Sparkle shawl made with Wind Chimes shades of Shawl In A Ball from Lion Brand,
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Easy Elegant Crocheted “Sparkle” Shawl

I put my crocheting away for months. I don’t know why, but I lost interest. Fortunately, I decided I needed to get back into it. Crocheting can be relaxing, and I can always use a stress-reducer.

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To be honest, I have more scarves, hats and shawls than anyone I know, lol. I used to gift them, but I discovered that not everyone likes handmade items. Their loss. Now I make things that I enjoy wearing.

Another key reason I crochet is for the mental stimulation of figuring out the patterns. Many of them can be quite challenging. In fact, I’m about to begin a new shawl pattern that looks quite difficult. I have 11 different yarns that I’ll use to execute the pattern.

Before I started the challenging pattern, I decided I needed to undertake a quick and easy pattern to get back into crochet. I found a pattern called Sparkle Shawl from Lion Brand that is made with one big skein of Shawl In A Ball.

shawl in Sparkle crochet pattern from Lion Brand made from Shawl In A Ball, Wind Chimes,

Shawl In A Ball is a multicolored, acrylic, lightweight yarn with a bit of sparkle woven throughout. Shawl In A Ball comes in 9 shades, and I chose Wind Chimes, with shades of blues, beige and brick. It calls for a size H, 5mm hook.

Sparkle shawl made with Wind Chimes shades of Shawl In A Ball from Lion Brand,

The pattern for the Sparkle Shawl is a good pattern for beginners. Usually the first thing you learn to do when you learn to crochet is the chain stitch. This pattern uses only two stitches: chain stitch and the double crochet repeated throughout. The shawl is worked up with chains and V-stitches (a V-stitch is created with double crochet, two chains and another double crochet in one stitch to make a V). It makes an airy, lightweight shawl that’s perfect for transition weather like we’re having now.

closeup of chain and V-stitches of the Sparkle shawl pattern from Lion Brand made with Shawl In A Ball, Wind Chimes shades,

It took me about two weeks to finish my Sparkle shawl. I worked on it a little bit each day. I thought that was pretty quick!

me wearing a Sparkle shawl that I crocheted,

And I like the results. It can be dressed up or it can be casual. The Wind Chimes shades go well with jeans, look good with my hair color, and the shawl looks great with a top I just got on clearance from Garnet Hill. Yay!

crocheted shawl from Lion Brand Sparkle pattern made with Shawl In A Ball Wind Chimes with flesh-tone top from Garnet Hill,

Have you ever tried crochet? What do you think of this shawl?

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  1. Denise says:

    I love your shawl. Enjoy your blog very much. I am 62 and can sometimes get lost in the cosmetics jungle. Appreciate all your tips:)

    1. Thank you, thank you, Denise, for the kind words and for taking the time to let me know! I agree with you – there are so many new products every day, it’s hard to keep up, for me too! Have a great day

  2. What a gorgeous shawl, Allison! It is stunning on you!
    Lola Seicento recently posted…Boxwalla October Beauty Box: Wild with Honey RevealMy Profile

    1. Thank you, Helen!

  3. ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 Love to crochet ❤️. I know what you mean Allison about the gift giving 😩. So many fun and beautiful things you can make. Great tutorials on YouTube too. Enjoy your day. 🙋🏻

    1. Thank you, DiEtta! I’m pleased with how it came out, and I love the shade variations in Wind Chimes. Now I’m on to starting the Lost In Time shawl!

  4. What a beautiful piece, Allison. I crocheted a lot when I was in my teen years and early 20s. I started making a blanket, but it was tedious work, and I stopped and decided to make it a scarf, even though it was wider than a usual scarf but it’s such a tight crochet, it is the warmest scarf I’ve ever owned.
    Judy recently posted…Macy’s Beauty Box – AugustMy Profile

    1. Thanks, Judy! Ah, it sounds like maybe it was single or half double crochets if it was tight and heavy. I know you’re too busy these days, but in the future, you should try some lacier stitches because they work up faster, are less boring, and though still warm, they’re not so heavy.

      1. I would like to pick it up again but I’ll have to give myself a refresher. It was a calming activity that I could do with the tv on!
        Judy recently posted…Macy’s Beauty Box – AugustMy Profile

        1. Yes, exactly! I wish I lived nearby – I’d run over and give you a refresher course! With all the YT videos, I’m sure it’ll come right back 🙂 I’m in a FB group, Crochet Addicted, and the baby blankets that some of those women have made are incredible!

  5. As a true lefty I just can’t figure out how to crochet. I’m sure the knit shop nearby would be happy to give me lessons. The last time I tried to knit I spent a fortune and botched it. I envy you your talent. The yarn you used is just beautiful. I have a friend who’d be perfect for this. Enjoy looking so beautiful in your new shawl.

    1. I am a lefty, and I don’t have any trouble crocheting. Wish I were close by and could run over and teach you coz it’s not hard. I do not know how to knit. I need to try again. Doing both hands at the same time via knitting is much harder for me than crocheting with my left hand! But knitting takes less yarn, and knitted sweaters look and fit better than crochet so I am bound and determined to learn to knit this winter. If your friend knits or crochets, the yarn is Lion Brand Shawl In A Ball, Wind Chimes.

  6. That is very beautiful Allison! I really love the colors in the scarf.
    Kristina recently posted…New! Jesse’s Girl Dial-A-Lash Mascara and Blending SpongeMy Profile

    1. Thank you, Kristina! The shades in the yarn were just perfect for me – so happy to find it

  7. Wow – that’s a great skill to have! I can’t even sew on a button!

    1. I learned at camp when I was 16, but it’s actually pretty easy and very relaxing!

  8. So pretty! Your shawl from the ball turned out great!! Your stitches are so even and all. I tried knitting years ago but never could stay interested long enough to complete a project.
    Stacie Hamilton recently posted…Fall Makeup Trends at The Makeup Show DallasMy Profile

    1. Thank you, Stacie! Crochet is quite different from knitting, not only because of the hook instead of two needles, but the stitches are so varied and it can be more stimulating than knitting, I think. You might enjoy it 😉

  9. I’ve been saying for years I want to learn to knit and/or crochet. This year I’m going to do it!
    Cindy (Prime Beauty) recently posted…Caswell-Massey NYBG Floral Soap SetMy Profile

    1. I hope you do, Cindy! I find crocheting very relaxing as well as creative. I need to learn to knit because it uses less yarn, and it has such a different look and feel. I’d like to learn knitting this winter if I can find someone to teach me.

  10. It’s so beautiful!! I’d love to be able to create pretty wearable things.
    Polarbelle recently posted…My Favorite Pixi Beauty Skincare and Makeup Items #PixiPretties #PixiSkinTreats Plus GiveawayMy Profile

    1. Crochet is not hard, Shelley, and it’s very relaxing! And it is fun to make things that I can actually use 🙂

  11. This is so gorgeous! I was just given some crochet supplies (and learned the hook is not called a “crochet stick”)but haven’t gotten into it yet. I’m really excited to give it a go though.
    Bailey recently posted…Toothy Talk | Natural Dental Care with Humble Brush, Nelson Naturals & RadiusMy Profile

    1. LOL, Bailey! I love that “crochet stick”! I hope you do learn. There are tons of helpful videos these days.

  12. The shawl compliments your hair! I like the schifting of the colours of the wool. Strange, but I prefer handmade items, since it tells me the person took time to make somthing especially just for me and didnt go to a shop and purchase something on the last minute. It’s also a rememder for me of that person.
    Leanie Foot recently posted…Lucky by essenceMy Profile

    1. Thank you, Leanie! I’m glad that you’re a fan of handmade items. I used to make things for gifts for friends and family but I stopped because I found that not everyone is a fan of handmade, boo hoo. I sure am!

  13. Nice colors!
    Helena recently posted…Isadora – 649 Glamour WhiteMy Profile

  14. How beautiful is that?!? My aunt has been *trying* to teach me to crochet – she and my paternal grandma were aficionados and our house is full of their work. It’s fascinating. I hope I can master it soon!
    CosmetopiaDigest recently posted…Fall Makeup Giveaway 2017 : Open WorldwideMy Profile

  15. That is so cute! I’d love to learn how to knit and crochet.
    Phyrra recently posted…Dragon Con 2017My Profile

  16. This is beautiful work, Allison! I wish I could crochet like that!
    Babi recently posted…Introducing MACY AND MIA for trendy, cruelty-free beauty!My Profile

    1. It’s not hard, Babi. Much easier than knitting IMO.

  17. This is so pretty! I love the colors in this!
    Naked Without Polish recently posted…Bohemian Polish Chicago 2017 PolishCon Exclusives Swatch and ReviewMy Profile

    1. Thank you!

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