Fashion, Features, Makeup, A Fun Color-Typing Site

Last week, someone in Phyrra’s Facebook group posted a link to, a color-typing website, that can give you advice on your choosing the right colors for your hair, skin and eyes. I uploaded a photo and tried it out. Though it confirmed what I already knew, it was fun. I thought some of you might like to try it, too.

Getting Started

The first thing you do is upload a photo via the Browse button in the self-analysis tab. A headshot is best, especially one where you can clearly see your skin, hair and eye color. 

Then you enlarge the circle on your uploaded photo to focus on your face and hair clearly. Then move it, if necessary, so your face is in the center of the circle.


When you finish setting up your photo, click OK. Next, you’ll set your skin, hair and eye color by clicking the appropriate circles on the right hand side of the frame. You can move the circles so that they are placed on the most representative part of your skin, hair and eye. Just follow the prompts.

My Color Analysis and Palette

My analysis revealed that my color typology is Soft Autumn. With my hair color, that makes sense. I expected to be some type of Autumn. There is also a Warm Autumn and Deep Autumn, but my light skin tone must have typed me as Soft Autumn. The algorithm gives you both the colors that are best for you as well as the colors to avoid. Here are the shades recommended for me in the Soft Autumn palette as well as the colors to avoid:

I’m laughing because I often wear black, charcoal grey, hot pink, orange-red, and lime green. Oh well, I have always gone my own way, lol.

As you can see the color bars in the screenshot above, you can play around to add colors to the shades chosen for you. I added a peachy-pink shade that I often wear especially when it comes to makeup like blush and lipstick.

The site helps you put together a color palette that you can keep, save or print out to use when you’re considering buying new clothing, makeup, accessories, or anything where you’re not sure if the color suits you. Here’s mine with the peachy-pink shade I love added to the right hand side:

The Mobile App: The Best Colors

There’s a mobile app, as well, that you can download from the Apple App Store or from Google Play. I searched on “”, but the app itself it called “The Best Colors”. It was easy to download, and the process is the same as on the website. Nevertheless, I wanted to try it out, and I think I used the same headshot on my phone, and I was color typed as Warm Autumn. Go figure. I think the Soft Autumn from my website was more accurate for me.

Also, just in case you’re searching for the app on your phone after you download it, it shows up on your phone as “My Colors”.

I registered for so that I could save my palettes. When I signed in on the mobile app, my palette was already there. Easy peasy.

So, give it a try! There’s even more you can do with it once you get your color palette. You can color analyze your wardrobe and makeup collection. I’ll save that for another time. But if you color type yourself, let me know what you think!


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  1. What fun! I had my colors done with my mom and sister years ago, and it was so much fun getting draped. It confirmed what I already knew, that I was a Winter, but I enjoyed the process nonetheless!
    Lola Seicento recently posted…Derma E Sun Shield Booster Drops SPF 25 ReviewMy Profile

    1. Truly! Color typing is fun even though we probably do it intuitively for ourselves! And it’s interesting how important hair color can be in color typing. When I was blonde or blondish-brown, I was winter, too!

  2. Hi, Allison – I’m glad you found a system that works for you, and at no cost I suppose. Nice! Sounds like a really handy tool to help us to be our most beautiful true selves. 😉 Thanks for sharing this find – Angie,
    Your True Self recently posted…How to Wear Green for Peace, Love & Colorful Outfits!My Profile

    1. I pretty much wear what I like, though I do have lots of things in the colors that the algorithm chose. It’s just fun to do things like this. And yes, it is free

  3. This is a very interesting concept! Although, like you, I would probably just ignore the recommendations and wear whatever colors I like best haha! 🙂
    Glamorable recently posted…Decluttering My Foundations for 2022My Profile

    1. I do wear a lot of the shades that the algorithm picked for me, but it doesn’t stop me from wearing colors and shades that I like best, too!

  4. Your color palette is so different than what I’d choose. I like those colors but I doubt I’d feel good in them. I like your new blog post photo, is it the result of using this app?
    Marcia recently posted…, A Fun Color-Typing SiteMy Profile

    1. This is the color palette chosen FOR me primarily because of my red hair and blue-gray eyes! Back in the day when I was blonde or had wheat germ colored hair, I was color typed with a Winter palette with pinks, red with blue undertones, black, gray. When I changed my hair to red, I had to buy a lot of new things, lol, but I still wear pink, black and gray no matter what the algorithm chooses for me. Thank you about the photo.xo No, it’s one I took a few months ago.

  5. What! This is so cool! I’m trying it with my blue hair 😅

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