Weekly Roundups

End of April Beauty Spotlight Team

It’s almost the end of April already! Gee, one-third of 2024 is just about finished. Yikes.

As I write this post on Friday afternoon, Jeff and I will be going to a play, a comedy about aliens and saving the planet, at Gloucester Stage. This weekend, all of the plays they are performing are for Earth Week about climate change. I’m psyched.

What are you up to this weekend? Hopefully, something fun or relaxing! But in addition, please check out BST’s weekly roundup. Barbie from Barbie’s Beauty Bits has launched an addition blog, Beauty After Forty. Gosh, I barely manage to get my posts for NSDB written, I can’t believe she will now be writing two! But Barbie’s posts are terrific. Hope you will check out both of them from the list below!

Beauty Spotlight Team Weekly Roundup

From her Style Tips Series, Angie at Your True Self Blog is sharing an outfit formula that she loves. And then she includes dozens of ways to wear it for a long, lean look.

Lola’s Secret Beauty Blog simply cannot stop waxing poetic about the Boxwalla April Beauty Box: A Spring in Spain Featuring Twelve Beauty. The two full size products, one for the face and one for the body, boast efficacy and they are a joy to use. It really doesn’t get better than this!

Ever heard of “computer face”? It’s the wrinkles and jowls you get from using computers all day (phones included!). Office workers beware – all that screen time can lead to premature aging. Want to fight back? Check out Barbie’s Beauty Bits article on computer face meaning, along with tips on treatments and prevention!

Looking for a new lightweight foundation that covers everything? Allison from Never Say Die Beauty recommends the revised formula Cover FX Total Coverage Cream Foundation. She thinks it’s the best!

If you’re over 40 and looking for a game-changing beauty tool, check out Beauty After Forty’s PMD Reflect Pro Mirror review! Its true-color lighting and magnification features make your makeup application and skincare routine more effective.

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