Beauty Tips, Health & Beauty, Skincare

Dealing with Adult Acne – The Daily Glow

Dealing with Adult Acne – Aging Skin – Skin & Beauty.

Several months ago, I posted a blog post Win-Win: Eat Dark Chocolate, Look Younger. The gist of it was eating an ounce of dark chocolate per day provides health benefits: it improves cardiac health and even skin health. Some of my friends on Facebook read it or at least looked at the title, and wrote that chocolate caused them to break out, even in middle age.

photo by John Loo, 2007:
photo by John Loo, 2007:

Acne and adult acne, including midlife acne, is not a result of eating chocolate or greasy foods (not that you should overindulge in either one), but it’s often due to fluctuating hormones, bacteria from touching your face with your hands, and from enlarged pores that are related to aging. Please click on the link above to read the article from The Daily Glow.

So keep your face clean. Exfoliate to remove dead skin cells, and use masks to help shrink your pores. Use an acne treatment product only on pimples that you may have (rather than all over your face). And enjoy that square of dark chocolate!

For further info on adult acne and treatment options, here’s a link to Acne and Skincare Sources from The Daily Glow:

For masks and treatments you can do at home with ingredients from your pantry, read Dima’s post from Tips For Natural Beauty blog and get her recipes (go with the pumpkin/sour cream or the chamomile tea masks and eat the chocolate/cereal treat!):


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  1. sue trent says:

    Good to know. Thanks for the links!

    1. Allison says:

      You’re welcome. Thanks for the comment, Sue 😉

  2. Hi Allison,
    First, thanks for sharing my post link here 🙂
    You are absolutely right! I LOVE chocolate, I eat a bar of chocolate everyday!
    Thank God I don’t have either acne problems, nor weight gain problems 😀
    Hormones issues is our biggest source of health problems!
    Yesterday I made chocolate cake and covered it with a thick layer of chocolate, would you like some? 🙂

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