
Enough is Enough

Eighteen children and three adults including a teacher senselessly killed at a school in Texas. Texas, a state with no gun permit requirement and no need to even have any training in how to use a firearm. Heartbreaking, sickening news. 

Please support candidates who will do more than ask for thoughts and prayers for the families. Please support candidates who will vote for common sense gun regulations that the majority of Americans and the majority of gun owners support.

Children, parents and teachers shouldn’t have to fear going to school. People of color shouldn’t have to fear going to the supermarket or to church. Americans shouldn’t have to be worried every time they go to a shopping mall, a movie theater, a concert. Enough is enough.


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  1. gloria patterson says:

    Thank you for all you said! I am so mad and ever time I think about it or read about it I start to cry. My great niece 5 (WV) and great great nephew 7 (TN) are in schools and that could have been them.

    1. Allison says:

      You’re right, Gloria, our reactions now are profound anger and fear for the children in our lives. There are no safe spaces. Call or write your senators. I believe they are part of the group who are against passing HR8.

  2. Kim A says:

    Thank you for posting this. It’s WAY PAST TIME to change policy and stop bowing to the out-of-control gun lobby. I’m so thankful I don’t have children in school anymore 🙁

    1. Allison says:

      It’s become terrifying to send one’s children off to school in the morning, and scary even for adults to go anywhere in public now. Unbelievable that it is not possible to get a bill outlawing assault weapons passed in Congress.

  3. This weekend with the NRA’s convention in Texas will be interesting. How can McConnell, Cruz and Abbott support this money machine when daily we have incidents like this. As a mother, grandmother and retired teacher my heart aches every day.
    Marcia recently posted…Enough is EnoughMy Profile

    1. No morals, I guess. Power and money is more important to them. It’s interesting because it’s by and large not white men who are being killed, it’s children, people of color, non-Christians. I don’t think they think about their own kids or grandkids being at risk.

  4. Thank you for posting this, Allison! Enough is enough, indeed! Real change needs to be made.
    Lola Seicento recently posted…Fleur & Bee Youth Fairy Retinol Moisturizer ReviewMy Profile

  5. Gabrielle says:

    I could not agree more. Politicians who claim to be “pro-life” but think it’s more important for the gun industry to make massive profits than for children to come home from school alive fill me with rage.

    1. Allison says:

      Yes, “rage” is the right word! The fact that our country is held hostage by a bunch of white men who are all about money and power sicjens me

      1. Gabrielle says:

        The more I read about the police “response”, the more rage I feel. And the NRA says the answer is… arming teachers.

        1. Allison says:

          I read that too today, and I absolutely couldn’t believe it. Obviously, the cops who were at the school weren’t armed appropriately to take on a nut with an automatic weapon and body armor. It was so sad to read that the parents wanted to go in unarmed because the police or security guard (was it police?) wouldn’t go in. Horrifying. So are they suggesting arming teachers with automatic weapons? The NRA and the GOP are truly disgusting, inhuman.

          1. Gabrielle says:

            A police spokesman admitted ON CAMERA that some officers went in and got their kids out, then just waited outside the school while other people’s kids were slaughtered. The story gets worse every minute.

          2. Ohmigod, Garbrielle, I didn’t see your comment and I hadn’t heard this horrible admission from the police. I can’t believe that the local police force hasn’t all been fired. I wish I believed that something would be done. I heard that Schumer tried to bring a bill to the floor, and that 47 Dems voted to bring it for a vote and 47 Repugs voted against bringing it for a vote so it died. What a pathetic group of people to vote against doing something to prevent the leading cause of death in children in the U.S.

          3. Gabrielle says:

            They just waited… and waited… and waited. They claim they believed he was in an empty classroom, but kids kept calling 911 and shots kept ringing out, so I find that hard to believe. I think they just didn’t care.

          4. I just saw something on FB about the guy who finally shot the killer. Supposedly, he was called by his wife to come to save his daughter. He was in the middle of a haircut, borrowed a gun from the barber, called a friend who was 40 miles away who headed there, and he went in and killed the killer. Have you heard that? Wondered if it were true. Something has to be done this time. Nothing went right. Cruz with his bogus good guy with a gun thing may have ultimately worked, but it was because everything else went wrong.

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