Health & Beauty

Do You Know About Singing Bowls?

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A couple of weeks ago, I was reading a post written by Angie B. on Your True Self Blog about her new acquisition, a meditation singing bowl. I had never heard of a singing bowl, and I was intrigued.

I am a big fan of wind chimes, and the singing bowl that I saw on Your True Self Blog and on the Silent Mind Singing Bowls website reminded me of the feeling I get from listening to wind chimes.

The way the singing bowl works is you hit the metal bowl with a wooden mallet that has a cloth or leather covering at one end, and it makes a gong sound. To make the bowl “sing”, you hit the bowl with the mallet, and then move the head of the mallet, held on an angle, around the rim of the bowl. The bowl begins to “sing” as you move the mallet counterclockwise around the rim. Rotating the mallet faster creates a louder sound, and slowing it down creates a softer sound. The mysterious sound, that is made up of an original frequency and a second and third harmonic, is peaceful and very relaxing. Different size bowls make different tones.

I was curious about the singing bowl. Where did it come from? Who uses it? How does it work?

From what I’ve read, singing bowls were first used as early as 3000 B.C. in Mesopotamia (now Iraq). The singing bowls are best known as “Tibetan singing bowls” that were and are used by Tibetan monks as divine instruments with a role in meditation practices.

Tibetan singing bowls were introduced to the U.S. in the 1970s by an American musicologist who traveled throughout Tibet and studying their music made by the Tibetan monks and the Tibetan people. It was a time when Americans became interested in yoga, meditation and Eastern religions, and singing bowls began to be used in the U.S. in orchestras and in meditation. The singing bowl helps transport those who play, listen or chant along with it to a deeper meditative or mindful state. The bowls have been shown to enhance mood, lessen anxiety, decrease pain, and increase a sense of well-being. Plus the singing bowl is a beautiful object on its own.

I was curious enough to buy one on the Silent Mind Singing Bowl website, and Silent Mind bowls are also sold on Amazon. Angie B. from Your True Self Blog has generously shared her 15% off discount code for your entire purchase on the Silent Mind website! I’m sure there are other websites as well as other retailers that sell them, but I am more than satisfied with my Silent Mind singing bowl. On the Silent Mind website,  there are a number of different singing bowl sizes and styles. Importantly, the website has recordings of the sounds made by each of the bowls, and I believe it is worthwhile to listen to them before you choose one to suit you.

I chose the Bronze Mantra Singing Bowl that is 3.75 inches in diameter. It came with a mallet and a black and gold brocade pillow on which to place the singing bowl. Silent Mind sent me links to download a couple of ebooks to learn more about the singing bowl and how to get the most out of it. To be honest, I wish they had included some “start up” information in the shipping box on how to play the bowl rather than having to download the information, as useful as the ebook is.

As a result, I kind of winged it initially, and it took me a little while to figure out how to play it. After a few sessions, I have gotten much better at making the bowl sing. I made a little video so you can hear my singing bowl, but I couldn’t find my tripod so holding it with one hand and trying to play the singing bowl with the other wasn’t so easy. In fact, it takes till about 25 seconds in to really hear the bowl singing. Oh well, you’ll get the idea.


Singing bowl from Allison Cohen on Vimeo.



I’m glad I own a singing bowl. It’s fun to use. It sounds wonderful, mysterious and calming. 

Have you heard about singing bowls? Do you have one?


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  1. Kim A says:

    Beautiful–both the bowl and the sound! I’d love to hear it in person.

    1. How ’bout tomorrow evening, lol? It sounds better in person especially if I am not holding my iPhone in my other hand!

  2. I love singing bowls and this one is absolutely gorgeous! What a great purchase, Allison!
    Lola Seicento recently posted…Sephora Beauty Insider: Spend $50.00 and Get 500 Extra PointsMy Profile

    1. I knew about playing crystal bowls as instruments, but somehow I had missed out on the Tibetan singing bowl. I am enjoying my new acquisition!

  3. I was at a reading once that used a singing bowl. I’d forgotten all about it but now I’m very curious.
    MarciaF recently posted…The ultimate in sun protection: The A Method Protection PowderMy Profile

    1. I have always been interested in instruments and singing from the Far East as well as anything from the Silk Road. I love the sound of the singing bowl, and it’s fun and relaxing to play with. The vibration really does seem to have some mystical powers 😉

  4. Hi, Allison – You’ve really added to the information I posted on singing bowls! I’ve learned more from you that I didn’t know. I have a 15% discount code though for anyone who is interested in buying one. That is also applicable to anything anyone might like to buy at Silent Mind. With my code, AngieB, you get 15% off your entire purchase. I don’t receive anything in return; I’m just happy to offer this opportunity to people. I have the exact same bowl that you do and I love it. It’s keeping me sane when life gets crazy. Over the past year and a half, people have been looking for ways to alleviate stress and anxiety and this is one way to do it. I’m surprised and pleased that I inspired you to add this beautiful bowl to your life. Love and peace – Angie,
    Angie recently posted…How Silk Pants Can Take You From Lounging at Home to Out on the TownMy Profile

    1. Angie, that is so nice of you to share your code at Silent Mind! I used it when I bought mine, and I was hoping that you got a little something. But how generous. I will edit my post and add your discount instead of the welcome 10%!

      I listened to all of the sound tracks of the different bowls before I decided on the Bronze bowl. I thought it had the best sound. Thank you for introducing me to the singing bowl! I am glad I bought it. It is fun and relaxing to use!

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