
Do You “Buy Nothing”?

I definitely don’t buy nothing, however, I am a true believer in the group “Buy Nothing”. Through Facebook (I know, there’s so much wrong with Facebook these days, but “Buy Nothing” that is only hosted on FB is not one of those things).

My friend Kim told me a while ago that Buy Nothing was started by the grown daughter of a woman in our group. Her daughter lives in Colorado now, I think, but how cool that a local “girl” came up with this fabulous idea!

If you aren’t familiar with Buy Nothing, it is the umbrella name for groups started in cities and towns across the United States. It is run on a Facebook page by someone who agrees to be the/an administrator for the people who live in that city or town.

In order to keep “stuff” out of landfills, the Buy Nothing group is an online place to give away things in good or at least decent condition that you no longer need to someone else in your group who can use it. Clothes, toys and sports equipment for kids as well as maternity clothes seem to be popular items in our group. Makes sense because they’re the kind of things that people use for a while and then no longer need. Other popular items are books and furniture.

I have been a member for a few years, and I have really enjoyed it. I have waaaaaay too much stuff, and I am happy to have a place to try to give some of it away. And from time to time, I try to get some of the things that my neighbors are trying to give away.

The way it works is the giver posts a photo of the item or items they want to give away. People who are interested comment underneath the photo, usually by writing something like, “Please consider me. Thank you”. Other people write something about why they want to be chosen, usually how they will use the item. “Winners” are chosen by the person giving away the item. They can use a random name or number generator, or they can pick anyone just because their name or their comment appeals to them.

This evening, I chose a winner for a pair of cobalt blue beaded earrings that I bought from Nordstrom last winter that turned out to be much to be too heavy and bulky for me. I hope the woman who just picked them up is able to wear them. I love the idea of things that I can’t use are going to someone who can use them.

Over the years of my participation, I have received:

  • a small round whisk
  • a jar of delicious fig jam
  • a small cheesecake from Junior’s Cheesecake in Brooklyn
  • a silver picture frame
  • 4 beautiful cut glass wine glasses
  • a bag of coffee beans
  • a couple of cilantro plants
  • a salad dressing cruet
  • sourdough starter

and probably several other things that I’ve forgotten.

I’ve given away more than I’ve received, but that’s OK with me! Actually, that was my goal: to decrease the number of things I have. I’ve got a long way to go! I’ve given away a set of 12 large handmade Mexican glasses, 8 Irish coffee mugs, an extra wheelbarrow, a spaghetti squash, probably 10 purses of different types and colors, velvet headbands, kids fragranced hair ties, extra bath and body products, mixing bowls, kitchen tools that I have replaced, costume jewelry, clothing that didn’t fit me, and much more that I can’t remember. I’ve had a few things that I tried to give away that no one wanted like this fat, carbohydrate and calorie book (gee, I wonder why no one wanted it, lol) and a really cute hot chocolate mug (I’ll try again this winter), but that’s the way it goes.

Another goal of the Buy Nothing groups is that it’s supposed to be a way to meet people in your city or town. I joined about a year before COVID hit, so I haven’t met as many new people as I would have liked. Mostly, we all just leave the item in a bag on the front steps. But back in May, I went to pick up the cilantro plants, and I had a chance to meet the young mother who was giving away the cilantro as well as her two little girls. I spent a half hour or so chatting with her and her girls outside in their backyard. Another woman who gifted me the wine glasses has invited me to stop by her garage workshop where she refurbishes dollhouses that she gives away in the Buy Nothing group.

So that’s my association with Buy Nothing in my community. Are you a Buy Nothing member? Do you give stuff away to the group? Have you gotten any treasures? Do tell!


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  1. Sandy Pincombe says:

    Yes! I love Buy Nothing and even though I have never received anything (still holding out on bringing anything except necessities into the house) I have given many things away.

    1. That’s great, Sandy, that you’re a participant in Buy Nothing in your town! I tend to go after things that are consumable (food, plants, even candles), so that I don’t just replace what I give away with more stuff, lol.

  2. Sandy Pincombe says:

    I forgot to mention that I bought the silk sea sponges and love them. Thanks for the review

    1. Oh, I’m so glad, Sandy, that you like the silk sea sponges. I’m on my last one, so I’ll be ordering in a few weeks. When Jeff and I were in Barcelona a number of years ago, I went into one of the pharmacies and I bought a bag of small sea sponges. Oddly enough, I wasn’t able to use any of them before they were so rough. In the U.S., they must do something that softens them so they feel soft and silky!

  3. Hi, Allison – I really enjoyed hearing about your experiences with this group. I never heard of them before. I will definitely check them out. My husband and I have a household of stuff to get rid of before we can move out of here someday…hopefully sooner rather than later. But it’s a lot of work to dig out of a house you’ve lived in for 35 years and raised your children in! Thanks for letting us know about this special way of sharing. – Angie, http://www.yourtrueselfblog.com

    1. Thank you, Angie! You really should check it out especially if you live in a smaller city or a town. It’s so great to give something away and actually know the person who gets it!

  4. This is such an ingenious way to keep things out of the landfill!
    Lola Seicento recently posted…Goldfaden MD’s Hands to Heart Anti-Aging Brightening Hand Treatment RevisitedMy Profile

    1. Absolutely! Buy Nothing is the best!

  5. How did I not know about this? I use NextDoor and people give away items there all the time. I have so much more than I can use so I think using Buy Nothing would be great to share the wealth.

    1. I’m sure your town must have a Buy Nothing page on Facebook. It’s such a great way to get rid of things, and sometimes meet people in your town. Hope you check it out!

  6. Gabrielle says:

    I’m a member of a couple of groups, though I have not been active yet. I think the idea is terrific!

  7. Christie Roberts says:

    Yes I love my Buy Nothing FB group! It actually got so big that the Admins had to divide the group into areas of a 3 to 4 mile radius! We’ve given our stainless steel grill and lawn mower away through the group, not to mention the odd Christmas ornament or lamps!

    1. Hope every now and then you win something in your BN group, too, Christie!

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