The Alamo San Antonio, @redAllison

Friday Find: Visit to San Antonio!

As a kid, I was in love with Davy Crockett because of the TV show on Disney on Sunday nights. I really wanted a coon-skinned hat, but my mother got me a Davy Crockett patch that she sewed on my jacket instead. Not quite the same as the hat, but better than nothing.

In late August, I went on a business trip to San Antonio Texas. It was my first trip to the city. Before our project started, I had a couple of hours to explore the area near my hotel. It was just about 100 degrees, and it was very humid! Not to be deterred, I walked the few blocks to the Alamo to see where my hero, Davy Crockett, died.

The Alamo San Antonio, @redAllison

The Alamo compound, @redAllison

I’ve heard that, like Stonehenge, some people are disappointed by the Alamo because the building is so much smaller than they expected (though I have been told that the original grounds surrounding the Alamo was quite substantial). Maybe because I’m a small person, I loved the Alamo building as it is. It is small but that makes me think that the people within were even more vulnerable during the battle of the Alamo. Inside, there were artifacts from men who fought on display. I saw Davey Crockett’s vest (he was not a big guy), wallet and rifle, but unfortunately, his famous hat wasn’t there.

The Alamo compound outbuilding San Antonio, @redAllison

Within the Alamo compound, there were a couple of other buildings and a very pretty park. I had never seen so many prickly pears growing.

prickly pears growing on cactus, @redAllison

After visiting the Alamo, I walked over to the Riverwalk, the other main tourist attraction in San Antonio.

map of the Riverwalk San Antonio, @redAllison

The Riverwalk is below street level, and it’s lined with hotels, restaurants and shops built on either side.

the Riverwalk San Antonio, @redAllison

There were Venice-style bridges every now and then so you can cross over to the other side, and flat-bottom boats that you could ride to see the whole thing. It’s very attractive, although definitely touristy.

boat on the Riverwalk San Antonio. @redAllison

I went up the staircase to explore La Villetta, a mini-village with shops and artisan studios most of which were closed when I was there.

Mexican tile steps on the Riverwalk San Antonio, @redAllison

I came upon a Walgreens pharmacy near where I was staying. Loved the old-fashioned sign. It really looked like a drugstore at the corner of Happy and Healthy compared to the stripmall versions I’m familiar with.

Walgreens drugstore San Antonio, @redAllison

I wish I had time to see more of the city, but the limited time, the temperature and the fact that I was exploring on foot let me see just a small part of the city. In fact, I just returned from a second trip to San Antonio where we conducted Phase 2 of our market research project, and though the temperature was a more tolerable 93 degrees, I still wasn’t able to explore outside the tourist area. Hopefully, I’ll get to go back someday for pleasure and see more.

BTW, I stayed at the Sheraton Gunter, an older hotel that was renovated and modernized, and it was very nice and a good value. I had a huge room with two huge windows and a very comfy and gigantic bed. Even though it wasn’t directly on the Riverwalk, it was only one block away.

Have you been to San Antonio? What was your favorite aspect of the city?

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  1. Laura says:

    I hope to go again too. Definitely not during the summer because it is miserable then.
    Out of all the times I visited Texas I found the month of November to suit me best temperature wise. Loved the pics.

    1. Thank you, Laura! I had a couple of more pix that I should have added from this trip but I was so exhausted when I got home last night (it took 11.5 hours door to door), I went to bed! I think you’re right about November being the best time: cooler but before the rush of Christmas tourists. I hope you get to go back too 🙂

  2. loved visiting there but i swear it was the hottest i’d ever been in my life!! recently posted…How To: DIY Pumpkin Spice Macaron Bath BombsMy Profile

    1. Although it wasn’t the hottest I’d ever been (that honor goes to Las Vegas in late July when the temperature was 130 degrees!), it definitely was very hot! Fortunately this week, it was only 93 and much more comfortable 🙂

  3. I havent been to San Antonio! It sounds like you had a good trip, glad to hear that. I have been to Dallas and Houston, and I always found both these cities delightful, offering amazing Tex Mex and people were very nice. On my radar is Austin, many friends tell me this is the coolest spot in all of TX.
    NORAH recently posted…Hourglass Arch Brow Sculpting PencilMy Profile

    1. Austin is definitely the hippest and most different (liberal) of the Texas cities. It’s definitely worth visiting. San Antonio is much, much smaller than Houston (the nation’s 3 largest city now, I think), Dallas and Austin. It’s more of a historic city. It has beautiful Art Deco buildings downtown (too many of which are empty). And the Riverwalk is nothing like anything I’ve seen in the U.S. I wish I had had time to visit the working artist and craftmen’s studios and the art museum, but alas, I was there for work.

  4. I went to college in San Antonio, however I haven’t been back in forever. We used to love going down to the Riverwalk and also strolling at Sea World i the evenings. I’m glad to hear that you enjoyed your visits. Hopefully you’ll get to go back at a cooler time of the year.
    Stacie recently posted…Perfecting Your BrowsMy Profile

    1. Wow, Stacie, that’s great that you went to college there and know it well! I hope I will get to go back when it’s a bit cooler, but I’d love to get to see more of the city. Unfortunately, it took me 11.5 hours to get home yesterday and almost as long the time before. It’s tough to get to, unfortunately!

  5. Sounds like a fun visit! You’re right, so many people have been disappointed when seeing Stonehenge because of their expectations. I was more disappointed I couldn’t go closer lol.
    Renu recently posted…Beautyblender Blotterazzi Oil Blotting SpongeMy Profile

    1. The last time I was at Stonehenge was many years ago, and there was nothing around it to protect it. We went on a “Harrod’s Luxury Tour” during the week, and there were no other people there other than those of us on the tour. No one touched them but we got very close to the stones. It was pretty cool

  6. What a gorgeous town full of history and culture…I hope to travel more some day. Thanks for sharing!
    Kristina Vieweg recently posted…Skincare Saturday: Michael Todd Soniclear Elite Overview & Giveaway!My Profile

    1. It’ll be even more fun for your family to travel when your girls are just a little older. This is a nice family spot though quite far away!

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