Brand Spotlight, Giveaways, Product Spotlight, Skincare

GIVEAWAY: Cosmedica Pure Hyaluronic Acid Facial Skincare Serum

The season has changed to autumn, and here in New England, I’ve turned the heat on in my house. That means drier air inside the house. And winter, that’s just around the corner, usually means drier air outside, too. My skin always feels so much drier in the winter. Besides switching to a heavier moisturizer, what to do?

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About a month ago, I had the opportunity to try 100% Pure Hyaluronic Acid from Cosmedica Skincare.  For those of you who may be new to hyaluronic acid, it occurs naturally in body tissue. Its function is to lubricate joints and hydrate tissue including skin. Hyaluronic acid is abundant in young skin, but its level decrease with age. Hyaluronic acid attracts moisture. In fact, it has been known to hold 1000 times its weight in water! Topical application of hyaluronic acid has been shown to help skin maintain moisture and act more like young skin. With regular use, hyaluronic acid will produce anti-aging benefits. It will naturally promote skin elasticity and boost collagen production to reduce fine lines and wrinkles. And who doesn’t want that?

Enter Cosmedica Skincare, a US company that manufactures high quality skincare serums. Here is some information on Cosmedica, their mission and the way they work:

“Cosmedica Skincare is dedicated to healthy skin and simple products. Each    professional product is formulated with high purity ingredients that are natural, paraben-free, and domestically sourced. With a minimalist philosophy to skincare, we are committed to delivering highly effective products with unparalleled results.

To ensure the highest standard of quality control, all products are manufactured in FDA registered labs in compliance with current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP).  Highly knowledgeable chemists work with advanced technology and emerging scientific research to formulate our products. We stand by our products 100% and work to fully preserve the integrity of our brand through quality products and an unmatched commitment to superior customer care.”

When I read about Cosmedica’s manufacturing processes and strict product standards and learned that they use the highest grade hyaluronic acid, I knew this was a product I wanted to try. I have been using Cosmedica’s Pure Hyaluronic Acid for over a month, and I knew right from day one that this product is a keeper. Cosmedica’s hyaluronic acid is oil-free and not greasy, and it’s water-based. It can be used by those with oily skin as well as women with dry skin like me.

Cosmedica Pure Hyaluronic Serum

It comes in an amber glass bottle to protect the efficacy of the ingredients, and it has a dropper. Just a very small amount of the serum goes a long way. I fill the dropper to less than 1/4 full, and that amount covers my entire face and neck. With hyaluronic acid serum, there’s no need to pile it on, just a thin layer is all it takes. It absorbs almost immediately. Amazing! Then I apply my moisturizer, and the hyaluronic acid serum helps pull the moisturizer into my skin, making the moisturizer more effective.

I use the product morning and evening, after washing my face, and I apply to damp skin. Using Cosmedica’s Pure Hyaluronic Acid Serum right after a shower is the best. With my pores open, it has the maximum ability to get absorbed.

Or if you like, the product can also be added right into your moisturizer, to save a step. Because I use different moisturizers for morning and evening, and I often switch up brands, I apply my Cosmedica Pure Hyaluronic Acid separately to bare skin. Actually, Cosmedica Hyaluronic Acid is the one product I use twice a day, every day.

Earlier this year, I tried a different brand of hyaluronic acid serum. It was oil-based, and it took forever to sink into my skin. I had to wait seemingly forever before applying my moisturizer. And because it was heavy and took a while to absorb, I only used it once a day, at night. It also had a weird smell. I finished up the bottle, and I just couldn’t bring myself to buy it again. Plus it was quite pricey. So happy that Cosmedica’s Pure Hyaluronic Acid came my way 🙂

And nice surprise, my aesthetician told me I had well-hydrated skin when I went for my last facial. She said she almost never sees skin that’s in such good shape. Yeah!

me headshot

Cosmedica Pure Hyaluronic Acid is the #1 selling hyaluronic acid on Amazon. WTG!! You can also buy it on the Cosmedica website. It comes in a 2 fl. oz./60 ml bottle, and it is going to last me a long time. It has no discernible scent which is great for me. The product is made in the U.S. It is available on Amazon for around $13.95. Cosmedica stands behind its products and has a 30 day, no questions asked, guarantee.

Cosmedica Pure Hyaluronic Acid Serum

In addition to Pure Hyaluronic Acid, Cosmedica also has three other products in its range:

Cosmedica Skincare is in the process of creating a new website, so if you want to check them out now, visit them on Amazon.

Giveaway Rules

Cosmedica is providing two bottles of Pure Hyaluronic Acid for Never Say Die Beauty’s giveaway. I am sooo excited that we will have two winners!

I still want to keep the entry process easy, so I’ll keep it the same as Never Say Die Beauty’s other two giveaways. To enter, just leave a comment on this blogpost telling me why you want to win the product.

So enter for a chance to win one of two bottles of Pure Hyaluronic Acid Serum from Cosmedica!  Just tell me why you want to win the Pure Hyaluronic Acid Serum in the “Leave a Reply”/comment section at the end of this post. It’s easy, even if you haven’t commented before.  Enter your name, your email (so I can reach you if you win and so I know you’re a person, not a robot), type in your comment, click Post Comment, and you’re done.

Here are the detailed Giveaway Rules and forms of entry:

No duplicate comments, ie please don’t copy what someone else wrote.

If you want to increase your chances of winning, you can earn a total of 5 entries by selecting from the following entry methods (but if you want to do only the required entry method — a comment — that’s fine!):

  1. REQUIRED: Leave a reply/comment in response to this post on why you want to win the Cosmedica Pure Hyaluronic Acid Serum.
  2. Subscribe to Never Say Die Beauty via the subscription form at the top right side on the home page (if you already subscribe, let me know in your comment and it will count as 1 entry)
  3. “Like” Never Say Die Beauty on Facebook (if you already “liked” the NSDB Facebook fanpage, let me know in your comment and it will count as 1 entry)
  4. Follow Never Say Die Beauty on Twitter: @nsdbeauty ((if you already follow NSDB on Twitter, let me know in your comment and it will count as 1 entry)
  5. Refer a friend who will enter the Giveaway by listing her first name and last initial, e.g. AllisonC, at the end of your comment. You will be credited for the entry if/when she comments on the blogpost.

This giveaway is open to residents of the U.S., age 18 or older. The contest is void where prohibited by law. The winner will be selected by a random drawing, and will be notified by email. You have 48 hours to get back to me, if not a new winner will be selected.

The winners will provide me with their shipping address that I will give to Cosmedica who will ship the product via USPS. Cosmedica and Never Say Die Beauty are not responsible for loss or damage.

This sweepstakes runs from time of publication on Saturday, October 26, 2013 to Saturday, November 8, 2013 at 11:00pm EST. Don’t forget to tell your friends! Good luck 🙂

Even though I love makeup, skincare is more important. Definitely enter to win this wonderful serum that will help your skin either get in shape or stay in shape for winter!



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  1. Kelly Commerford says:

    I already like your Facebook page (kcthelush). The reason I’d like to win this is at 32 I am just getting into the heavier hitting anti-aging products, and I’d like the opportunity to try this one out. Thank you!

    1. Allison says:

      Smart, Kelly! For being first to comment, liking on FB, following on Twitter, subscribing to blog, you get 5 entries! thank you and good luck 🙂

  2. Kelly Commerford says:

    Also, I am already following you on Twitter (@kcthelushII) & subscribe ( Thanks! 🙂

  3. I want to have skin as beautiful and healthy as yours, Allison! 🙂

    1. Allison says:

      Thanks, Kim, I think you have great skin too! thanks for entering and good luck (3 entries) 🙂

  4. Madeline says:

    I’d like to win because I’m 42 and starting to see lots of wrinkles around my eyes and upper cheeks, so maybe this would help!

    1. Allison says:

      Thanks so much for entering, Madeline: 3 entries! You’re right, that it’s good to start to keep skin moisturized and collagen levels up 🙂

  5. Madeline says:

    I “like” your Facebook page (FB name: Madeline Brubaker).

  6. Madeline says:

    I follow you on Twitter (@shala_darkstone).

  7. Susan P. says:

    I would love a product that will keep my skin hydrated and “younger looking”.

    1. Allison says:

      Thanks, Susan, for entering, subscribing, liking and following…and good luck!

  8. Susan P. says:

    I subscribed to your emails.

  9. Susan P. says:

    I like you on Facebook.

  10. Susan P. says:

    I follow you on Twitter.

  11. Aw, I wish I could enter, what a nice serum! Good luck everyone.
    Kiss & Make-up recently posted…Nail polish spotlight | Tomb of Djer Treasure nail art in gold and silverMy Profile

    1. Allison says:

      So sorry, Kiss & Make-up. Are you in Canada or another country? Hopefully next time Thanks for your comment!

  12. Sharon Siqueiros says:

    To be honest, the PRICE is what got me!! I’m all for affordable products that work!! I appreciate your reviews and love that you have used them yourself
    Thanks for the opportunity to win this serum

    1. Allison says:

      Thanks so much for entering, following, liking, and commenting on the blog, Sharon! This is a great serum that is so much more affordable and so much better aesthetically than the one I tried earlier in the year. Thanks again and good luck!

  13. Sharon Siqueiros says:

    I subscribe via email

  14. Sharon Siqueiros says:

    Love ya on FB-Sharon Siqueiros

  15. Sharon Siqueiros says:

    Following on Twitter-@SharonSiqueiros

  16. Samantha L. says:

    I’m interested in trying this product because I want to prevent wrinkles! So many women my age have wrinkles from sun exposure/tanning and smoking and it’s making them look older than they are.
    I subscribe with email freshsamanthaaa(at)hotmail(dot)com
    I like on FB Samantha LaChance
    follow on twitter @freshsamanthaaa

    1. Allison says:

      Thanks, Samantha, for entering, subscribing, following and liking NSDB! It’s so important to take care of one’s skin and this will help. Good luck 🙂


    I would love to win the Cosmedica Pure Hyaluronic Acid Serum because I will be turning 46 on Christmas Day and so I do my personal best to try to try new anti aging products I can use at home to help postpone the signs of aging as long as possible. Like to be proactive in healthy non invasive ways. : )

    thank you to blogger and sponsor for this giveaway opportunity.

    1. Allison says:

      Thank you, Yvonne, for entering, subscribing, following and liking NSDB! So glad you learned about the giveaway via your subscription 🙂 As you say, proactivity is the best way. Good luck!


    I already subscribe to the Never Say Die Beauty newsletter by email, as a matter of fact, that is how I learned about this wonderful giveaway! : )


    I had already liked Never Say Die on Facebook as YVONNE MARIE W. : )


    I’ve already been following @nsdbeauty on Twitter

  21. Lori Alcorn says:

    I would love to win because I am really into beauty products being 53 and would love to try this product

    1. Allison says:

      Thanks for entering and liking and following on Twitter, Lori! Love your photo and good luck 🙂

  22. Lori Alcorn says:

    I liked you on facebook 🙂

  23. Lori Alcorn says:

    following yiu on twitter @lorialcorn2006

  24. HockeyMom says:

    I stumbled across your site as I was looking for a new facial care product that would help me revitalize my tired, aging skin. I live in Vermont, it was 19 degrees this morning when I walked my dog, and the heat is on! I just turned 55, my body is in pretty good shape but the lines in my face are bringing me down! If you have other products to recommend, please do! Thanks a ton for your great advice!

    1. Allison says:

      Thanks, HockeyMom, for finding my blog and entering the giveaway! A couple of good moisturizers that you might consider are for daytime, Nuance by Salma Hayek with SPF 30 that’s sold at CVS, and for nighttime, Olay Regenerist Sculpting Cream, that’s widely available at drugstores, Walmart, Target, Costco etc. OWN at Ulta stores makes a number of very good moisturizers with good for you ingredients, but it is a little harder to find: sold at Ulta stores and Whole Foods as well as online. I wrote a review on the Nuance moisturizer and eye treatment a few months ago, if you want to read those to see if the brand is right for you. Good luck in the giveaway, and hope you’ll check in and continue to read the blog from time to time!

  25. I would love to win this because it looks like it would do amazing things for my skin and I love trying new products!

    1. Allison says:

      Thanks, Beth, for entering. HA makes such a difference and Cosmedica’s HA is the best! Good luck 🙂

  26. Heather D. says:

    I want to win this product because I have very dry skin and am looking for something to keep it hydrated.

    1. Allison says:

      Thanks, Heather, for entering and good luck!

  27. I’d like to win this because I have dry skin and wrinkles.

    1. Allison says:

      Short and sweet reasons, Pat! Thanks for entering and good luck 🙂

  28. Carol C says:

    I was just on Amazon looking at hyaluronic acid containing products. There were two that were most appealing, one of which was made by Cosmedica Skincare. So I looked for more reviews on google and came upon your review and giveaway. Thank you for your thorough review. I’m sold! Well, it’s in my Amazon cart to be purchased (pending more items to get free shipping).

  29. Carol C says:

    Carol C is also not good at paying attention. Forgot to mention I subscribed (glad I found the blog being over 40 and from New England too). And facebook liked. The end.

    1. Allison says:

      Carol, that’s so funny. So glad you found my blog, you’re from New England, and you are looking for hyaluronic acid! Thanks for subscribing, liking NSDB on FB and entering, and good luck 🙂

  30. Kim Flanagan says:

    I am recovering from chemo treatment and as my hair is slowly growing back in, I have a lot of my face/forehead showing. I am still sefl-concious about my short to non-existent bangs and would really appreciate a way to rejeunevate my skin!

    1. Allison says:

      Your short hair is adorable, Kim, but I know you’ve always taken good care of your skin, and hyaluronic acid does hydrate and rejuvenate 🙂 Thanks for entering and good luck!

  31. Meaghan McD says:

    I’d like to do something good for my skin!

    1. Allison says:

      It’s always good to do something good for your skin. Thanks Meaghan for entering, liking and following and good luck!

  32. Meaghan McD says:

    I like you on fb.

  33. Meaghan McD says:

    I follow on twitter.

  34. says:

    Its been said to work very well. Just turned 40. yikes!

    1. Allison says:

      It does! Never to soon to hydrate your skin. thanks for entering and good luck 🙂

  35. I would like to try it because as I have become older I have somehow aquired biker skin on my face. I moisturize morning and night but I need something more. And I would also like to get rid of my crows feet without botox.

    1. Allison says:

      Emi, what is ‘biker skin’? I’ve never heard of that, but it sounds very descriptive! Hyaluronic acid serum is great at helping your moisturizer work better. Thanks for entering and good luck 🙂

  36. Dorrie Turner says:

    For almost 25 years I have had horrible, mixed complexed, broken out skin. I would love to use this serum to help with my facial ritual to get a beautiful complexion and be confident Thank you for the giveaway.

    1. Allison says:

      Thank you, Dorrie, for entering and following, liking, subscribing to my blog. Taking care of skin can be a difficulty, but it’s worth doing as you know. Good luck in the giveaway 🙂

  37. Dorrie Turner says:

    I subscribed to your blog.

  38. Dorrie Turner says:

    I liked your page on Facebook. Dorrie Turner

  39. Dorrie Turner says:

    I follow you on Twitter.

  40. MISSY MARIE says:

    I would love to try the Cosmedica Pure Hyaluronic Acid.I’m 44 and seeing it in my skin/face.

  41. Kathy Hanley says:

    I would love to win this because last night the temperatures went down to the 30’s and winter is here! My face gets so dry from the cold weather and wind that it needs a little help.

    1. Allison says:

      It’s true, Kathy. In the winter, it’s so important to stay hydrated! Thanks for entering, subscribing, liking and following. Good luck 🙂

  42. Kathy Hanley says:

    I subscribed via e-mail

  43. Kathy Hanley says:

    I liked on Facebook

  44. Kathy Hanley says:

    I’m following you on twitter as @njsunbunny

  45. Claire says:

    I want to win this product because I have very dry skin and this might help!!

    1. Allison says:

      HA is important to add to your skincare regimen to help dry skin stay hydrated. Thanks, Claire, for entering and good luck!

  46. Renae Neely says:

    I’d like to win this because I just turned 40 and I can suddenly see wrinkles and dry skin. I’m new to skin care products and would like to try this.

    1. Allison says:

      Thanks, Renae, for entering. Hyaluronic acid serum is fairly new to skincare (within the past 5+ years), and it is a naturally occurring substance in the body that dissipates with age. Luckily, it seems to work topically to help skin hold onto moisture and boost collagen. It’s a smart thing to add to your skincare routine. Good luck in the giveaway!

  47. Carolsue says:

    I want to win this. I’ve heard it’s very beneficial to your skin to use serum, so I’d like to try it.

    1. Allison says:

      It is, Carolsue! Thanks for entering the giveaway, following and liking NSDB on FB. Good luck 🙂

  48. Carolsue says:

    I follow you on Twitter as @MsCarolsueA

  49. Carolsue says:

    I like you on Facebook as Carolsue Anderson

  50. Kristen Coronado says:

    I would love to win this! I am battling the dull lifeless skin right now. I feel like the cold weather just sucks the moisture out of my face lol! I try to avoid it but I have to walk the dog daily so there isn’t much avoiding it lol.

  51. Kristen Coronado says:

    I follow you on twitter as @coronadokristen

  52. Kristen Coronado says:

    I “Like” on Facebook as Kristen Nichole Coronado

  53. Joanna Allison says:

    I’d like to win because I have dry skin and I think this would help.

    1. Allison says:

      Thanks for entering, Joanna, and good luck!

  54. ashley c. says:

    I would like to win it because I have terrible skin and I am always trying to do things to improve it

    1. Allison says:

      Oh no, but that’s a good reason to enter! Thanks, Ashley, and good luck 🙂

  55. Regina says:

    I would like to win because I am getting older and need to try something different.

    1. Allison says:

      HA is a great product to add to your skincare routine. Thanks, Regina, for entering and good luck!

  56. Danielle Jones says:

    I want to win this because i’m 28 and have a thyroid condition that has left my skin a mess. I’m aging quickly and need to start doing something about it.

    1. Allison says:

      Gee, sorry about your thyroid condition, but it is never too early to start taking care of your skin. Thank you for entering, Danielle, and for following on Twitter and good luck 🙂

  57. Danielle Jones says:

    I’m also following you on twitter

  58. I’d like to win this because my skin could use some help!

    1. Allison says:

      A good reason 🙂 Thanks for entering, Nancy, and good luck!

  59. Nicole says:

    I want to win because my skin gets so dull in the winter.

    1. Allison says:

      very good reason, Nicole! Thanks for entering and good luck 🙂

  60. Melissa B. says:

    I would like to let my daughters try this. They have very dry skin, especially in the winter.

    1. Allison says:

      You should all try it, Melissa! It’s good for everyone’s skin. Thanks for entering and good luck!

  61. Julie says:

    Being in WI, my skin gets really dry in the winter, and being over 40 now, I need all the help I can get!!

    1. Allison says:

      I know what you mean about the effect of cold winter on skin, Julie. Thanks for entering, subscribing, and liking NSDB on FB! Good luck 🙂

  62. Julie says:

    I like NSDB on FB!

  63. Julie says:

    I subscribed via email.

  64. Jackee says:

    I want to win because I have used a hyaluronic acid supplement a few years ago and liked the results.

    1. Allison says:

      Jackee, I’ve been thinking of adding the HA supplements as well. Thanks for entering, following on Twitter, and liking on FB! Good luck 🙂

  65. Jackee says:

    I “Like” Never Say Die Beauty on Facebook.

  66. Jackee says:

    Following Never Say Die Beauty on Twitter.

  67. Monja Blue says:

    Would like to add HA to my skin regime as I’m constantly hearing about it’s efficacy! Thanks for a fantastic giveaway!

    1. Allison says:

      It is a good thing to add HA to your skincare routine, Monja. Thanks for entering, liking NSDB on FB and following! and good luck 🙂

  68. Monja Blue says:

    Liked you on FB! Thanks for a fantastic giveaway!

  69. Monja Blue says:

    I’m a follower, too! Thanks for a wonderful giveaway!

  70. Deb Anderson says:

    I can relate to your problem of oily products not being quickly absorbed. I have the same problem! Even on the rest of my body, regular heavy body lotions just lie there on the surface of my skin and take forever to actually be absorbed. I’m thinking that the outer skin on my face needs intensive treatment to help beneficial products like moisturizers to take effect. Maybe this is what I’ve been looking for!

    1. Allison says:

      This is a cool product, Deb. Not only does it absorb quickly but put moisturizer or oil over it to help the moisturizer work better. You can even mix it into your moisturizer for an all-in-one product, but I like to put it on first and follow it up with my moisturizer du jour, lol. Thank you for entering and good luck!

  71. Kimberly says:

    I would love to try this for fine lines – and dry skin as the seasons change!

    1. Allison says:

      Definitely good for helping with both. Thanks for entering, Kimberly, and for liking on FB (hasn’t shown up yet but hopefully it will), and following on Twitter! Good luck 🙂

  72. Kimberly says:

    Like you on FB (Kimberly C)

  73. Kimberly says:

    Follow you on Twitter (@kcoud33)

  74. I’m always on the lookout for good skin products, ESPECIALLY being in Utah with winter just around the corner, my skin gets drier and drier by the day :-/
    Megan recently posted…Time for a personal updateMy Profile

    1. Allison says:

      Yes, so important to keep skin hydrated in the cold, dry winter. Thanks for entering, liking, subscribing, and following, Megan! And good luck 🙂

  75. I just subscribed (using megan1620 at gmail)

  76. I liked Never Say Die Beauty on Facebook. 🙂
    Megan recently posted…Time for a personal updateMy Profile

  77. I’m a new follower on twitter. I’m @meg1620.

  78. Dawn Hecke says:

    I’d like to win because my skin is looking old and boring. I need some brightening.

    1. Allison says:

      Hyaluronic acid should help hydrate your skin and make it look more supple. I like it a lot and have been using it for a year. Thanks for entering, Dawn, and good luck!

  79. Samantha Baker says:

    I wan to win, because this is the time of year when my skin gets dry.

    1. Allison says:

      Yes, mine too, Samantha. Thanks for entering and for liking NSDB on FB! Good luck 🙂

  80. Samantha Baker says:

    I liked Never Say Die Beauty on Facebook.

  81. Dawn Sterner says:

    I would love to win so I can try this out! As I’m getting older I am always looking for the best products to help me out a little bit! Thanks 🙂

    1. Allison says:

      HA is really worth adding to your skincare routine to help hydrate your skin. Thanks for entering and good luck!

  82. Dawn Sterner says:

    I “Like” Never Say Die Beauty on Facebook

  83. laurie says:

    my face needs help and I have tried everything else on this so this might help me

    1. Allison says:

      It should help, Laurie. It’s a great product. Thanks for entering, following, subscribing & liking NSDB on FB. Good luck!

  84. laurie says:

    email subscriber

  85. laurie says:

    like NSDB on facebook-lmurley2000

  86. laurie says:

    follow NSDB on twitter-lmurley2000

  87. a freeze says:

    I have medical issues causing skin aging and loss of firmness much faster than normal, would love to try this product. My eyelids began sagging and in less than 1 yr looked as if I was closing them 75 percent of the way, it was so bad my medical insurance actually paid to have the(cosmetic) eyelid surgery women. Wecould have never afforded that. So I would love to try on face, cheeks, and neck.

    1. Thanks so much for your comment, Abbie. I’m so sorry for your troubles but glad to hear that you were able to have the surgery you needed. I know that supplements can’t provide surgical results, hopefully they will provide some help. Thank you for entering and good luck in the giveaway!

  88. Liz Sherman says:

    I would love to try it because I’m 33 , I’m always looking for new ways stay looking younger 🙂 longer..

    1. That’s great, Liz! Thanks for entering and good luck 🙂

  89. Carolina says:

    I want to try anything that will help the signs of aging I also have a lot of menopausal acne and hope this product will help.

    1. Carolina, I guess you missed the key piece of info in this giveaway. It ended 2 years ago!! But you’re in luck, because another skincare giveaway with skincare products for combination or oily skin starts tonight after midnight. If that describes your skin, please feel free to enter. Remember to comment and also enter on the Rafflecopter widget at the bottom of the post. 🙂

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