add a sidebar with my photo and About Me, ads, Instagram feed, memberships and other info I had in the old blog. But it is readable as it currently is.

Next steps are to call a website design company that’s nearby. I have no idea if they would be interested in taking on my little project or if I can afford them. If that doesn’t work out, I don’t have a backup plan at this point. Ugh.

So wish me luck! I hope that this little update will get sent out to you 😀

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  1. MarciaF says:

    You entertain so beautifully. And your garden is amazing.

    1. Thank you, Marcia! I hope you and your family had a wonderful Fourth, too! My gardens, all of them, are growing like crazy. The animals are very happy they have so much to munch on.

  2. Denise Wertz says:

    Allison, I have received your last two (maybe three) posts via email. I am so sorry that you are having problems with your blog. Maybe you could contact your local community college and see if they know of any students or professors who do work on the side? How frustrating!

    1. Thank you, Denise, for that suggestion! I will try to see if they have a career center that can help me. I have made a lot of progress with this new free theme that I am customizing, but I have a way to go. Some problems I cannot solve. So after I try Hostgator, I will check out North Shore Community College! xoxo

  3. Hi, Allison – I am so glad you have your blog up again! We missed you. I cannot believe how much you packed into the weekend with your aunt. You must have worn her out. Lol! Thanks for sharing your beautiful garden and weekend with us – Angie, http://www.yourtrueselfblog.com

    1. Thank you, Angie, for taking the time to comment! Hope you enjoyed the holiday weekend, too!

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