lily pad, water lilies
Weekly Roundups

Garden Pix & Weekly Roundup 7 June 2015 Beauty Blog Coalition

This week, my friend Sue and I stopped in at Long Hill to see the gardens at the peak of spring bloom. They did not disappoint! Here are a few pix from our visit.

garden folly

lily pad, water lilies

pink, single blossom peony

Today, I finally finished weeding, mulching and doing some trimming of the shrubs in my formerly very overgrown side garden. It looks much better. Here are some flowers from my back gardens: perennial geranium, spring anemone, Japanese iris, and two different types of clematis.



Japanese-irisspring perennial vinespring perennial vines

Now onto our business at hand, lol. Wow, there are lots of beauty blogposts this week from the members of Beauty Blog Coalition! Great to see such good participation. Take a look!

Beauty Blog Coalition logo

Have a good rest of the weekend!

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  1. Laura says:

    Beautiful flowers. Sometimes I regret my tree planning. My house is constantly covered in a shroud of shade. The only thing I can get to grow is moss. lol
    Have great weekend Allison.

    1. Laura, my yard has become much more shaded than when I first bought my house. My friend Sue helped me put in a hosta garden, and I have more work to do in it. But when I finish I’ll post a photo of it. The different colors and patterns of hostas are incredible. Sue is an artist, and her property is in full shade. You should see her huge gardens with nothing that shade plants, color and pattern everywhere! She has over 400 hostas! I hope you are having a good weekend, too Laura! And I hope you’re feeling OK.

      1. Laura says:

        I have a few hostas but even they struggle. Maybe the ph balance of the soil is off. Mushrooms thrive though although they are not too attractive. ha ha I would love to see pics of our friend’s gardens. Sounds neat.
        I got the results back from my scans. I saw my doctor Tuesday. I have a nice sized tumor. Next week I should be getting a call from Ohio State University about surgery. I am considering Cleveland Clinic instead because they are suppose to be better at this. I have a few surgeries to look forward to this summer. Yeah me. 😉 I hope to feel like a new woman by 2016.

        1. Laura says:

          I meant your friend. I guess I didnt hit the Y key hard enough.

        2. Oh, I’m not sure whether to say “good news” that they found a tumor, but I think that was what you were hoping for. Cleveland Clinic has such a great reputation, but I’m sure OSU is good too. I am sorry that you have surgeries to “look forward to” this summer, but I agree with you if you feel like a new woman by next year, it will have been worth it. Keep me posted! And on the hosta front, you’re probably right that your soil needs a little help coz we both have a lot of moss too but the hostas still grown. Probably a little compost would help, but maybe next summer you’ll feel more like experimenting in your garden.

  2. Beautiful photos! Especially the lotus! They’re one of my favorites to photograph. I really wish I could have a garden of my own, but man am I lacking in the green thumb department. I can’t even keep my herbs alive.

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend! 🙂
    Lisa @ Midwest Glam recently posted…Bleeding heartMy Profile

    1. Thanks, Lisa! I wish the lotus and pond were mine but also no pond for me. The gardens keep me busy enough lol

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