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Healthy Eating Tips: Kristen Coffield’s New Book & Fashion Flash

Kristen Coffield, the editor of The Culinary Cure website

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and member of Fashion Flash, has just launched a new book that is blowing me away: 

How Healthy People Eat: An Eater’s Guide to Healthy Habits

Here’s the blurb:

This book is for anyone who has ever felt overwhelmed trying to create better eating habits and not knowing where to begin.

Culinary coach Kristen Coffield steps into your life, disrupting how you think about food, reinventing your kitchen and giving you tools to take control of how you look and feel.

I have just started reading How Healthy People Eat tonight, and I love it. The way that Kristen presents the information and advice is brilliant. She presents it in bite-size, easily digestible bits – sorry, but I couldn’t resist, lol! Each page has one key point presented in a box, and below that is a brief expansion on that point. I hope Kristen won’t mind, but here’s an example of what I was trying to describe:

The book is informative, fun and a pleasure to read. It gives you easy ways to change your behavior or fine-tune your behavior if you’re already on the path to healthy eating. It’s just terrific.

If you want to check it out for yourself or buy it as a gift for someone you care about, here’s the link to order a copy of How Healthy People Eat.

In addition to launching her new book, Kristen is also hosting this week’s edition of Fashion Flash, the online beauty, health and wellness, lifestyle, fashion, exercise, and travel mini-magazine for women over 40.

Fashion Flash image

Here’s what’s on tap this week:

  • how to be your own coach while trying to lose weight
  • how to style pajamas as daywear, whoa!
  • how to treat smoker’s wrinkles above your lips
  • why exercising outdoors even in winter is a good idea
  • “brain fog” is a real thing and what you can do about it
  • how to enjoy winter in San Marino even when you can’t travel
  • how to treat winter dry skin with a natural product that’s a cinch to use

So click over to The Culinary Cure and check out this week’s edition of Fashion Flash.


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