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Weekly Roundups

Fashion Flash May Day 2017 Edition

Happy May! This week, Fashion Flash, the emag for women over 40, is hosted by Inka of Glamour Granny Travels.

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In honor of May Day, Inka starts off Fashion Flash with a post about how Germans celebrate May Day. I was happy to see this because my friend Sybille who is from Bamberg Germany was telling me about a special flower that her city celebrates on the day, and Inka has a story about celebrating with a May Day tree.

The other posts range from a high tech beauty tool, skincare serum, relaxing natural bath bombs, how to regrow eyebrows, how to get strong, how to keep energy levels high, how to get a second career you love, and how to shop on a $200 budget. Head on over to Glamour Granny Travels with me to check them out!

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