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Fashion Flash Winding Down October 2017 Edition

It’s been a hectic October, but I am sad to see it wind down. As much as I like Thanksgiving, I hate to see the leaves fall from the trees, I hate turning back the clock, and I dislike the grey and brown of November. Oh well, that’s part of living in a part of the country that experiences all the seasons.

Speaking of hectic, yesterday Jeff had his hip replacement surgery. It went well so far, and I have my fingers crossed that he’ll make a good recovery this time. But we had to be at the hospital at 5AM yesterday, and I got about 3 hours of sleep the night before. I was exhausted, and I have to head back to the Boston area today to visit him. So no regular post today. I hope I’ll be able to get something up by Wednesday, but if not, you’ll know why.

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In the meantime, here’s the link to this week’s edition of Fashion Flash, the online mini-mag for women over 40, hosted by the erudite and wickedly funny, Erika from Notes from My Dressing Table. Fashion Flash always has a good variety in the articles, but I think this week is particularly interesting. Here are a few of the themes:

  • Christmas in Cornwall UK
  • are ceramide supplements effective?
  • exercise to help cancer survivors
  • running the NYC marathon for the 5th time
  • how to get your teeth white affordably
  • a fabulous skin foundation with a satin finish, perfect for over 40 skin
  • a huge bloghop giveaway with about a zillion great prizes
  • skin loving Halloween makeup
  • the role of enzymes in digestion
  • new products from affordable makeup brand, Eyeko.

Happy reading!

Last, if you haven’t yet entered my new giveaway – the new Paula’s Choice Perfect Cleansing Oil – click here. It’s a wonderful lightweight, effective, fragrance-free, cruelty-free cleansing oil made from 5 natural oils, and it’s from Paula’s Choice, reason enough to want to try it!

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  1. Best wishes to you both for a speedy recovery!
    I must confess that Autumn (while often short-lived) is my very favourite season, and that I do quite look forward to the prospect of purposefully seeking out and subsequently stepping on the most crunchy looking leaves. I love the smell of them, and I love the delightfully crisp sound they make as as they flatten underfoot. I love Halloween, I love Thanksgiving. I might want to hibernate all winter under fifteen blankets but I do love snow. And I try to forget about the mud that comes after. 😉
    <3 from your loyal but lagging reader in Ohio 🙂

    1. Rach, thank you so much for the good wishes! Jeff is home, and doing OK other than feeling like “a truck hit him”. I’m glad to hear you’re an fan of fall! I agree with you on the crunch of leaves and the scent of a fire in the fireplace or fire pit. I like Halloween, and I love Thanksgiving too. I think if winter in New England didn’t follow fall, it would be more of a favorite of mine except for raking up all the leaves. Although I doubt I would have the energy to garden year round, I miss it during the winter. Unlike you, I can’t force myself to love snow (although I like snowshoeing!). I keep thinking about the winter of 2016 when we got 12 feet of snow in February. This year, it sounds like we’re in for a warmer winter so hopefully it won’t be as bad. I hope you’re enjoying your favorite season. And thanks for taking the time to check in. I didn’t know you were in OH. One of my best friends from college, teaches at Ohio Wesleyan and leaves in that vicinity. Are you near any of the big 3 cities in OH?

      1. I’m near Dayton.
        And we don’t rake. We mulch via lawn mower, hahaha. I remember your snow photos. That was…. a lot of snow. I don’t think we’ve actually had that much in accumulation here since the 70s, and that one pre-dated me. It does drift something awful though. 6in in my yard always seems to result in an impassible 3ft snowdrift on the road around the corner!

        1. It’s been a while since I’ve been to Dayton. I do some mulching via the lawn mower too, but sometimes there are way more leaves than the mower can handle, lol. I’ve got a lot of trees and I get my neighbors leaves too. Let’s hope we don’t get too much snow this winter!

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