black and gold jar for City Beauty Multi-Action Sculpting Cream and golden scoop
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City Beauty Sale Linked with Mack & Rita Movie Launch

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City Beauty hits the big screen today, Friday August 12, in the new movie, Mack & Rita, starring Diane Keaton. One of my faves, Multi-Action Sculpting Cream, makes its film debut in the movie. What a cool product placement! (Here’s the link to my original review of MASC. Since I originally tried it, I’ve gone through 3 jars, and I have purchased it myself.)

The movie, a comedy that is launching in select theaters throughout the U.S., is an “aging forward” movie, kind of like “Big” back in the day, but this time with Diane Keaton playing the part of the older woman. Here’s the trailer that I found online:

City Beauty 50% Off Sale on MASC and Invisicrepe Body Balm

top down view of the thick and rich ivory cream of City Beauty Multi-Action Sculpting Cream

In order to celebrate the premiere, City Beauty is hosting a 50% off sale on Multi-Action Sculpting Cream as well as Invisicrepe Body Balm.

The sale goes from today through Tuesday, August 16. Click on the links provided and use the code SKIN50 at checkout. 

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  1. This body balm and sculpting cream sound fantastic! How cool that the brand is making a film debut!
    Lola Seicento recently posted…GLASS GLOSS Vegan Lip Beauty Lipstick, Lip Gloss and Lip OilMy Profile

    1. For sure!

  2. That movie looks like it will be fun. This is a perfect product for Diane Keaton to be using at her age! How exciting.
    Marcia recently posted…City Beauty Sale Linked with Mack & Rita Movie LaunchMy Profile

    1. I agree!

  3. Hi, Allison – This is a great deal! If I didn’t have a ton of face creams to use up, I’d get this…I’m looking forward to getting it once I have empties. I don’t know if I’ll ever get as good a deal as this, though. I definitely feel like I’m missing out. I must not miss the movie, though! I love Diane Keaton. Thanks for this post – Angie,
    Your True Self recently posted…Link Love: How to Pack a Streamlined Makeup BagMy Profile

    1. There’ll be other sales. But I hope you get to see the movie!

  4. I need to watch it, and I need to get those goodies!
    Michelle+|+con+limón,+please recently posted…How do I do that? No-bake cake popsMy Profile

  5. The textures of these creams are so enticing! Love Diane Keaton! Thanks for the heads up on the movie!

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