Sunday Scoop giveaways

Gone Fishin’: Sunday Scoop Hiatus

Hello Sunday Scoop Fans!

In case you missed it earlier in the week, I just wanted to let you know that Marcia is taking a little break from blogging and putting together her uber popular Sunday Scoop giveaway list till her second broken arm heals. Hopefully, her other arm that was injured a couple of months ago (perhaps her dominant arm?) will be strong enough soon so that she can type again without being in pain. Nevertheless, I am sure that one finger pecking is a pain in the neck!

At any rate, I am sure Marcia is eager to get back at it as soon as she is able. We’ll keep you posted!

Good luck in giveaway land!

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  1. Gaye Mcgill says:

    Best wishes and good healing to Marcia! I hope she’s got some good helpers to take care of her while she deals with two broken arms!

  2. Sandy Bonesteel says:

    Wishing you a speedy recovery, Marcia. Take care of yourself.

  3. Nancy says:

    I forgot about this (while using a new tablet), so I appreciate the update. Get well soon! Thanks!

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