spring flowers
Weekly Roundups

Garden Pix & Beauty Blogazons Weekly Roundup 5/30/15

This week flew by, and actually, all of May did too. So happy that we’ve been finally experiencing some warm weather in Massachusetts. And my gardens are trying to make up for lost time. Here are a few pix of my front garden with the mid-spring shrubs and flowers in bloom: flox, azalea, Gibralter azalea (orange), weigela, Miss Kim lilac, and of course, iris.

spring flowers, spring shrubs

spring shrubs, weigela, Gibralter azelea

spring flowers

spring flowers

For more spring fun, here’s a short list of beauty blogposts from some of my favorite Beauty Blogazon bloggers.

The Beauty Blogazons Weekly Roundup

All makeup reviews this week, including my review and GIVEAWAY of the new Shout Out Loud collection from butterLONDON that includes the brand new Iconoclast Mascara, Bloody Brilliant Lip Crayon and Nail Lacquer in Ladybird, a gorgeous tomato red.  Please enter! I’d love to see some of my regular readers and subscribers from the US enter and hopefully win!

Enjoy your Saturday!

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  1. Laura says:

    Beautiful flowers. All your weeding was worth it. 🙂

    1. Thank you, Laura! I realized that the Preen didn’t do anything, and the weeds are growing back through the mulch 🙁 More weeding in my future!

  2. rach says:

    Your front garden is lovely 🙂
    We had some drainage tile put in recently and the contractor RAN OVER my daylilies! They aren’t blooming yet but what else did he think those nice clumps of green leaves in the FLOWER BED were other than um…. flowers?!? Not to mention that he was told it was a flower bed, though the other flowers in there should have been a big clue. It had been a loooooooooooong day already and to come home and find that- oh I was so mad I could have spit nails. Or cried. In the end I kinda wound up doing both. >.< That man owes me some plants.

    1. OMG, I would’ve had a heart attack! I have lots and lots of lilies of all types all over my yard, and next to my lilacs and peonies, they are my obsession. I totally feel for you, Rach. Jeff always tells me when he steps on mine that they’ll come back. And they do. Next year. I’ll hope for a miracle for you. Were the scapes up already? They’re not up yet here.

      1. rach says:

        No, nothing up yet. But he somehow managed to chop off some of the smaller plants entirely! From the pieces I found I’m worried the crown was really damaged, which might not be such a concern for the larger plantings, but these were new divisions from last year and there isn’t much to spare yet! I suppose my only consolation is that since there aren’t any leaves left even, the plant won’t be expending any energy on their behalf, so maybe it can just work on staying alive. :/

        1. Oh, that is awful, Rach. I hope you’re right about them still being alive at the root level since the crown may have been damaged. I know if you cut leaves off after the plant blooms they come back, but this is a different situation. Let me know if you get any blooms. Good luck!

  3. Hey I used to live in Mass! Many years ago!

    You’re right about this month going by so fast. I actually feel like the whole year has gone by fast! We’re already going into Summer! Wasn’t it just Winter?

    Lovely garden! Enjoy your weekend!
    Lisa @ Midwest Glam recently posted…Diorskin Nude Tan Tie Dye Blush in Pink SunriseMy Profile

    1. Were you a student in MA, Lisa? And yes, it was winter just last month (April!). Have a good rest of the weekend, too 🙂

      1. No my family and I lived there for about 10 years or so. I’m originally from Rhode Island which isn’t that far. I sure do miss the East Coast!
        Lisa @ Midwest Glam recently posted…Lipstick organizationMy Profile

        1. I see! Little Rhody girl! We wish you were still here too, Lisa 🙂

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