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Weekly Roundups

Chit Chat and Fourth of July Fashion Flash

Today, I went for my second Shingles shot. I got the first one in early February, and I was told that I needed to get the second one in  3-6 months. I’m in month 5, and I was a little nervous that I would miss the window to get the second injection, and then have to start all over again. I called CVS since my doctor’s office doesn’t give the “new” Shingles shots, and the pharmacist told me that they just started giving injections again. Lucky me! I went over this afternoon, and got it over with.

I did a couple of errands, going into two stores that I haven’t been inside in 6 months (with my mask on, of course). I realized that I have saved so much money over the past 4 months because I haven’t done much shopping except for buying food. Being out in a store among other people felt a little weird, and I probably will try not to do it again for a while even though Massachusetts has done a good job at flattening the curve. It seems like too many people are out and about again, and I don’t want to be one of them, even though we’re wearing masks.

At any rate, this evening I am feeling some side effects from the Shingles injection (nausea), so I think I will skip writing a regular post tonight. Hopefully, tomorrow I’ll be myself again. Have you gotten the Shingles shots yet?

But even though I forgot to send in my post to Fashion Flash this week, here is this week’s edition, hosted by sweet Angie B. from Your True Self Blog. Enjoy!

  • how to navigate your emotions during stressful times through creative expression
  • fitness routines for summer
  • visit Galicia, Spain’s Coast of Death, virtually
  • how to age by design, not default
  • legends about the ruby, the birthstone for the month of July
  • health coaching and why it might be right for you
  • have you tried a dry body oil?
  • how to get a healthy summer glow
  • how to style a kimono jacket for summer
  • how to get healthy skin with a skincare line developed by a doctor of Chinese medicine.

So click over to Your True Self Blog, and check out this week’s Fashion Flash.

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  1. Rachel Goldstein says:

    Hi Allison:

    I got the shingles vaccine last year at Stop & Shop. Each time my arm hurt and I felt very tired. But these symptoms went away in just a couple of days and I am so happy to be protected. I hope you feel better soon.

    1. Thank you, Rachel. I was lucky that I had no side effects with the first shingles shot other than a stiff arm. But this time, I really feel terrible: fever, exhaustion, nausea, sore bones. Hopefully, tomorrow I will be all better. Still, it’s better than getting shingles!

  2. Paula Hartman says:

    I got the shingles vaccine in March with the second shot in May. Both times I ran a low fever and felt exhausted but it only lasted 2 days (both times I had the shots on a Friday so I had the weekend to recover). I think it is worth it because friends who have had shingles said it was pretty bad.

    1. Oh, then I guess I am lucky that I didn’t have any side effects except for a stiff arm with the first shingles shot. I expected this one to be the same. I’m glad to hear your side effects only lasted 2 days. I have a low grade fever (3+ degrees over normal), my bones hurt, I’m kind of sick to my stomach, and I’m exhausted. Hopefully, I will feel better tomorrow. I agree that it’s totally worth it. I do not want shingles. 4 friends and family members had it and it was not pleasant

  3. Mary W says:

    We have all had the shingles vaccine series in my extended family. Whatever the side effects, it was totally worth it! Several older relatives have had shingles in their eyes, down their throat and all over their back. They said it was a living nightmare and returns to flare up again. I also feel uneasy going into stores because people are not wearing masks or physically distancing. All schools will be opening in August so that gives you a clue of the mind set here.

    1. I agree, Mary! I know 4 people who have had shingles, and it was terrible. I was very eager to get the second shot, but I didn’t realize that there were side effects to this one since the first one was a piece of cake. In MA, wearing a mask is a requirement indoors, and also outdoors if you can’t maintain at least 6 feet. Nevertheless, not everyone is completely with the program. I haven’t been going anyplace, so yesterday, when I decided to pick up something I needed for my garden at the job lot, the woman behind me in line kept standing right next to me. Ugh. Same thing with the liquor store. I guess I will go back to ordering online. Yes, I heard about the schools opening in FL. Today, someone said something about not all schools will be in person all the time, but DeSantis made it sound like he wants the kids to go to school, not online learning. Yikes. I hope you are in a part of FL far away from all the cases of Covid. Stay healthy!

  4. Mary W says:

    This state is just a hot mess!

    1. Sadly, I must agree. The governor isn’t doing the Floridians any favors.

  5. gloria patterson says:

    I got shingles about 20 years ago when I was on vacation in Barbados. The only place I had them was my lower back. When I turned 60 I got the first shingles shot. Year or so ago I got the first new shot and then later the second one. Guess I was lucky I had no problems. Hopefully this is the last shot we will need for this. But if a new one comes out I would take it

    1. Gloria, I am sorry that you got shingles years ago, but you have been smart to get the vaccines to prevent a reoccurrence. Even though, I had side effects with the second Shingrix vaccine, it was definitely worth it. I really really don’t want to get shingles. Hope you are doing well xo

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