Fashion, Features

Giveaway Winner and Never Say Die Fashion

First things first. The Giveaway for the em Cosmetics Tokyo Plums Shadow Play Palette has come to an end, and the winner is Pauline G.  Pauline, please email me by Friday night with your mailing address. If not, another name will be selected.

Also, on Friday, a new and different giveaway will begin. So stay tuned!

Never Say Die Fashion

No, I’m not ready to take on another blog. Yet.

In 2010, the Peabody Essex Museum in Salem MA had a show that featured the clothing and accessories of Iris Apfel, an octogenarian (or is she a nonagenarian now?) New Yorker known for her flamboyant style and fashion sense that was often influenced by her travel through India and Asia. It was a terrific show with styles that are ageless like their owner.

credit: Peabody Essex Museum
credit: Peabody Essex Museum

Peabody Essex Museum: Iris Apfel Exhibit  2010

About a year ago, my friend Sue sent me a link to a blog on a similar theme as the PEM Apfel show: Advanced Style. In 2008, Ari Seth Cohen, a youngish photographer, moved to New York at his fashionable grandmother’s suggestion. He started the street-style blog, Advanced Style, with photographs of striking older women, at least 50+ but often 80+, who express themselves in styles and looks of their own creation, piecing together stand-out fashion rather than merely wearing already put-together designer outfits. In addition to the creativity of the looks, their self-confidence is also beauty to behold. My favorite “model” is Mrs. Rock, a woman he spied walking on Madison Avenue, an older beauty with classic, sophisticated, elegant, and a more restrained sense of style.

The blog led to a book, Advanced Style, and now to a documentary of that name that recently premiered at Toronto’s “Hot Docs” Film Festival.

Click to read Erin Cunningham’s April 29, 2014 article in The Daily Beast, These Ladies May Be Old But They Have More Style Than You. You’ll be inspired! And I’m dying to see the documentary. <3


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  1. Laura says:

    Congrads to Pauline even though I wanted to win. ha ha I have been looking at Advanced Style for about a year now. I have to agree with you on Mrs. Rock… even her name sounds stately and stylish.

    1. Oh Laura, I was hoping one of my regular readers and commenters like you would win the giveaway. I specifically didn’t promote this one beyond my Facebook and Bellashoot pages, and one of my Bellashoot followers was randomly chosen by the Rafflecopter widget. I hope you’ll try again. The next few giveaways scheduled are skincare related, but hopefully I can throw in another makeup one soon. I really appreciate my loyal readers and especially those who comment from time to time! Thank you, Laura!

  2. Ooo this is so cool! I remember years ago a documentary on tv about active nonagerians and it was impressive. Long heathy and active lives, everyone should be so lucky! 🙂
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    1. Thanks for your comment on this post, Helene. I thought these women are so interesting and amazing, and not one comment about it, lol

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