Luscious Lips Lip Plumper Kit,
Giveaways, Health & Beauty, Product Spotlight

Fashion Flash Valentine’s Thank You Giveaway: Luscious Lips Lip Plumper by Cynthia Rowland

Valentine’s Day is the perfect time to say thank you to the readers of Fashion Flash, the group of over 40 bloggers who I teamed up with in 2016, as a way to share a variety of lifestyle-oriented posts with the readers of my blog that go beyond the mostly beauty focussed posts that I write. I hope you’ve been enjoying fashion, fitness, travel, health and wellness, career as well as beauty posts from the other beauty bloggers, all in one easy to digest online mini-mag.

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ribbon heart Valentine's Day

Fashion Flash is partnering with a variety of manufacturers and retailers to offer giveaways to you, the readers of Fashion Flash, as a way to say thank you for your support. My giveaway is the last one in our Valentine’s giveaway series.

Each of us bloggers received a different gift, one for us to try out so we can tell you about it, as well as one to give away to a lucky reader.

I was sent the Luscious Lips Lip Plumper Kit by Cynthia Rowland who is a major proponent of facial exercise.

Luscious Lips Lip Plumper Kit,

Luscious Lips is a kit that includes a mechanical lip plumper and a rich lip balm to keep lips moisturized and healthy.

Luscious Lips Lip Plumper & Lip Balm kit,

To be honest, when I was told I was to receive Luscious Lips, I thought I was being sent some new lipsticks. Imagine my surprise when I opened the box and saw an intriguing mechanical device and a pot of rich lip balm! Now, I have decent size lips: not too skinny, not too big, medium size lips. Skeptic though I am, I thought what the heck, who wouldn’t want to have plumper, juicier looking lips?

Luscious Lips doesn’t make a permanent change in the size of your lips but a temporary change. It promises to increase the size of your lips by up to 50% larger than your regular size for about 2 hours, probably long enough for a dinner out or a movie. And your lips don’t instantly deflate, they return to their normal state gradually.

Here’s a before and after set of photos from the website:

credit: Cynthia Rowland
after using Luscious Lips
credit: Cynthia Rowland

That’s a very significant difference. I’ll be satisfied with half that!

How To Use Luscious Lips

So I took the device out of the box and read the instructions carefully. The lip plumper is well-made from heavy plastic and has an interior plastic plug that helps create suction. You place the curved piece over your mouth (I turn the smaller side up because I have a smaller face and mouth). When you pull the outer sleeve away from you, it creates a vacuum that pulls your lips forward into a tunnel in the device. You hold it in that position for a certain number of seconds and then release. Breathe. And then repeat. It’s easy to operate, and it doesn’t hurt. For more info on Luscious Lips, check out Cynthia Rowland’s website.

Luscious Lips lip plumper and lip balm,

The directions are quite specific and you must follow them. You start out with a two week build-up stage in which you pull and hold the sleeve for 2 seconds, 5 times a day. I am still on that phase and have about a week to go before I can increase the length of time I use the suction. Supposedly, you don’t see a result until after the initial two weeks. Nevertheless, I swear my lips look a little more plumped after I use it.

The Luscious Lips kit also comes with a big pot of lip balm that is very creamy and very nice. It’ll help your newly big lips feel soft and kissable!

Luscious Lips creamy lip balm,


I’m giving away one Luscious Lips Lip Plumper Kit by Cynthia Rowland. If you have thin lips or even normal lips but would like the fun of increasing their size even just for special occasions, enter my Luscious Lips Fashion Flash giveaway! The Luscious Lips kit retails for $60, so this would be a great way to try it out for yourself. Though it won’t be in time for Valentine’s Day, I’m sure you’ll have plenty of occasions for big, sexy lips!

The giveaway is limited to U.S. residents, age 18+, where permitted by law. This is a quick giveaway, just a week long, and it will run till Monday, February 20, 2017 at 12:00AM EDT. So the last full day is Sunday, February 19.

Hopefully by now, you know the drill. You MUST LEAVE A COMMENT on this blogpost about why you want to win the Luscious Lips Lip Plumper Kit. One entry per household. The comment is mandatory. And you must record that you did it on the Rafflecopter widget below. Extras that you can do to earn more points are:

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If you do any of the above extras, you are entitled to more points. But YOU MUST CLICK OFF THOSE OPTIONS on the Rafflecopter widget.

If you don’t already subscribe to Never Say Die Beauty via email and you want to and plan to stick around for more than just the length of the giveaway, the signup is on the homepage of the blog in the upper right hand side. 🙂

The winner will be notified by me via email. You have 48 hours to get back to me, if not a new winner will be selected. The winner will provide me with her/his mailing address, and I will mail your prize to you as soon as possible. I am not responsible for loss or damage in shipping. In other words, if it’s lost or damaged in shipping, I will be sad, but there is no replacement.

So don’t delay, enter to win the Luscious Lips Lip Plumper for big, sexy lips that will really set off the gorgeous matte and satin lipsticks we’re wearing today to best advantage!

Check out and enter the other 5 Fashion Flash giveaways by going to Marcia’s list on Beauty Info Zone. And thanks from all of us at Fashion Flash for your continued support xoxo
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. Lisa Brown says:

    I would like to win to see if it can improve my slim-shaped mouth

    1. I’ve been using it for about a week, and it seems to be coming along! Thanks for entering, Lisa, and good luck

  2. Audrey Stewart says:

    I want to win for my daughters who just love makeup.

    1. That’s so nice, Audrey! Thank you for entering and Good luck 🙂

  3. Debra Brownstein says:

    While I don’t have thin lips, I do admit to having an obsession with all kinds of lips products. And I’m scared to use any lip plumper that involves bee venom! Ironically enough, while I love bee based by products, I am very allergic to bee stings!

    1. I’m allergic to bee and wasp stings too, Debra, so I know what you mean. I avoid bee venom products too. This mechanical device is actually fun. Thanks for entering and good luck!!

  4. Melissa Storms says:

    My lips are getting thinner as I get older, I would love to try this and see how it works

    1. It’s fun to try for sure, and the lip balm is great. Thanks, Melissa, for entering and good luck!

  5. I’d like to win this quite simply because I’m curious. My lips aren’t thin per se but my mouth is really small. So I wonder if this could give me a slightly bigger pout. Also, as I’m nearing 40 I seem to be losing a defined lip line and lipstick bleeds a lot now. So I wonder if it could help with that. Basically, it seems fun, even a little kooky, to use ???

    1. I think you nailed it, Wanda. That’s exactly how I felt when I got it: I was curious even though it seemed a little odd. But once I tried it, I get it. I’ve only been using it about a week but I swear my lips look a little more plumped after using it, and I’m still in the “training” stage. And the lip balm is quite lovely too. Thanks for entering and good luck!

  6. I’m lucky to have a decent shape and size lips but I know so many friends who would love to try something like this! It’s only after I started beauty blogging that I noticed some women have very thin lips. LOL!
    Shireen L. Platt recently posted…Introducing Farbod Barsum The Ultimate in Couture Exotic Skin Handbags and AccessoriesMy Profile

    1. Same here, Shireen. I can think of a number of women who I think should enter, but I don’t want to be rude lol. It’s a fun device and the lip balm is great

  7. I’d love to have fuller lips without invasive procedures – the before and after pics are impressive.

    1. I thought so too. The difference was amazing! Thanks for entering the Luscious Lips giveaway, Heather, and good luck!

  8. I’ve seen ads for this but had no idea how it worked. My lips are small so this could be a big difference for them.
    MarciaF recently posted…Valentina’s Naturals facial oils have changed my skincare routine in a wondrous wayMy Profile

    1. Hope you entered, Marcia, and thanks again for sharing xoxo

  9. DiEtta says:

    “Okay, you caught my interest!” ????????? “BEAUTY TOOLS. A girl cannot have enough.” ?

    1. Hope you entered, DiEtta! The lip balm in the kit is great too!

      1. DiEtta says:

        I entered. ??

        1. Thank you, DiEtta, and good luck xoxoxoxo

  10. Wow, that device is interesting. I think that I would have been surprised to receive that too!
    Lola Seicento recently posted…Makeup Wars! Favorite Face OilsMy Profile

    1. But it turned out to be quite interesting and fun to try! I’m hoping it’ll work on me!

  11. I am super curious about this, I see so many products that promise to give nice big lips lol
    Heather recently posted…Valentine’s Day Fragrance GuideMy Profile

    1. Hope you entered, Heather! I’m trying it out too, but I’m still in the “training” stage!

  12. Gwendolyn Jordan says:

    I would love to win because I want bigger lips

    1. Yes! Thank you, Gwendolyn, for entering and good luck in the giveaway!

  13. Interesting concept

  14. Honestly, I’m really curious if it really makes a difference. I’ve never tried anything like this before!

    1. I know. Me neither, Patti, but I’m having fun with it. I’m still in the “training” stage, but I think it does something. And the lip balm is divine. Thanks for entering and good luck!

      1. Thanks!

  15. Rebecca says:

    I have found that as I age my lips are getting thinner and losing definition. Sounds like this tool could really help me.

    1. Yes, I know what you mean! Glad you entered, Rebecca. Good luck 🙂

  16. laura g says:

    I would love to win because I was born with a cleft lip and cleft palate. My bottom lip is much larger than my nearly nonexistent top lip. While no one has ever said anything to me about it since I was a kid, I feel very self conscience all the same.

    1. Oh, from what I can see in the materials, the Luscious Lips device seems to do more for the upper lip so it might be a help to you, Laura. Thank you for entering and good luck xo

      1. laura g says:

        Awesome! Thanks for letting me know

  17. Wow, those are amazing results! I have downturned lips, so plumping would help hide the shadow and the droop.
    CosmetopiaDigest recently posted…Duochrome Eye Makeup Look With Makeup GeekMy Profile

    1. I never noticed that, Renu. You have great full lips xo

  18. I want to win this out of sheer curiosity if it really works! I’ve used Lip Fusion plumping lip glosses before, but never a suction-like product. I’m dying to know what my lips would look like… !!!

    1. I feel the same way, Kim. I’m starting week 2 of the training, and it’s sure is easy enough to do. Thanks for entering and good luck 🙂

  19. My upper lip is thin on the sides, but I’ve always been wary of suction plumpers! I wonder how long the effect lasts?! Hours? Days?! You have to report back even if just to me lol!!!
    Judy recently posted…Too Hot…Don’t Tell…Be True…Crazy 4 U…Conversation Heart MakeupMy Profile

    1. I’m still in the training phase, Judy. But as I mentioned, once you get beyond the training phase, the effect is supposed to last for 2 hours, and then the lips slowly begin to return to their normal size.

  20. Annette says:

    The older I get, the less full my lips look. 🙁 I once tried a product that did an amazing job, but they discontinued it. I’d love to try this to see if I can achieve a little more fullness.

    1. i’m curious, Annette, about what product you tried in the past: a mechanical device like Luscious Lips or a cream? At any rate, I’m happy you entered the giveaway! Good luck xo

      1. Annette says:

        It was a serum by Dr. Denese called Wrinkle-less (not sure the spelling is correct). It wasn’t sold as a lip plumper, but when I applied it between my lip and nose, I saw my upper lip get fuller. What was interesting is that I could see the smooth lip, that’s against the teeth (or not exposed), begin to appear. It was very clear the difference between the top lip that was exposed to the elements (lines, dryness, etc.) and the newly plumped part that had not had long-term exposure to the elements (it was so smooth).

        1. Thanks, Annette. What an amazing additional effect! I’m going to see if I can find the ingredient list anywhere online. I can’t use the peppermint or cinnamon plumper because my lips are too sensitive. I have had some plumping with City Lips, but City Lips really is best at softening and healing my dry lips with HA. Too bad they discontinued this. Wonder what the story was?!

  21. shannon fowler says:

    I would love to try this because Ive only recently gotten into makeup. Ive heard about lip plumper, but Ive never tried one.

    1. Although I hadn’t really considered trying anything like this, it is such fun to experiment with it and it’s so easy to use. I’m eager to get to the end of the build-up period and see what happens! Thank you for entering, Shannon, and good luck in the giveaway!

    2. Annette says:

      There were no stinging ingredients in this. I know with products that contain cinnamon you experience a short term plumping. With this product I didn’t see results right away, but when I finally did see results they were long lasting. My lip stayed plump and would have continued if I hadn’t run out of product.

      1. Sounds so intriguing, Annette! I had similar results (plus really hydrated lips) using City Lips.

  22. NORA GRAHE says:

    I have never had the chance to use anything on my lips before and I would LOVE the chance to try this… My lips need it! Thank You for the chance!

    1. Ah, here you are, Nora! This is new for me too, and it’s fun. I’m glad you entered. Good luck xoxo

      1. NORA GRAHE says:

        Thank You so much! I have been on your Instagram site too @bydesign7 and Twitter, @hezmat07 and Pinterest noragrahe

        1. You’re the sweetest, Nora! I’ve definitely seen you on IG. I’ll look out for you on Twitter now that I know your handle. I need to hang out on Pinterest more!!

  23. Great giveaway!
    Cindy (Prime Beauty) recently posted…Makeup Wars: Favorite Facial Oils!My Profile

  24. Wow, the before and after is impressive!
    Miranda | recently posted…4 Pretty Lip Care Tips for Valentine’s DayMy Profile

  25. My lips would never tolerate a device like this. lol
    Erika recently posted…My Favorite Facial Oils for Dry Skin — Makeup WarsMy Profile

    1. LOL. We won’t make you try it 😉

  26. Gabrielle says:

    I’d love to know what I look like with fuller lips. This sounds nifty.

    1. It’s a fun little device. I’ve got my fingers crossed that I’ll see a change after I finish the two week build-up period. Thanks for entering, Gabrielle, and good luck xoxo

  27. Paol Trenny says:

    I would love too try anything that plump up my lips. Thanks!

    1. Definitely worth trying! Thank you for entering and good luck 🙂

  28. I want to try one 🙂 My lips could definitely use a little plumpness.
    Anastasia recently posted…My First Wantable Fitness EditMy Profile

    1. Hope you entered, Anastasia! You never know unless you try, right?

  29. Sandy P says:

    As I age I realize how my lips are shrinking! This might be just what I need! I would love to win. TIA.

    1. Oh no, I hope not, Sandy! But this is a fun device to try to help plump them up. Thank you for entering and good luck 🙂

  30. What a great giveaway! I would love to try one…in the name of science,of course!
    Babi recently posted…5 SALLY HANSEN Red Nail Polishes That Are Perfect For Valentine’s Day!My Profile

  31. Cynthia Richardson says:

    I want to win the Luscious Lips Lip Plumper Kit because the device sounds very interesting.

    1. It really is interesting, Cynthia! It feels so funny to use it. Thanks for entering and good luck 🙂

  32. MJ Moore says:

    I want to win because I feel like my lips need help, and I like the idea of non-invasive but effective products like this!

    1. Yes, I like that it’s a device and not chemicals that could irritate my lips. This is actually kinda fun to use. Thank you for entering and good luck 🙂

  33. Michelle Castagne says:

    My lips are getting thinner now so I would love to have a fuller pout.

    1. I think it’s definitely worth a try. My training period is up tomorrow, then I can advance to use it longer and see how it really works! Thanks for entering, Michelle! Good luck xo

  34. As I am ageing, I notice that my lips are not as full as they once were. This might help with fine lines too.

    1. I’m just finishing the “build-up” period so I’m hoping the next phase will show more results though my lips do look plumper after using even now. Thanks for entering, Mahdi. Good luck in the giveaway 🙂

  35. illy junus says:

    As getting older, my lips getting thinner and I want to bring back my lips again to looks more youthfull

    1. Sounds familiar!! Thanks for entering and good luck in the giveaway xo

  36. This is an interesting device. Good luck to the ones that enter.
    Kim recently posted…Keeping my Pregnancy a Secret Helped me to I Enjoy My PregnancyMy Profile

  37. Christy Peeples DuBois says:

    I have thin lips that as I age my definitive lip line isn’t as defined as it use to be. I would love to try this product to see how it can help.

    1. I’ve just finished the “training period” with the device and I’ve gone on to longer usage periods and I can see that it is making a difference. I don’t know that I’d say the lip line is more defined but my lips are definitely bigger after using it. It’s fun to play with for sure. Thanks for entering, Christy, and good luck!

  38. Jeanne Coulombe says:

    OMG!! I need to try this my lips are very flat no plump in my lips lol I really really need this! It looks so cool I wanna see if it will give my lips some life. 🙂

    1. Jeanne, I just finished the 2 week training phase with mine, and today I increased the usage time. It really started to show a difference. It’s a fun device. Glad you entered! Good luck xo

  39. Good luck to the winners of this contest! 🙂


    Ursula recently posted…#LifewithNathan No ordinary #SundayMorning and Church routineMy Profile

  40. Samantha says:

    I would love to win this to see if I like the look of bigger lips on me without the commitment of injections

    1. Much easier, less painful and cheaper than injections though the results are different. I’m having fun with it, and I’m sure you would too, Samantha. Thanks for entering and good luck!

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