red day lilies
Weekly Roundups

Garden Pix and Beauty Blogazons Weekly Roundup 18 July 2015

Another summer week has flown by. I wish time would slow down at this lovely time of year. I grow perennials. My garden is at its peak, and unfortunately, that means fewer flowers from now on, boo hoo. But I thought I’d show you photos of some of my lilies in bloom. Most of the lilies have names to identify their cultivar, but I didn’t keep track of them. Shame on me, but they’re pretty anyway!

garden with lilies

assorted lilies, marguerite

common orange daylilies




trumpet shaped Easter lilies

I have lots more varieties, but I didn’t want to overwhelm you. Which are your favorites?

Now, to another form of beauty: this week’s beauty blogposts from a few of us at Beauty Blogazons!

The Beauty Blogazons Weekly Roundup

I’m so taken by the look of the LUNA facial cleansing tool by FOREA. Do you have one? I’d love to try it. And 3 brands you should get to know if you don’t know them already: Catrice, Hair La Vie and Xanadu by ISA Professional. If you missed my post on the Xanadu 24K Gold Serum, take a look. You won’t be disappointed!

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  1. Laura says:

    My mother is fond of lilies and has her backyard full of them. I do not know the names of any of them either but they are beautiful. My favorite are the white. Yours are so pretty.

    1. I’m glad your mom is a fan, too. When I first moved into my house 14 years ago, I visited a gorgeous lily farm and they were selling a mystery bag of lilies for not a lot of money and I bought them to start out. That same summer, my friend’s husband gave me a bunch of common orange day lilies and I put them in the car and drove them home from Yonkers NY and they have certainly filled in that border over the years. The white lilies were given to me last year in a birthday plant that was really Easter flowers by my friends Fintan & William. I was so happy that they came up this year in the garden! The white is a contrast from all the other color I’ve got going on 🙂

  2. Love all these snaps, Allison!
    Kiss & Make-up recently posted…Eight smoothie recipes that will keep you in the mood (and shape) for summerMy Profile

    1. Thanks, Melissa! I love gardening, and I need a hook to get more people to open the weekly roundup posts 😉 Hope you’re enjoying the weekend!

  3. Sue says:

    Your garden pics are beautiful!

    1. Thank you so much, Sue! Are your hostas in bloom? I’ve gotta see ’em when they are

  4. Kim says:

    I love the red daylilies with the golden yellow throats–stunning!

    1. Thank you, Kim! I didn’t remember that I had them. A great surprise 🙂

  5. Nataile Brown says:

    Your flowers are absolutely gorgeous! I love lilies too. The orange ones remind of being at my grandmother’s and tiger lilies grew in the ditches of the road she lived on (Northern Wisconsin). 🙂

    1. Thank you, Natalie! And thank you for sharing your memories of the lilies growing near your grandmother’s home. I think that’s how most of us discovered day lilies, looking at the wild ones growing along the road. I still love to see the volunteers growing along country roads 🙂

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