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Weekly Roundups

End of January 2015 Beauty Blog Coalition Weekly Roundup

Today’s the big day in New England – Super Bowl Sunday! Regardless of your take on deflategate, it should be a hard fought game. Whether you’re a football fan or not, an advertising fan or not, the game and the snacks for the game usually provide a good time. I know I’m psyched!

Beauty-Blog-Coalition-Weekly Roundup

Here are this week’s beauty blogposts from Beauty Blog Coalition. From luxury makeup, hairstyle inspiration, skincare, Valentine’s Day nail art, and my ipsy bag review, you should have a fun and informative read!

Enjoy the game, and have a good week!

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  1. Just stopping by to say Happy Sunday, Allison! 🙂
    Kiss & Make-up recently posted…Review | Bobbi Brown Hot Nudes Eye PaletteMy Profile

    1. Thanks, Melissa! Hope you had a good one too 🙂

  2. Hope you had fun watching the game! I was a bit more excited to get home from work and watch Downton Abbey, but then again American football has never been quite my cup of tea. 😛

    1. I did enjoy the game, Rach! The Pats won and it was an exciting well-played game by both teams. I know not everyone loves American football especially those who didn’t grow up with it. I missed Downton Abbey last night, and I’m a bit concerned about how to see if since I have a meeting tomorrow night when it is replayed. Hopefully, I can watch it online???

  3. I hope you’ve found a way to see it! Our local station has taken to doing a re-run of the previous episode in the time slot right before the week’s new one, which is pretty helpful when I miss and can’t do the repeat on the next evening. Or when they mess things up and show the first five minutes of the wrong episode, notice the mix-up, and then jump to the same timestamp in the new one, so I go right from old content to the middle of a new scene in which I have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA what’s happening. True story, right there. lol

    1. Well, I missed the first 20 minutes of the re-run last night because I was at a meeting. I’m going to go to the website and see if there’s any way to see what I missed there. Sunday nights are always hectic but I may try to catch the beginning then before the new episode starts. That’s so funny that your local station plays the wrong episode! Who’s in charge there, lol??!!

  4. LOL
    At this point I’m wondering if it might be baboons. I’ve been in their studios and they all seem like very nice and competent people. I don’t know what’s going on down there. :/

    Hope you get to your missing 20 minutes!!! Though I guess if all else fails there are always the eventual dvds! 🙂

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