view of Boston in the distance from Niles Beach Gloucester MA,
Weekly Roundups

Fashion Flash New Year’s Week 2018 Edition

Here we are with the first edition of Fashion Flash for 2018.

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This week’s host is the supremely talented Sheila from Painted Ladies. You gotta hop over to Painted Ladies, not only to check out this week’s edition of Fashion Flash, but to see how adorable Sheila looks in her New Year’s regalia!

I didn’t get to write up a post today for my blog. I was invited to my friend Kim’s house for a delicious post holiday dinner with my favorite treat – ham (something I didn’t grow up eating so it’s special for me!). And after dinner, Kim, her daughters and I watched the movie, Mean Girls. I didn’t get to see it when it came out years ago, so it was fun to watch it. A great night!

We’re expecting a big storm on Thursday: 8-15″ of snow, very high winds and very low temperatures. I’m kind of freaking out because they’re talking about possible power outages again. I don’t have a generator, and the temperatures have been hovering around zero. Keep your fingers crossed for us here! And if you don’t hear from me after Thursday for a bit, it’s because I don’t have power!

Much of the U.S. is in the deep freeze. Stay warm wherever you are!

Here’s a photo I took of the sunset on New Year’s Eve from Niles Beach in Gloucester MA looking toward Boston, the tiny buildings in the distance that look like they’re somehow floating.

view of Boston in the distance from Niles Beach Gloucester MA,

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  1. Sandy says:

    Good morning and sending thoughts your way. Here in Michigan we are not getting much snow but wind chills are way below zero.

    1. Thanks, Sandy! I’m pretty nervous about this storm. In fact, I’m about to put my boots on and go down to the wood pile and start bringing up firewood. Then I’m heading out to see if I can find some fire starter somewhere (it was sold out everywhere I looked yesterday). I am most concerned about losing power like we often do in my neighborhood because they’re talking about hurricane level winds on the coast where I live. Then the temps are supposed to go back down to zero with temperatures of minus 10 on Friday night. When does spring start? Happy New Year to you xo

      1. Sandy says:

        Allison, yes lint from the dryer works. I also heard cotton balls work. Also if you get one of those logs that are made to start instantly and just cut off pieces and put that on your logs that will work. And stay safe and remember to continue to let a trickle of water run out of your facets.

        1. I’ll remember those tips, Sandy! I went to Aubuchon Hardware and bought 2 of the 3 remaining boxes of fire starter bricks, and I have one brick remaining from the old box. I brought up 20 pieces of wood because that’s all I have room for indoors, other than piling it up on the floor which I’d rather not do. Though once the snow starts accumulating, I won’t be able to get any more wood till Jeff comes on the weekend and digs out a path on the deck and through the snow in the yard to the storage area under my deck, boo hoo. If the heats goes out if we lose power, I will have to let the water in the kitchen sink run a bit but fingers crossed that maybe, for once, the power won’t go out!!!

  2. DiEtta says:

    Allison… the lint from you clothes dryer, it makes a great fire starter. Also get a GENERATOR!!! Here in California we were without power for a week. Learned a lot………stay safe my friend. 🙋🏻❤️

    1. When I moved into my “new” house 16 years ago, I was so excited because the electrical and cable lines were buried. I thought I’d never lose my electricity or cable. But after a month, my power went out during a rainstorm in June. I wish I had gotten a hard wired generator back then when I could have afforded it. Now a hard-wired generator costs about $10K. Other friends in the ‘hood bought a portable generator last year for $2500. Also, because I’m by myself most of the time, I would have to go down into the basement in the dark, get a ladder to open my garage door, put the portable generator outside in the driveway after moving the car so that there’d be enough room, and then turn it on – not going to happen 🙁 I hope maybe we’ll luck out and the storm will veer off and go out to sea.

  3. gloria patterson says:

    Stay safe, stay warm

    And be like everyone else buy milk, bread and toilet paper even though you may already have it. I could never figure this one out but that’s what people here do 🙂

    1. LOL, Gloria! I went to the supermarket yesterday, and it was unbelievably busy for a Tuesday. Still got my fingers crossed that maybe it’ll go out to sea!

  4. Rach says:

    I hope it does head on out to sea for you, but please stay safe and warm regardless! It was -15 here yesterday morning. I almost thought the thermometer was broken, but then I went outside, and yes, definitely -15. 😳

    1. Thank you, Rach xoxo The temperatures have been unbelievable lately. The lowest teperature here so far is minus 5, but they’re talking about minus 10 during the weekend. I can’t believe that you’ve gotten minus 15! I hope your car starts! Hope you’re not getting a lot of snow on top of it. Stay warm!

      1. The gear stick felt like I was shifting through a lump of rubber cement, and there was still ice on my windshield after the half hour commute, but it ran. Thank goodness. We’d only had maybe five inches of snow, so that wasn’t bad. Just freezing! Careful with those negatives- they sneak up on you and you’re a popsicle before you know it! Don’t forget your gloves or mittens!!!

        1. Allison says:

          Yikes! I’m so sorry you have to drive in the awful, freezing weather 😱 but not everyone can work from home. I literally don’t know how to drive in snow and ice. I’m staying home and shoveling

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