Giveaways, Health & Beauty, Skincare

Giveaway: NeoCell Collagen +HA and Beauty Bursts

A couple of months ago, I had an opportunity from NeoCell to try two of their products: NeoCell Fish Collagen +HA (hyaluronic acid) and NeoCell Beauty Bursts. I’ve been using topical hyaluronic acid for over a year now, and it has made a difference in my skin’s hydration level. But I had never tried taking it systemically, nor had a tried a collagen supplement. This was something new.

So why collagen and hyaluronic acid? HA absorbs about a thousand times its weight in water so it helps skin stay hydrated. Collagen is a protein found in connective tissue that appears naturally in the body. The amount of collagen in the body tends to decrease with age. One of the benefits associated with collagen is thicker skin that appears less wrinkled. Some studies suggest that there may be a link between degree of skin wrinkling and tendency to brittle bones in post-menopausal women. Hmmm. Thin lips, dull hair and brittle nails also can be improved with collagen. Another benefit of collagen and hyaluronic acid is reduced joint pain. I figured it was worth a try to boost my flagging levels of both collagen and HA. For further info, here’s a video from the Dr. Oz TV show on anti-aging and the role and effect of hydrolyzed collagen (and there’s also info on sunscreen too, a separate issue that’s important but not relevant to this blogpost and giveaway).

I just finished my bottle of NeoCell Fish Collagen +HA.

NeoCell Fish Collagen +HA

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This supplement comes in capsule form, and they are easy to swallow for someone like me who has trouble swallowing pills. And BTW, there’s no fish taste or aftertaste at all! It is a 30 day supply. You are supposed to take 4 capsules a day, 2 in the morning and 2 in the evening on an empty stomach. That was a bit of a challenge. I guess taking the first two immediately waking up is best. And I took the other two before bed.

Here is the ingredient list:

NeoCell Fish Collagen +HA

NeoCell Fish Collagen +HA

The second product I tried was NeoCell Beauty Bursts in Mint Chocolate.

NeoCell Beauty Bursts

I adore all things mint chocolate: peppermint patties, mint chocolate chip ice cream, so choosing this flavor was a no-brainer for me. In all honesty, the mint chocolate bursts are not quite as good as peppermint patties or ice cream, but they are chewy like a caramel and the taste is not bad. I actually like them. The Beauty Bursts also come in fruit flavor.

NeoCell Beauty Bursts

NeoCell Beauty Burst

So did it work? Well, I take a number of other supplements including Omega-3 fish oil and biotin, and I use a heck of a lot of skincare products so it’s difficult to attribute a change to one particular product or supplement. Nevertheless, my jawline which is the part of my face that I’m most concerned about showing my age looks a little firmer. And the most noticeable improvement is in my KNEES! I’ve been jogging almost everyday for more than 30 years. My knees used to kill me when I walked down the steps in my house. They feel so much better, both when I walk down the stairs and when I’m jogging. Yay!

Now that I’ve used up my complimentary bottle of NeoCell Fish Collagen +HA, I purchased another one!  I want to keep up the changes that I’ve seen so far, and see if there’s further improvement over time.

The folks at NeoCell are hosting a giveaway on Never Say Die Beauty to get the word out about their products. The prize is a bottle of NeoCell Fish Collagen +HA and a bag of Beauty Bursts to one lucky winner, the same products that I tried.

In addition, I am offering to a second winner, a bottle of NeoCell Collagen Beauty Builder that I initially received from NeoCell, a 50 day supply.  NOTE: This bottle was opened once by me. I saw that the supplements were large, solid pills that I knew I would not be able to swallow. I immediately closed the jar, and none of the pills were touched by me or anyone else. If you are the second name chosen and you are willing to accept the opened jar, it will be yours.

NeoCell Collagen Beauty Builder

NeoCell Collagen Beauty Builder

As you will notice on the ingredient lists, the products do not contain gluten. However, they may contain trace amounts of sulfites. So if you are sensitive to sulfites or suffer from headaches, you may want to pass on this one.

NeoCell products are widely available online at,,, and pilgrims It’s sold at GNC, and I just discovered that they are available at Walgreens and

Giveaway Rules:

Please leave a comment on the blog about why you’d like to win the supplements. The comment about the NeoCell supplements is mandatory. When you leave a comment, no duplicates please, ie don’t just copy what someone else wrote. 😉

One entry per household, please.

If you have won a Never Say Die Beauty giveaway in 2014, please sit this one out.

I’m going to use Rafflecopter again for the entries. It’s pretty easy to use, but it can be a little tricky. Basically, you just click the options and follow the instructions. Once you leave your Comment, go to the Rafflecopter widget below and get credit for the Comment that you left. You must leave your comment on this particular blogpost.

If you already subscribe to Never Say Die Beauty, like Never Say Die Beauty on Facebook, follow on Twitter, Bloglovin’, Instagram, or Pinterest, you are entitled to more points. But YOU MUST CLICK OFF THOSE OPTIONS on the Rafflecopter widget, otherwise you will lose out on those extra points. I noticed that some women I know who follow me neglected to use the entry via Rafflecopter. SO DON’T FORGET!! 😉

If you don’t subscribe to Never Say Die Beauty via email and you want to, the signup is on the homepage of the blog in the upper right hand side. 🙂 Then be sure to get credit for subscribing via email, liking on Facebook, following on Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram, or Bloglovin’ by registering whichever way(s) you follow me on the Rafflecopter widget below and leave whichever names you follow NSDB under in the correct area of the Rafflecopter widget.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

This giveaway is open to US residents age 18 or older. Void in states where prohibited. The winners will be selected by a random drawing via the Rafflecopter widget (that’s why you want to make sure you enter via the widget!), and they will be notified by me via e-mail. You have 48 hours to get back to me, if not new winners will be selected. The winners will provide me with their mailing address, and I will give the address of the first winner to the folks at NeoCell who will send your prize to you as soon as possible. I will mail the second place prize to the second name chosen. Never Say Die Beauty and NeoCell are not responsible for loss or damage in shipping.

This sweepstakes runs from time of publication on 5/2/13 till 5/16/14 (meaning as 5/15 becomes 5/16) EDT. Don’t forget to tell your friends! Good luck 🙂

In the meantime, check out NeoCell’s product lineup on its website.





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  1. KAPP902 says:

    Hi Allison…would love to win these products (even the beauty supplements opened already 🙂 My mom told me take biotin years ago b/c she said it was good for hair/skin/nails…so i added it to my repertoire of supplements. I’d love to actually try a product with collagen and HA specifically geared towards replenishing aging skin since I am now in my 40’s. Thanks for your review on these products and for hosting such a lovely giveaway.

    1. No problem, Kim. I make typos all the time too. Thanks for being the first to enter. I take biotin as well and it has made a big difference for me. My second bottle of Collagen arrived yesterday so I’m back on the program. Thanks again for entering and good luck!!

  2. I’ll have to tell DH about this.. his knees are shot
    Brooke @ Blushing Noir recently posted…Dior 192 PAMPILLE Le Vernis Nail Polish Swatches & Review – Trianon Spring 2014My Profile

    1. Brooke, my knees feeling better was the first thing I noticed. Definitely has helped my running.

  3. These sound awesome. Did the Pills give you the fish burp? I think I may need to look into these so I can run more often. My knees for sure have been killing me. Great post!
    Jamie @ Makeuplifelove recently posted…New In Foundation: Testing..Testing 1,2,3….My Profile

    1. Not at all, Jamie! Great question. No fish burp!! If I had known that was an issue, I would’ve written about it, lol.

  4. Really interesting! And I think what we put in our bodies has as much or MORE impact than what we use on it.
    Cosmetics Aficionado recently posted…Smoky Eye Friday: Flame Inspired Smoky EyesMy Profile

    1. I agree, Leticia! I’ve been using biotin for a couple of years, and it has made a big difference. One of my girlfriends told me she takes HA supplements and has seen a big difference in her skin and joints. I saw the change in my knees very quickly. Hope I’ll see more!

  5. Great giveaway. My husband may be able to use this for his ankle
    Kim recently posted…Event Recap: Wendy Williams talks Hold Me In Contempt with Mamarazzi & Burlington Coat Factory #BURLINGTONOOTDMy Profile

    1. Absolutely, Kim! It worked for my knees 🙂

  6. These sound interesting! I don’t really take vitamins though, but maybe I will try some!

    1. Definitely a must-have for over 40 gals like me. You’ve got time, Eugenia!

  7. Kim says:

    I know HA supplements have been recommended joint pain for a long time now, and I love products that contain HA for my skin, so why not try it? And the biotin is something I’ve wanted to try for a while as well. I’m also thinking it could do a lot to improve my husband’s knee pain! (Too much tennis = sore knees, and with his favorite hitting partner coming home from school soon….)

    1. Yay, thanks for entering, Kim! It really is amazing how my knees feel so much better. I’m on my second bottle.

  8. EW I hate huuuuge pills like that.
    Phyrra recently posted…BFTE Coffee Collection v.2 ReviewMy Profile

    1. That’s why the capsules for so wonderful for me! I can swallow them with no trouble 🙂

  9. This is very interesting! I don’t know if I could personally try it, but I really enjoyed reading your post about it! <3
    Shipra recently posted…April Beauty Box 5 Photos/ReviewMy Profile

    1. Thanks, Shipra. I think they are really great for the over 40 crowd so you’ve got quite some time to go!

  10. Fish oils are skin’s best friend. I take them daily. I entered the giveaway, maybe it is my lucky day 🙂
    NORAH recently posted…Aneley Cosmetics Lipstick ReviewMy Profile

    1. Yes, they are! I’m glad you like ’em too. I’m also taking Omega-3s for my eyes and other benefits. Thanks for entering, Norah, and good luck!

  11. Susan P. says:

    This reason sounds good: “Thin lips, dull hair and brittle nails also can be improved with collagen.”

    1. Absolutely, Susan! Between the collagen and the biotin, my hair and nails are in good shape! Thanks for entering and good luck 🙂

  12. I wish I could enter this giveaway, but I can´t since I´m not from US 🙁 But these products are definitely something I would love to try and so I will be probably ordering them online:) Thanks for sharing!
    Leelo R recently posted…EOTD: Suspect Busted with Urban Decay Naked2 paletteMy Profile

    1. I’m sorry, Leelo. I wish it were open internationally, but it is worth looking into!

  13. Jess Scull says:

    Ooh great giveaway!

    1. Thanks, Jess.

  14. This was a very interesting post. I have specific vitamin and supplement needs and it’s a challenge to keep everything in balance, sometimes! LOL
    Erika recently posted…OPI Where Di Suzi’s Man-Go? Swatch and ReviewMy Profile

    1. Thanks, Erika. Yes, I know that everything we eat and take affects something else.

  15. Sounds interesting!

    1. It was interesting for me to learn about it too, Lisa!

  16. I’ve been reading about these chews, and they sound pretty cool. Fish collagen sounds kinda icky, but I’ve taken fish oil, so I suppose it’s all fish! I put HA on my face, I think is a great supplement.
    Nidia – Lit From Within recently posted…Cover FX and Phyrra Host Find Your Shade Event #BBCFLMy Profile

    1. Haha, Nidia! They don’t taste or smell like fish at all. Frankly, I guess they flagged the source because with the prevalence of Omega-3 these days, being associated with fish is considered a good thing 😉

  17. I’m not a fan of huge pills… but I really like the chews 😉
    Honeygirlk recently posted…Flash Back Friday – Aaliyah Rock The Boat Inspired Makeup Look and TutorialMy Profile

    1. Me, either, but fortunately they have a big product line with lots of different product forms. The capsules are super easy to swallow and not huge at all.

  18. I’ve used a different NeoCell supplement for hair and I loved it. I’m taking straight biotin now and it’s not as good.
    MarciaF (beauty info zone) recently posted…Vapour Organic Beauty – eco beauty done rightMy Profile

    1. Marcia, this is my first time taking NeoCell products. I liked the collagen so much that I bought another bottle after finishing the fist one. And I like the Beauty Bursts too. I’m glad you’ve had good results, too.

    1. They are, Anastasia! Similar to calcium chews, but actually better tasting to me.

  19. The beauty bursts sound yummmmy It’d be hard not to eat the whole bag!
    Miranda recently posted…REVIEW: Rimmel Scandaleyes Retro Glam MascaraMy Profile

    1. Well, they’re pretty good, Miranda, but I don’t think you’d eat the whole bag, lol 😉

  20. This looks like something I need to try!
    Kelly R recently posted…Vibrant floral nail art using Glitter GalMy Profile

    1. They seem to provide so many benefits, Kelly!

  21. Nathalie the Beauty Diva says:

    Bonjour la belle Allison, I would absolutely love to give this products a try, as I am on a continous search for new products, you have certainly provided some wonderful feedback. Merci beaucoup!!! Nathalie xoxo

    1. There you are, la belle Diva Nathalie! How are you? I am finding these quite interesting myself. I finished up the bottle they sent, and I bought another one. As I mentioned, I was happy that they helped my knees/jogging. And I like the idea of systemic HA to go along with the HA serums I use. xoxo and have a good weekend!!

  22. Really interesting post!
    Cindy (Prime Beauty) recently posted…Win It! A Year’s Supply of Dove Sensitive Skin Body Wash!My Profile

    1. Thanks, Cindy. Glad you enjoyed it 🙂

  23. Ray says:

    I think this would be great for my thinning hair and also help strengthen my nails. The chews sound tasty too. Thanks!

    1. They certainly are worth a try, Ray. As I mentioned, they provided immediate benefits to my poor knees that’ve suffered through 30 years of jogging. Thanks for entering and good luck!

  24. MaryBeth says:

    dull hair – aging skin. I could use this!
    MaryBeth recently posted…A Mother’s Day Journey – Review and GiveawayMy Profile

    1. Yes, it’s worth a try, MaryBeth! Thanks for entering and good luck!

  25. I love that Beauty Burst and Collagen Builder. I am repurchasing!
    Kath TheFabZilla recently posted…#FaceFriday feat. Mary Kay :: Sun-Kissed #MKGLAMMy Profile

    1. That’s great, Kath! Glad you like it too 🙂

  26. Great giveaway!

    1. Thanks, Kendra!

  27. Shannon Cooper says:

    Thank you so much for the chance to win such a nice product…. I need this so bad and am looking for something that will help me. I also have thin hair and weak nails.

    1. Thanks so much for your comment and for entering, Shannon! I like these products a lot, and I have found them helpful. You may also want to check out Biotin that does wonders for hair and nails. NeoCell has products with biotin in it, or next time you’re at Walmart or your local drugstore or Costco, you may want to look for a generic version of biotin. It’s not expensive, and over time, it works very well.

  28. I have hair and nail pills that I take when I can remember.
    Melody recently posted…SheaMoisture Cosmetics Wet/Dry Eyeshadows ReviewMy Profile

    1. Yes, it can be hard to remember! Sometimes I miss taking ’em in the morning. At night, I do remember.

  29. I love the Beauty Bursts! I have Chocolate Mint right now
    Laura MyNewestAddiction recently posted…Stitch Fix April 2014My Profile

    1. That’s great, Laura! So happy to know so many like NeoCell’s products 🙂

  30. Laura says:

    I am excited to hear something helped your knee pain. I had both of mine operated on 3 years ago. I developed cellulitis in my right one after surgery and have had pain in that one ever since. Thankfully it waxes and wanes but it is a disappointment after wasting a summer in recovery. I might have to give those supplements a try.

    1. Oh no, I’m so sorry to hear that, Laura. I know two or three guys including my SO who had cellulitis. It’s no fun at all. But maybe supplements are worth a try, though vigilance is most important.

  31. Teresa koedyker says:

    I would love to try this! I wonder if it would help my back. Thank you for the giveaway!

    1. It’s certainly worth a try, Teresa! Thanks for entering and good luck 🙂

  32. I’m all in for vitamins !
    Betzy Carmona recently posted…My Week On Instagram #9My Profile

    1. Yay, me too, Betzy!

    1. They’re quite tasty, Stephanie!

  33. Renata says:

    I would love to try Neocell products for the hair follicle strengthening benefit and also the skin anti-aging benefit in providing more subtle plumpness of collagen.
    The chews sound delicious as well! Thank you so much!

    1. Thank you, Renata, for your comment and for entering the giveaway. Good luck!

  34. Laura says:

    I definitely keep an eye on it almost literally. 🙂 My entire leg ended up as big as a tree trunk. I was in the hospital for a while for it. The pain is something else which I am sure your SO can attest to on that. I love this giveaway and would have no problem with an open bottle. Thanks for the reviews.

    1. Oh, that sounds awful. The symptoms you described are just what he and my other friend reported. 🙁 I hope the cellulitis will go away permanently, Laura. Stay well, and good luck in the giveaway!

  35. Heather! says:

    I currently take a fish oil pill and really believe in its efficacy. I am really interested in the collagen because i hope it can truly replace what we somewhat more ‘seasoned’ gals lose as we age! 🙂 I would really love to have a bit more elasticity in my skin.

    1. Same with me, Heather! Thanks for your comment and for entering, and good luck 🙂

  36. Good to know that these did not give you fish burp. The chews look yummy too.
    Ashley recently posted…Sodastream Dreaming!My Profile

    1. No, not at all, Ashley!

  37. S. Carter says:

    I want to win because I am always looking for ways to help ease my arthritis pain. These sound like they have worked well.

    1. Well, it’s certainly worth a try! Thanks for entering and good luck 🙂

  38. Nikki N says:

    I have heart so many amazing things about collagen supplements, I’m ready to put these rumors to the test!

    1. Great comment, Nikki! Thanks for entering and good luck 🙂

  39. Natalie Brown says:

    Hello! As I’m aging, (I turned 51 this past week – eek!), I would love to try these products for their anti-aging and healthy effects. Thank-you!

    1. Happy Birthday, Nathalie! Hope it’s a good one. Great idea to try supplements like these. Thanks for entering and good luck 🙂

  40. The chews intrigue me.
    Kimmi recently posted…The Best Australian Beauty BrandsMy Profile

    1. They are quite good, Kimmi. They’re an easy way to take a supplement!

  41. Cathy says:

    I would love to win this giveaway because I have dry skin, dull hair, brittle nails, and joint pain due to a medication I am taking to keep my cancer at bay. Anything that would help is certainly worth a try! Thank you for this giveaway!

    1. Cathy, I am so sorry to hear about your illness and the effects of the medication. Obviously, if you win, you’ll check with your doctors to make sure there are no interactions with your important cancer medication. (Most likely, there won’t be. But I’m not a doctor and you should check with him/her first.) Nevertheless, thank you for entering, good luck in the giveaway, and I wish you the best!

  42. I’d love to try those Beauty Bursts.
    Sheila (Painted Ladies) recently posted…323/365 Days of Makeup IVMy Profile

    1. They have really grown on me, Sheila. They don’t have the aftertaste that calcium/vit D chews have which is great!

  43. i could use the fish collagen!

    1. Too funny, Kristyn! It’s a great product 🙂

  44. That’s interesting!
    I like the fact that this collagen+HA supplement has multi-tasks . And supplying your skin with collagen through capsules, this is genius !
    Dima Al Mahsiri recently posted…The Truth That Your Wrinkles Can Tell About YouMy Profile

    1. So far so good with it, Dima! I’m happy to get the extra benefits like my knees feeling better when I jog!

  45. Priscilla S. says:

    I’m really interested in try The Beauty Bursts. Chocolate that makes me look better? Yes please.

    1. Hahaha, good one, Priscilla! 😀 I’d say the Beauty Bursts are more minty than chocolate, but they’re still good. Thank you for entering and good luck!!

  46. Shannon Cooper says:

    Thank you!

    1. You’re welcome, Shannon! Just curious and in keeping with the giveaway instructions, why do you want to win? 🙂


    i would like to try these to make my hair and nails stronger.

    1. Great reason, Christina! In the meantime, you might want to check out biotin supplements. Biotin is also great for hair and nails. Thank you for entering and good luck in the giveaway!

  48. Tyneisha Fondren says:

    My great aunt has rheumatoid arthritis and commonly has alot of joint pain. I want to win these supplements for her, maybe they will help a little or at the very least cheer her up!

    1. Tyneisha, I’m glad that you entered the giveaway. I’m sure you know that supplements can’t do much for rheumatoid arthritis. It requires serious medical treatment. But (not meaning to be fresh), it might help her skin, nails and hair. And I hope your great aunt feels better. Good luck in the giveaway 🙂

  49. natalie yeoman says:

    i would love to make my nails stronger and help my skin out i would just love to try this

    1. Thanks for entering, Natalie. Good luck!

  50. Shelley says:

    I’m always trying new supplements for my arthritis and would love to try these 🙂 Thanks for the giveaway!

    1. Shelley, I don’t know whether the supplements will help with your arthritis, but it’s worth a try! Thank you for entering and good luck 🙂

  51. Jennifer M. says:

    I want to win because I suffer from malnutrition/malabsorption. Also, I see these are gluten free and I have celiac disease.

    1. Oh, I’m sorry to hear that, Jennifer. I don’t know whether the supplements are more easily absorbed than food, but it is worth a try. And yes, they are gluten-free. Thank you for entering and good luck 🙂

  52. darby says:

    I have tried these before and they are both effective ans tasty

    1. That’s great, Darby, that you love NeoCell’s collagen products already! Thank you for entering and good luck!

  53. I need all the help i can get with my nails and joints. Chocolately colegen? that sounds interesting i’d love to give that a try. Thanks for the info and the chance to win
    Veronica Spriggs recently posted…Fittube Tag: My Favorite Exercise EquipmentMy Profile

    1. I know it does sound amazing that the Beauty Bursts are mint-chocolatish collagen! I’ll take it. Thanks, Veronica, for entering and good luck 🙂

  54. Claire D says:

    I could definitely use more skin moisture and stronger nails!

    1. Absolutely! Thanks, Claire, for entering and good luck in the giveaway!

  55. I would like to win them just because I’ve never tried them before and I love trying new things! (:

    1. Why not?! That’s a good reason, Sara 🙂 Thanks for entering and good luck!

  56. Sky Evans says:

    I want this to look younger

    1. That’s it, Sky! Thanks for entering and good luck 🙂

  57. liz l says:

    I think my mom would find this beneficial

    1. Nice, Liz! Thanks for entering and good luck 🙂

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