Magic Moroccan Lipstick

Hare Magic Green Moroccan Lipstick

Ever buy something on a whim and then think, Why did I do that? Well, I sorta feel that way about Hare Magic Green Moroccan Lipstick. I read a post about it on Total Beauty, I think it was. A young woman tried out a magic green lipstick that changed color on her lips and stayed on for 24 hours. She loved it. Remember Mood Lipstick from the 1980s?

Well, I fell for it. The 24 hour part really got me. And I loved the “changes color according to your unique body chemistry” thing that was promoted with mood lipsticks decades ago.

So I ordered it on Amazon. It arrived from the UK about a week later. It cost about $11 including shipping.

Magic Green Moroccan Lipstick

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It arrived on one of the 90 degree days we had, and when I took it out of the mailbox, it was hot. Like a dope, I didn’t put it in the fridge or wait till it cooled off. I used this green monster right away, and the bullet came off because it had softened in the heat. 🙁

Magic Moroccan LipstickOn me, it’s a pink/purple shade that’s a MLBB color.

Hare Magic Green Moroccan Lipstick, indoor lighting


Hare Magic Green Moroccan LipstickIs it long-lasting? I would say up to a point. It does last for several hours, like any decent lipstick, and it fades with time and if you eat a meal. Today, I applied it around 1pm and it’s after 10 now. I can see that a smidgen of color is left on my lips, but not enough to prevent me from thinking I need to put on some lipstick.

Did I mention it is rather hideous looking? And it’s a cheap lipstick in a garish neon green & gold plastic container that’s made in Taiwan, nothing against Taiwan. I have no idea what the ingredients are, but I assume it’s better not to know.


Do I regret buying it? Nah. Thankfully, it was only $11, and it was fun to try it out. And I do wear it from time to time. Would I recommend it? Certainly not.

What have you fallen for lately and sort of regretted?

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  1. Debra Brownstein says:

    I saw that same article and immediately wanted it for myself. I looked at e-bay and found it. Fortunately, I got sick and never actually purchased a tube. After reading about your experience, I no longer want to buy the Hare Magic Green lipstick. There are 4 other products that give a MLBB/pink hue to lips that I am still pondering about purchasing. Dior, Smashbox, Tarte and Sephora all have more legitimate/safe looking choices.

    1. I’m sorry you were sick, Debra, but happy that it kept you from buying the Magic Green Moroccan Lipstick! Definitely better to use the money toward one of the quality brands that you mentioned!! I’d love one of those lippies instead 😉

  2. what an interesting shade!! Thanks for sharing your impulse buy! I do it ALL the time lol! #beautybloggerproblems
    Amber recently posted…Beauty Blogazons Round Up Catch Up!My Profile

    1. Glad to hear that you do this sort of thing, too, Amber!

  3. Laura says:

    My entire life could be summed up with “Why Did I Do That?” 😉
    When I read the title of this post I thought you were going to review a green colored lipstick. lol I couldn’t click the Read More blue box fast enough. I had to see this!!! 🙂 I think the green shade of the lipstick is pretty neat to look at but wouldn’t be a good look on anyone if it applied that color. Thankfully it is a mood type lipstick. I owned one or two of those in the eighties. The color ended up the same shade on everyone I saw that tried it.

    1. Laura, that is so funny! I’m glad it wasn’t a bright green lipstick too. But isn’t it kind of disappointing that the shade ends up being pretty much the same on everybody? 🙂

  4. Hi Allison,
    I remember a similar lipstick that my mother had in the eighties, I used to call it “magic lipstick”; the fact of changing color from green to red was very interesting!
    I agree about the package, it is ugly, and they should state the ingredients somewhere.
    Dima Al Mahsiri recently posted…Afrikan Republic Green Tea & Tea Tree Cream ReviewMy Profile

    1. That’s great, Dima, that it was popular in Jordan in the 80s too! What a silly product that I bought!

  5. rach says:

    I would have loved this as a kid. I always wanted some of the “mood” lipsticks but my mother tended to put her foot down at that kind of thing. Thank you for letting me know where I can indulge my childhood fantasy for ridiculously silly looking neon green lipstick in tacky plastic packaging, should I ever decide to do so. Hehehe!
    Impulse buys can make for some of the best stories though, don’t you think? 😀

    1. Rach, that’s so funny that you wanted it as a kid. That’s who it’s for. But it was worth $11 for the story!

  6. Oh, yes .. I have many regrettable purchases, but if you don’t try new things then you’ll never find those “holy grail” products 😉

    I rather like the green/gold packaging .. it’s the actually product that looks a bit scary 😉

    MonicaP recently posted…Dressing up Old NavyMy Profile

    1. That’s true, Monica! If you don’t try, you don’t know. But I’m glad I’m not the only one who made silly purchases! I have a feeling if you saw this cheesy lipstick case in person, you might not like it as much lol 😉

  7. I used to have mood lipstick in highschool! Such a gimmick.
    Julie recently posted…Avon mark Dreaming of Jasmine and Crushing on Coconut Body Scrub reviewMy Profile

    1. So funny that I fell for it again!

  8. I think most of my “WTH was I thinking” purchases occur in the area of make-up & skincare 😜 I love how your great blog has saved me from quite a few calamities, including now this green monster. Thank you 💐💝P.S. Your complexion in the photo is FLAWLESS!!!

    1. Thank you, Sybille! And thank you for being such a great supporter. I know have 4 color changing lipsticks (3 from another brand), and though fun, I seldom choose them to wear. Just a fun novelty!

      I just received the article you sent me (along with the adorable macaron!) about the new Rubinstein/Arden play. I think I had heard about it, and a friend from FB even went to see it yesterday, but it fell off of my radar. There was an exhibit about Rubinstein (and Arden was in it too I’m sure) at the Jewish Museum in NYC about 2 years ago, but I didn’t get to see it. In spite of the fact that I have read quite a bit about these two women, the magazine article that you sent contained a lot of info that I didn’t know. Thank you for taking the time to send it to me xoxo

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