
Have A Joyous Thanksgiving!

Hope you and your family and/or friends have a lovely Thanksgiving Day! Whether you’re hosting and being a guest like I am this year, have lots of fun, great food, and many things to be thankful for.

This Thanksgiving, I am thankful to Jeff and also to Miriam for recognizing that I needed to go to the Emergency Room when I was having a stroke and thinking my not being able to speak correctly would just pass. Thank goodness that our EMTs, local fire and police department wouldn’t take no for an answer <3 And so relieved that our local hospital’s vascular surgeon felt that she couldn’t do the surgery. I was lucky to get an appointment with Jeff’s vascular surgeon in Boston who was very reassuring and confident about performing my less than usual surgery. Yay!

So let’s all be grateful, and have a wonderful holiday xoxo

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