Welcome Marcia Friedman
Features, Sunday Scoop giveaways

Exciting News in 2022 at Never Say Die Beauty

Marcia Friedman, well-known beauty blogger, is joining Never Say Die Beauty as a contributor! Woohoo! So many of you know Marcia as:

Beauty InfoZone logo

  • the long time editor of Beauty Info Zone
  • the editor of the hugely successful Sunday Scoop list of giveaways on the web
  • the prime mover behind the Beauty Spotlight Team Weekly Roundup
  • for the past year, a key contributor to Prime Beauty Blog.

Our friend and colleague, Cindy Ingalls, the editor of Prime Beauty Blog (the first beauty blog I ever followed and subscribed to), is having surgery on her hand in the new year, and she will be out of commission for a few months. As a result, Cindy has decided to bring Prime Beauty Blog to a close at the end of this year. I am so sad to hear this news, but perhaps after she recuperates, Cindy might have a change of heart. With the halting of Prime Beauty, Marcia will be a free agent.

The good news is that Marcia has decided to join me at Never Say Die Beauty as a contributor starting on January 2! On that Sunday, Marcia is planning to post her first Sunday Scoop list of internet giveaways on Never Say Die Beauty. How exciting!

To start with, Marcia will also post a beauty review or another beauty-related article once a week. At this point, we’re not sure if it will be on the same day of the week or just whenever. We haven’t gotten that far in our discussions, lol.

So bear with us in the beginning. Neither of us are what I would call techies, and I use MACs while Marcia uses a PC. WordPress, the platform that Never Say Die Beauty runs on, is, for both of us, something of a challenge. But as time goes on, we’ll work out the kinks.

Please welcome Marcia in the comments. And if you are new to Never Say Die Beauty and followed Marcia over here from Beauty Info Zone and Prime Beauty, welcome and thank you for coming.


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  1. Yay! Marcia is wonderful. She’ll add a lot to your blog.

    1. Thank you, Beth. I couldn’t agree more!

  2. I am just so happy that Marcia will be part of NSDB! I am very sad that Cindy is shutting down Prime Beauty, but I hope that after her surgery that she decides to relaunch her fabulous blog! Congratulations to you and Marcia, Allison! xoxox
    Lola Seicento recently posted…SEPHORA BEAUTY INSIDER EXTRA 20% OFF SALE ITEMS!My Profile

    1. Thank you xo

  3. Exciting news! Welcome Marcia!

    1. Thanks, Kim!

  4. Thank you for the wonderful recommendation. I’m excited about my new home though I’ll miss Prime Beauty.

    1. Gabrielle says:

      I’ve been a fan since your Beauty Info Zone Days, so I am tickled plaid you will be here now!

  5. Debbie Yoder says:

    Welcome Marcia! Loved and have followed both Prime blog and Beauty Info Zone for years! Youll be a wonderful addition to Allison’s site!

    1. Thanks, Debbie! I am lucky that Marcia wanted to join NSDB!

  6. Gabrielle says:

    This is so exciting! I’ve been a Marcia fan for ages! Now you two are teaming up? That’s fantabulous!!!!

    1. I’m psyched, Gabrielle! It will be a nice change to have a day off once a week or so. I just hope we can get the tech stuff in line.

      1. Gabrielle says:

        I have friends who use WordPress, so if you run into glitches, let me know and I will see if I can help.

        1. Thank you! I may just have to take you up on that after the holidays. One thing is I need a plugin that will insert “nofollow” in the code of my links. I have tried a couple of different plugins, and I can’t get them to work. For me, it’s no problem to put them in by hand, but Marcia’s Sunday Scoop list of giveaways can be extensive and it will be a chore for her to have to do them by hand. xoxo

          1. Gabrielle says:

            I’m reaching out as we speak. One of my sources is in the midst of moving, so she can’t help me right now, but I am trying.

          2. No need to bother her now, Gabrielle! It can certainly wait. But thank you still, and no hurry

          3. Gabrielle says:

            Okay, but remind me and I will keep on the lookout because I really do want to help!

          4. Thank you! I will. And you are so nice to help! Enjoy the holidays, Gabrielle! xoxo

  7. I am so excited you were able to offer Marcia a contributing spot, you both are amazing, and having you both in spot will be awesome.

    As for the tech issues, my blog is currently on WordPress as well and I work on both a Mac and PC. If you ever have any issues with either of your computers or WordPress not doing what you want, please feel free to reach out. I will do whatever I can to help either one of you.

    I cannot wait to see what Marcia contributes.
    Cassie Tucker recently posted…ColourPop Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer PaletteMy Profile

    1. Thank you so much, Cassie, for your generous offer. Right now, two things: Marcia will be posting her Sunday Scoop list of giveaways, and I have never been able to get a plugin that is supposed to automatically add “nofollow” to work on my blog. I put nofollow in by hand, but I only have a few links. Marcia often has 100 in her giveaway list. Do you use a plugin that works for you to do this? No rush on your reply. Merry Christmas to you and your husband xoxo

  8. Congratulations on this new partnership! I’m so sorry to hear about Cindy’s hand! I wish you all the best in every way! Have a happy new year – Angie, http://www.yourtrueselfblog.com

    1. Thank you, Angie! Happy and Healthy New Year to you, too!

  9. Dana Rodriguez says:

    I am glad Marcia is joining you! Happy New Year to you both 🙂

    1. Thank you, Dana xo

  10. Sandy says:

    I have not been reading or posting lately due to some health problems but delighted at this latest news

    1. Sandy, you’ve been on my mind for a few weeks. I was worried that you may have not been well. I hope you are on the mend now. Thank you for your comment. I’m so glad to have Marcia here, and I’m glad you are, too.

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