Brand Spotlight, Fashion, Giveaways

Christmas in August: My New Holiday Sweater from Midnight Velvet and a GIVEAWAY!

I remember the first time I saw “It’s a Wonderful Life”. It was during a hot August afternoon back in my graduate student days. The fact that I was watching a Christmas movie on a day that was 95 degrees in my New York living room didn’t stop me from crying through most of the movie.

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Well, Christmas in August is back. I had the opportunity to select an item from the new Fall Collection from Midnight Velvet, a fashion and home decor website and catalogue.


Midnight Velvet was a brand that was new to me, so I checked out their offerings online and in their catalogue. They sell clothing, shoes, accessories, fashion jewelry, even bedspreads and accents for your home that make a statement. Midnight Velvet’s sense of style is bold, confident, and often embellished — right up my alley! Never fear, if you like things to be a little more subtle, they have understated and romantic styles too. In fact, I want the Romantic Poet Top that’s already back ordered till the end of August!

I chose the Gold Waterfall Sweater from the Fall Collection, and I was psyched to receive it. A few days later, this cool zebra striped box arrived.


Now I’m all set for the holidays: Christmas,  Hanukah, New Year’s, virtually any holiday party, I’m ready. What I love about this sweater, that’s lightly embellished with gold shimmery sequins, is that I can dress it up with pants or keep it casual with jeans. The soft gold shade goes well with black, brown or even navy or deep purple.


In addition to the color and occasion versatility, I love the draping of the waterfall front. It’s flattering and on trend. The sweater is about coat length in the back on me, but I’m only 5 feet tall. Actually, I was so delighted that the size Small fit me perfectly. On most women, the sweater would be shorter.

MVsweater sequins

Although I’m a summer girl, I am almost excited about the coming cool weather so I can wear my new sweater. It’s lightweight so if the right occasion appears, I won’t wait till the holidays.


I’m so happy with my new Gold Waterfall Sweater from Midnight Velvet! And Midnight Velvet and I would like to share the opportunity to get to know Midnight Velvet by holding a Giveaway: a $50 Gift Certificate that one lucky winner can use to make a purchase on the Midnight Velvet website or through the catalogue.

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So enter for a chance to win a $50 gift certificate from Midnight Velvet!  Tell me why you need a treat from Midnight Velvet in the “Leave a Reply”/comment section at the end of this post. It’s easy if you haven’t commented before.  Enter your name, your email (so I can reach you if you win and so I know you’re a person, not a robot), type in your comment, click Post Comment, and you’re done.

Don’t forget to visit Midnight Velvet online to see the vast array of items they carry! And “like” Midnight Velvet on Facebook: it’s a great way to find out about sales, special offers and other giveaways.

Here are the Giveaway Rules:

No duplicate comments, ie please don’t copy what someone else wrote.

You may make a total of 5 entries to increase your chances of winning by selecting from the following entry methods (but if you wish to only do the required entry method — a comment — that’s OK too!):

  1. REQUIRED: Leave a reply/comment in response to this post on why you’d like to win the gift certificate from Midnight Velvet.
  2. Subscribe to Never Say Die Beauty via the subscription form right beneath this post or at the top right side on the home page (if you already subscribe, let me know in your comment and it will count as 1 entry)
  3. “Like” Never Say Die Beauty on Facebook (if you already “liked” the NSDB Facebook fanpage, let me know in your comment and it will count as 1 entry)
  4. Follow Never Say Die Beauty on Twitter: @nsdbeauty ((if you already follow NSDB on Twitter, let me know in your comment and it will count as 1 entry)
  5. Refer a friend who will enter the Giveaway by listing her first name and last initial, e.g. AllisonC, at the end of your comment. You will be credited for the entry if/when she comments on the blogpost.

This giveaway is open to US residents age 18 or older. Winner will be selected by a random drawing, and will be notified by e-mail. You have 72 hours to get back to me, if not a new winner will be selected.

This sweepstakes runs from time of publication on 8/1/13 – 8/15/13 at 11:00pm EDT. Don’t forget to tell your friends! Good luck 🙂

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  1. Lois L says:

    Allison! You look so fabulously happy !!!! It made me smile-thanks!!!

    1. Allison says:

      My friend, Sue T, was the photographer, and she did such a great job making me laugh! I love the pictures she took :D. So Lois, I know that you already subscribe and that you have liked the Facebook fan page, so you get 2 more entries for those!

  2. Amy Hentenaar says:

    Great sweater!

    1. Allison says:

      Thanks, Amy! I know you subscribe and ‘like” NSDB on Facebook, so you can 2 extra entries.

  3. Beautiful sweater!! You already know this, but I am subscribed to NSDB and I like it on facebook. Love this giveaway.

    1. Allison says:

      Thanks, Kim, as always for your comment! Perfect. You get 3 entries: comment, subscriber, ‘like’ on FB.

  4. I would love to get a new item from a different vendor than I usually use because it
    would get me excited for Fall.

    1. Allison says:

      Thank so much for entering, Kathy! You’re the best

  5. Sybille Denninger says:

    Fabulous sweater, Allison, you look fantastic in it. And very slim as well!!! I love the photos! Well, I am entering the Give-Away contest because I have NEVER EVER won anything. Not even in 3 years of weekly Kiwanis Club drawings (20 or less members present) has my number ever been drawn. So I would be over the moon to win a $50 gift certificate from Midnight Velvet. I’ve been a permanent “loser” for so long, I deserve a win LOL

    1. Allison says:

      Yes, you do, Sybille! You’re a subscriber to the blog and the Never Say Die Beauty Facebook fanpage & you comment so 3 entries. Hope that helps! If you refer someone and let me know her first name and last initial in a comment and she checks it out and comments, that would be another entry, lol!

  6. Pam Ives says:

    Love the catalog…many interesting items for the forever young hippie! Plus after double mastectomy and still rocking the David Bowie thing..I actually saw things that would work for me. Will definitely return to shop there. Great find Allison. Pam

    1. Allison says:

      Thanks for commenting and also for checking out the MV catalogue, Pam! Because I’m so short, I can’t do their dresses (even tho’ I love the high-waisted greenish-yellowish one). I find they have style for all body types. (You’ll have to explain to me, privately if you like, what you mean by the David Bowie thing lol, but he and his look has always been extremely appealing to me! Since you’re a subscriber to the blog, you have at least 2 entries to win. Have you “liked” my Facebook fanpage? I can’t always remember who’s on what! Let me know, and good luck!

  7. Sienna says:

    I’d never heard of this company, just checked out their site and they have some great things! Love the sweater you chose, and I also love the brocade jacket. And they have shoes in wide! Thanks for the contest, crossing fingers for a win!

    1. Allison says:

      Thanks so much for commenting, Sienna! Midnight Velvet was new to me, too. I love flamboyant or embellished things, so their inventory is right up my alley. I will have to check out the brocade jacket that you mentioned. There are a couple of tops that I really like including one that’s on sale and the backordered Romantic Poets Top in black that I wrote about. I didn’t realize that they carried shoes and boots in wide. That’s great because their styles are super-cute. I even have my eye on a decor item: glass apothecary jars that have little twinkling lights inside! I hope you have good luck in the contest. Let me know if you are a subscriber to the blog or “like” the NSDB Facebook fanpage or follow on Twitter ‘coz you get extra entries for those things!!

  8. Laura says:

    Looking great, as always, Allison! And love uour blog. I’ve tightened my spending belt, so a free purchase would be quite a treat.

    1. Allison says:

      Thanks so much for your comment, Laura! You’re a subscriber to the blog and the FB fanpage so you get 3 entries! Good luck! Missed you at BC on Tuesday night, and hope to see you soon. If you need any help with the big event, let me know!

  9. Maureen says:

    You look fabulous in your new sweater…it would be fun to have $50 to play with on the midnight velvet website!

    1. Allison says:

      Thanks so much, Maureen!


    I very much want and need to win this $50 gc to Midnight Velvet because I currently have this pair of pants from them:
    that I got last year, but with a lot of hard work and sacrifice I have lost 40 pounds since then so now my pants are literally falling off and they were both my favorite pair of pants and my husband’s favorite pants on me too.
    So if I am lucky enough to win I am going to get that same pair of pants in a smaller size. : )

    thank you to blogger and sponsor for this giveaway opportunity.
    I am a huge Midnight Velvet fan for some time now. : )

    1. Allison says:

      Wow, that’s a great story, Yvonne! Congratulations on a big accomplishment! I’m glad to hear you’re already a fan of Midnight Velvet, and I hope you have good luck in the contest. (I’m going to check out the pants you mentioned!) Thank you very much for subscribing and following NSDB on Facebook & Twitter too!


    I liked Never Say Die Beauty AND also liked this giveaway post on fb as
    Yvonne Marie W.


    I follow @nsdbeauty on twitter as

    1. Allison says:

      Thanks again, Yvonne! You get 4 entries, the most of anyone so far! I’ve got your email address on your subscription so I won’t publish that comment so you won’t get emails from cyberspace 😉

  13. chris z says:

    i would like to win because it seems they have some pretty awesome things

    1. Allison says:

      They do, Chris! Thanks a lot for your comment and entry. Good luck 🙂

  14. sue trent says:

    This company has bedding, and furniture, and WIGS, and jewelry, all in addition to clothes. I found a pair of earrings I’d love.

    I’m already subscribed to NSDB.
    I think I’ve liked NSDB on Facebook; just checked.
    But I don’t follow anything on Twitter; must pass on that one.

    1. Allison says:

      Thanks for the great comment, Sue, pointing out all the other things that are available through Midnight Velvet. You’ll have to point out the earrings to me, because I didn’t think you wore earrings lol. Midnight Velvet has some glass apothecary jars with twinkling lights that I would love! And thanks again not only for subscribing and liking NSDB on FB, but for taking the photos for the blogpost!

  15. Love the sweater! Wonderful drape and just enough glitz! Anyone could wear it.
    I would like to win the gift certificate because Midnight Velvet is a great resource for distinctive items for her and home! am liking Midnight Velvet on FacebookI I am referring Bonnie P.

    1. Allison says:

      Thank you, Miriam! And what a great way to describe Midnight Velvet. You commented, subscribe, are an FB fan, and made a referral. As soon as BonnieP comments, you get 4 entries! Hope to see you this afternoon at GHB 🙂

  16. I loved some of their fashions – especially the sweaters (the Shimmer Charmeuse I think was the one I really liked). Very dramatic fashions, nice lines, unique. I would definitely like to have something from their collection because I need to be a little more fasionable to represent my new company!

    1. Allison says:

      Thanks so much for your comment, Laura! I gotta check out the sweater you mentioned! Hope your new company is on the move 🙂

  17. prickly pinecone says:

    I would love to win so I can let my mom choose a lovely new piece for herself.

    1. Allison says:

      That’s so nice that you’ll let your mom choose a gift if you win! Lovely 🙂

  18. Carolsue says:

    I’d like to win because have some cute tank tops, but also a lot of electronic items my family would love for Christmas! What a great variety of items!

    1. Allison says:

      You’re right, Carol Sue, Midnight Velvet has great variety in their offerings! Thanks for your comment and for following me on FB, Twitter and subscribing to the blog. Appreciate it! And you get 4 entries.

  19. Carolsue says:

    I like you on Facebook as Carolsue Anderson

  20. Carolsue says:

    I follow you on Twitter as @MsCarolsueA

    1. Allison says:

      I see your subscription to the blog too, but I don’t want to publish your email address 🙂

  21. Eileen says:

    If I won I’d be motivated to purchase more items from Midnight Velvet!! I will like NSDB on facebook and hope to subscribe to the blog if I don’t already!

    1. Allison says:

      Thanks a lot, Eileen! That would be great if you’d like NSDB on Facebook. And you don’t subscribe to the blog as yet. It’s easy to do. Right at the end of this blogpost, just put in your email address and when you receive the confirmatory email, confirm to activate your subscription. I appreciate it! 🙂

  22. Jennifer says:

    Wow, there are so many beautiful products on their website! I would like to win because they have many items that would make wonderful gifts!

    1. Allison says:

      Thanks, Jennifer, for entering! Yes, Midnight Velvet has so many enticing things on their website! I have a whole list of things I’d like for myself, and you’re right, there are great gift items as well 🙂

  23. Liza Glick says:

    I would love to win to try this new to me brand!

    1. Allison says:

      It was new to me, too, Liza, but I found a number of things I would love to get! Thanks for entering!

  24. Kristy P says:

    Loving everything in the catalog – especially the Delphine Dress! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Allison says:

      I love that one, too, Kristy! Just wish I were several inches taller, lol. Thanks for entering! Hope you’ll visit again 🙂

  25. Jennifer R. says:

    I would love to win a gift card for Midnight Velvet because I would love to get the Multi Stone Earrings – browntone (Tiger’s Eye, glass and resin stones)

    1. Allison says:

      The earrings are so unique! Great choice, Jennifer! Thanks for entering, and thanks a lot for subscribing, too 🙂

  26. Jennifer R. says:

    I am an email subscriber.

  27. Danielle says:

    I just turned 40 and I would love some new clothes to match my new attitude…I have a new pixie cut, new makeup from elf, now I just need that sweater you are wearing!

    1. Allison says:

      Happy Birthday, Danielle! I love your new attitude. And I love the sweater. Thanks for entering, and I hope you’ll come back to visit the blog 🙂

  28. jessica edwards says:

    Never heard of this company, love trying new things!

    1. Allison says:

      Great reason to try something new, Jessica! Thanks for visiting the blog and entering. Midnight Velvet was a new company for me too. I love my new sweater! They have so many great things.

  29. Kim Flanagan says:

    Hey Allison,

    That swaeter looks great. While I am waiting for my hair to grow back in after the chemo treatments, it sure would be nice to have some stylish new apparel to help me feel more attractive !

    Thanks again!

    1. Allison says:

      Thanks so much, Kim, for taking the time to comment and enter the giveaway! You always look attractive no matter what! In fact, Jeff has some cute photos of us at the beach in Gloucester. Gotta get him to send them to me so I can share them with you. 🙂

  30. Sarah Cool says:

    I would love to win this because midnight velvet has the most adorable purses!!! and im in need of a new one

  31. Sarah Cool says:

    i like you on fb

  32. Sarah Cool says:

    i follow you on twitter under sarahbeara6

    1. Allison says:

      Thank you, Sarah, for your comment and for following me on FB & Twitter: 3 entries! I just noticed on FB today that Midnight Velvet has their own purse giveaway going on now. Did you see it? I should find it and post it on the NSDB Facebook page.

  33. Tiffany Mann says:

    My daughter will be starting high school in the fall. She needs clothing to wear after spending 9 years in a school uniform.

    1. Allison says:

      Thank you so much for entering the Midnight Velvet giveaway and subscribing to my blog, Tiffany! That’s great that your daughter’s starting high school. I wish you both good luck! 🙂

  34. Tiffany Mann says:

    I have subscribed to your blog through my email

  35. kolpin says:

    i’d love to win because my wardrobe is in dire need of being spruced up!

  36. kolpin says:

    Like Never Say Die Beauty on Facebook

    1. Allison says:

      I know what you mean, my wardrobe needed an update, and I’m so happy I now have the Gold Waterfall Sweater in the fall’s hottest color. Thanks for entering and for liking my Facebook page. Good luck!

  37. kolpin says:

    i’m a new subscriber!!

    1. Allison says:

      Awesome! and thanks again. I’ll put in another entry for you 🙂

  38. liz l says:

    I think my mom would rock this- jewel tones look pretty on her

    1. Allison says:

      Thanks for entering, Liz, on your mom’s behalf. So nice!

  39. laurie says:

    I have been buying things for everyone else and it me time, I need something new

    1. Allison says:

      Good reason, Laurie! Thanks for entering and liking NSDB on FB 🙂

  40. laurie says:

    like NSDB on facebook-lmurley2000

  41. Allison says:

    The winner of the $50 Gift Certificate to Midnight Velvet is Kim Aalfs! Congrats to Kim. Thank you to all of you who entered the giveaway. Midnight Velvet and I appreciate it! I hope there’ll be another giveaway perhaps for a different gift in the near future so you can try again.

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