closeup of cut pink and peach roses from my garden,

Giveaway Winner, Garden Pix and What’s Coming Up

Congratulations to Kayla B., the winner of the Paula’s Choice Peptide Booster! Woo hoo!

Thanks to all who entered the giveaway, tweeted, followed me on the blog and social media. I really appreciate it! xoxo Stay tuned for more giveaways coming up soon 🙂

Chit Chat and Odds and Ends

Summer Fridays are almost like vacation days. When I worked in advertising in New York, at one agency I worked for, we got out at 1pm every Friday in summer. At other agencies I worked for, we had every other Friday off. So I still think of Fridays as a day to go to the beach or pool or to do something fun. I notice that my blog stats take a nose dive on summer Fridays, so instead of a usual post today, here’s some random stuff.

Garden Pix

My gardens are having a great summer after a couple of lackluster years. July is daylily month in my garden. Unfortunately, the common orange daylilies that make a pretty orange crescent along the boulders at the side of the front garden are just about finished for 2018, but they looked very colorful for 3 weeks.

Although a few of the lily plants that are now under trees that have grown up and shaded them aren’t blooming or blooming much, many of my lilies are having banner years. Here are a few favorites:

bright red/pink daylilies with orange "eyes" or centers called Cherry Cheeks,
Cherry Cheeks

The daylily below was hybridized by Susan Stowe of Topsfield MA. This is one of her “rejects”, and I think it’s one of the most beautiful daylilies I own!

mauve/pink daylily with yellow ruffled petals and yellow eye,

Here are two more of Susan’s “rejects” that I was lucky to get.

double orange daylily with deeper orange stripes,

shades of pink with chartreuse eye daylilies,

This one is called “I Wish” and I planted a couple of borders with this daylily. The flower is a smaller size, but I love the color. It reminds me of the color of old school lingerie from the 1930s.

"I Wish" daylily that is a smaller size in shades of peach and peachy pink,

I probably have about 25 other varieties of hybrid daylilies. I wish I could show them all to you!

My roses have come and gone. They were very pretty and some of the plants that get the most sunlight had a lot of blooms. I’ve got my fingers crossed that there’ll be a second bloom later in the season. I need to feed them, and I should have fed them earlier. Oh well.

Disney and pink roses in a vase,

Here are some simpler flowers, perennial marguerite, that can take over if I’m not careful.

perennial marguerite, a small yellow daisy,

But they’re so reliable. They always come back. My plan for this area along the edge of the driveway was a yellow and blue garden. The “blue” is lavender plants, but they’re struggling a bit this year.

After two terrible years for hydrangeas, they’re doing very well this summer. Tonight I decided to cut some and bring them in the house to enjoy.

blue hydrangeas in a white vase,

This afternoon, I went to Appleton Farms in Ipswich to pickup my friend’s CSA (Community Sponsored Agriculture) share of vegetables while she was on vacation. What a beautiful afternoon at the farm. Here are the flowers from the farm that we were able to pick from the fields. It’s so nice to have flowers in the house <3

flowers picked from the fields at Appleton Farms,

In August things slow down in my garden, but I’m enjoying it while I can! If you have a garden, what’s in bloom for you?

Cosmetics Coming Attractions

Since this is a beauty blog, here’s a sneak peak of some makeup and skincare products that I just started testing out. Reviews coming in the next few weeks.

Defenage Clinical Power Trio, 3 anti-aging skincare products,

Amber Eyes eyeshadow palette from Profusion Cosmetics,

Have a great weekend!


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  1. Your flowers are beautiful. I never had a green thumb although my dad had a magic touch.

    1. Thank you, Marcia, for taking the time to comment! Glad to hear that your dad was a gardener 🙂

  2. rach says:

    Yay! I love seeing your beautiful flowers!
    One of ours looks very much like Susan Reject No 1 and I feel quite the same as you do about it. It’s beautiful!!! Mine was a reject too, but of a slightly different sort, haha. I think it was a yard sale find… One where I point at dirt covered shopping bags and random recycled pots and the owners say something like, “Oh *those* daylilies? I have no idea what colour they are. They’re free. Please take them.” And so I do. 😀

    1. Gee, you really lucked out getting a lily beauty for free! I’m sad that my lilies are down to their last few blooms. We’re leaving on vacation tomorrow morning for a week, and I will miss the last of the lilies. Yet another reason why I don’t like to go on vacation during the summer. It is just so beautiful in MA and the summer is so short!

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