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Weekly Roundups

Fashion Flash Mid-May Edition with Prime Beauty Blog

The weekend flew by, and it’s Monday again. I know this is going to be a week of change for some of our states. In MA, we won’t know till this afternoon about how our state will start a slow process of reopening. For me, I’m staying home still.

On Saturday, Jeff and I went for a bike ride on the Rails to Trails. It was only my second ride of the season, so I felt like just short of 9 miles was OK for me. Hopefully, I’ll do better as I ride more. On Sunday, Jeff and I went for a walk in the woods near my house. We passed no one. It was wonderful!

I’m hoping to make sourdough break today, and I’m looking for a good recipe. Does anyone have one to share?? The one I made  a week ago was made with AP flour, and I found it to be more like brioche than my idea of sourdough. This time, I am looking for a recipe for sourdough with bread flour. Anyone?

Other chores coming up. This week, I promised I would get my tax figures out to my accountant, ugh. And I have a bunch of other things to accomplish, like clean the house, especially wash the kitchen floor. Dig up more plants from a friend’s garden to plant in our neighborhood gardens. Exciting stuff.

How about you???

Here’s this week’s edition of Fashion Flash, hosted by Cindy of Prime Beauty Blog:

  • how to lose the weight you may have put on during your time at home
  • are peptides in anti-aging moisturizers all they’re cracked up to be?
  • have you tried using a skincare system with products from one brand?
  • is there sugar in the wine you’re drinking?
  • how to create a spa treatment at home
  • a cleansing balm you need to know about
  • how your personal style can shine even while you’re staying at home and help you feel better about it
  • how to treat your neck after age 60
  • how to start a new hobby
  • journaling to relieve stress and worry
  • a menopause cheat sheet
  • haircare secrets for longer healthier hair
  • how to keep your bones strong and healthy
  • lipstick that pays it forward.

There’s a lot to like this week at Fashion Flash. Click over to Prime Beauty Blog and check it out.

And have a good and healthy week xoxo


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