ColourPop Ultra Satin Lip in Calypso & Super Shock Shadow in Wattle
Brand Spotlight, Makeup

Fall Mini-Haul from ColourPop: One Hit, One Miss

Last week, ColourPop had a 20% off sale with free shipping. You know I can’t resist a sale and free shipping! Since I need nothing, I picked up just a couple of items: Ultra Satin Lip and Super Shock Shadow.

I Bought This

ColourPop Ultra Satin Lip & Super Shock Shadow in their packaging

Ultra Satin Lip

If you have dry lips, have you tried the Ultra Satin Lip? It has a semi-matte finish, and for those of us of a certain age, I think the finish is more flattering than the dry down I get when I use a true liquid matte lipstick. IMO, Ultra Satin Lip doesn’t emphasize lines the way that a true liquid matte does.

ColourPop Ultra Satin Lip in Calypso, lip swatch

I only have one Ultra Satin Lip in a bright peach shade that gets me compliments from total strangers every time I wear it, so I thought let’s try another one! This time, I bought an Ultra Satin Lip in Calypso. I thought it was a mauve shade but it’s more of a neutral dusty peach now that I see it in person. I love it! It’s a great everyday shade.

ColourPop Ultra Satin Lip in Calypso & Super Shock Shadow in Wattle

Super Shock Shadow

I couldn’t resist picking up another Super Shock Shadow. I’ve loved the ones I bought in the past. I thought this would be a good opportunity to try another of ColourPop’s non-glittery shades. I chose Wattle, an unfortunate name IMHO, that comes in a satin finish. At first, I thought it looked more like a matte finish, but when I looked at the swatch photos, I noticed it did have some shimmer. It seems to be more shimmery applied without primer than it does with eye primer.

ColourPop Super Shock Shadow in Wattle, swatches with and without eye primer

Wattle is mauve-burgundy in the pan, but it’s more pink when I swatch it, though in these swatches the color actually looks brighter, more coppery and better than in real life, lol. Unfortunately, I’m somewhat disappointed in this shadow. The shade is just too light, too similar to my own skin. It doesn’t show up on my eyelids at all, either on its own or over primer. It’s actually about the same color as my pink eyelids, boo! I may end up using it as a base, but maybe in conjunction with some other shades, it’ll come to life. If it doesn’t, I had an idea this afternoon. Why not try it as a blush? I think it’ll be really pretty as a blush. Problem solved.

So this is my mini-haul. One hit, one miss. How about you? Did you pick up anything during the recent ColourPop sale?


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  1. I missed it entirely, lol!
    I’ve got a handful of the ultra satins, my fave is still panda. I never could get my mitts on dopey. I was planning on using the greyish shades for Halloween but alas I won’t really be home. Maybe just barely. We’ve spent the past week on the Cape visiting my father’s family. It’s been a whirlwind. I wanted to get to Boston, I wanted to visit Salem…. But no, haha. I will wave frantically at you as we zip out again!!!

    1. So great to hear from you, Rach, and from the Cape no less! I wish the weather this past week had been better for you, but if I remember correctly, Monday was beautiful. We haven’t had any rain till last week and this week. Oh well. Still lots to do on Cape Cod. I’m sorry you didn’t make it to Boston or to Salem and the PEM though Salem is impossible now because of Halloween. Sorry I missed you this trip, but hope you had fun!

      1. The weather wasn’t too bad, though it’s a good thing I don’t mind lack of sunshine. And even though it was too chilly to go wading, we did still see a pod of whales off coast guard beach. 🙂
        I’ll give you a yell next time I’m headed that way. I would prefer sooner rather than later (because more vacation is always a good thing, no?) but you know how that one goes! Lol

        1. Cape Cod is pretty at any time of year, and it’s nice to be there after the tourists have gone. Actually, this weekend there were zillions of folks in Ptown for Halloween so glad you missed them by leaving in the nick of time! I’m glad you saw whales without even having to go on a whale watch! I hope you do get back to MA one of these days. You need to do “the other cape” (Cape Ann) next time!

  2. That is such a shame about the eyeshadow, Allison, it does look really pretty in your swatch though but if it’s almost similar with your skin tone then it’s pretty much rendered useless. 🙁 Did you buy it after looking at the swatch on the site? I find online swatches can be extremely deceiving as many bloggers adjust the lighting and that changes the colour. That said, I swear no one wears peach shade better than you, that lip colour suits you so well.
    Shireen L. Platt recently posted…My Simple ‘No Makeup’ Makeup ft. COOLA Mineral LipLux SPF 30 Summer CrushMy Profile

    1. Thank you, Shireen! I do love the lippie. I must have about a million different versions of this shade lol. Fortunately the shadow only cost $4 with the sale. I did choose it via the swatch on ColourPop. Their shades are usually really pigmented and usually provide really good coverage so I thought this would be a pink-burgundy shade. I actually like the color that it is – sort of a rose shade – if only it showed up!

  3. The shadow does indeed look darker in the pan. The nice thing with ColourPop is the affordability though. I have a few duds myself, but at the price, it is no biggie. 🙂

    1. Yes, I only wasted $4 on this one, and I’m hoping I may be able to use it as a base or work it in with other shades. It could even be a blush, now that I think about it!

  4. It’s too bad that shadow didn’t work out because it does look really pretty in the little pot! Love the lipstick on you though!
    Chelsea recently posted…MAC Nutcracker Sweet Nude Mineralize KitMy Profile

    1. Thank you, Chelsea! I love the lipstick shade! And it just occurred to be that I may be able to use the eyeshadow as a blush!

  5. That lippie is gorgeous, and stunning on you! Too bad that you weren’t as impressed by the eye shadow, but it does look quite pretty in your swatches! Interestingly, I prefer your swatch without primer!
    Lola Seicento recently posted…AMAZING Lancôme Gifts with Purchase from Saks Fifth Avenue Through November 13My Profile

    1. Thank you, Helen! Turns out the eyeshadow is quite nice on top of a cream shadow though the shimmer is less evident. It also makes a nice blush. So all is not lost!

  6. I agree, ColourPop’s Ultra Satin Lips are great — my favorite thing they make!!

  7. I really haven’t seen the Ultra Satin Lips before but if this is an example then I might spring for one. I like how smooth it looks and it’s a great color for you.
    MarciaF recently posted…Keep thinking pink for OctoberMy Profile

    1. Thank you, Marcia! I think you would like the Ultra Satin Lips from ColourPop. They’re not drying, and they look so pretty on.

  8. I love their Ultra Satin lippies! This one suits you well. Bummer about the dud shadow though!
    Judy recently posted…Static Nails: Giving New Life to the Glue-On NailMy Profile

    1. I might try the shadow as a blush. Why not? I’m glad you’re an Ultra Satin fan, too 🙂

  9. Too bad about the shadow! I picked up some Ultra Matte & Ultra Satin Lippies considering I’ve never tried them before. Thanks for the heads up about the sale last week btw!
    Kristina recently posted…Smashbox Light It Up Lipstick SetMy Profile

    1. Glad to be an enabler, Kristina! They don’t always offer free shipping so for me, this was a good sale! Eager to hear what you think about your new lippies. I think I might try the shadow as a blush so all won’t be lost

  10. I like the Ultra Satin glosses too. Have you tried using the eyeshadow as a blush? Just a thought.

    1. Great minds think alike, Cindy! I thought of that this afternoon and wrote it in a couple of my return comments but didn’t amend the post. I think it’ll make a pretty blush too!

  11. Bummer about the shadow, but I really do like Calypso on you!
    Miranda | recently posted…City Color Cosmetics Hypnotic Palette ReviewMy Profile

    1. Thank you, Miranda! I like Calypso a lot. Last night I played around with the shadow and it does OK on top of another shadow and it makes an interesting blush so all is not lost 😉

  12. I really do enjoy colour pop!
    Phyrra recently posted…Sideshow Mermaid TutorialMy Profile

  13. I have wattles and I agree, it’s more of a satin finish then a matte. but, it’s a selection of mine for a transition shade on a bronze or brown smoky eye. 🙂 I can’t remember if I have Calypso, I know when the hubs placed an order for me… I got some freebies and I can’t remember if it was one of them. I haven’t really touched those lippies yet except for love bug. I think I’d love Calypso.
    Honeygirlk recently posted…Taste Test – Thrive by GoMacro Ancient Seeds Superfood Nut BarMy Profile

    1. Calypso is a great shade, and so comfy to wear. I’ve been playing around with Wattles, and it works for me if I wear it on top of a cream shadow base though it looks matte rather than satin which is fine. It also makes a nice blush!

  14. I’m so glad you like the lippie because it’s on my wishlist!
    Babi recently posted…NEW! Eye Makeup from L’OREAL That You Need in Your Life!My Profile

    1. It’s a fabulous shade. I’m wearing Calypso right now! I know you’ll love it too

  15. Great color lippie on you. I can’t believe Wattle is so light! It looks nothing like that in the pan. I do think it’s awful pretty, though, and I am a sucker for shimmer. I think it’ll look great as a nice highlighty-blush.
    Nidia – Lit From Within recently posted…A Wink and a Smile #PinkWink #BOGOForTheCureMy Profile

    1. Thank you, Nidia. I’ve been playing around with Wattle more, and it definitely makes a great blush. But on top of cream shadow, it does quite well, I’ve found. Yay!

  16. Their Satin lips are my fav!
    Lisa Heath recently posted…Star Crossed Lovers BoxMy Profile

    1. I haven’t tried the glosses yet, but the satins are great. Glad that you like them most too!

  17. Calypso is gorgeoussss. This is my fave type of fall shade!
    Brooke @ Blushing Noir recently posted…Christa’s Fave Five feat. MACMy Profile

    1. Mine, too. I think you’d love it, Brooke!

  18. Too bad about the shadow, but it could definitely make a cute blush!
    Bailey recently posted…Pearlesque Box | November 2016 Province ApothecaryMy Profile

    1. Yes, it’s a good blush thought it doesn’t blend out quite like a blush does. I’ve been playing around with it as a shadow, and it works much better if I use it on top of a cream blush as a base so all is not lost 😉

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