
Hello from NYC!

Just a quick hi from NYC!

The Hudson River Museum

We had a fun weekend with my friend MK in Yonkers. On Saturday, we went to the Hudson River Museum where her son, Max, works. He is a tour guide at the Glenview Mansion on the Hudson River next door to the museum. The house was a beautiful example of Gilded Age architecture. In fact, the scenes of the Astor’s NYC mansion in the HBO series, The Gilded Age, were filmed there.

Next, we went to the museum’s planetarium and saw a fun show on the constellations and planets. I adore planetariums so I was in heaven.

Finally, we saw the special exhibit at the museum: paintings by contemporary artists that were inspired by Frida Kahlo. Absolutely terrific. Here are a few pix of the works:

The Game’s Afoot or Holmes for the Holidays

On Saturday night, we went to the performance of a mystery comedy at the tennis club that my friend belongs to in Yonkers. Five or so years ago, the club restarted yearly plays put on by the members. MK has acted in all of them. This year, they performed The Game’s Afoot, a play by the author of Lend Me A Tenor, Ken Ludwig.

Jeff and I thought MK stole the show. She’s the tall woman with the gold turban. It was very funny.

Frick Madison

The Frick Museum in the Frick mansion on Fifth Avenue at 70th St. is probably my favorite museum anywhere. It is closed for extensive renovations, but they moved the artwork to the old Whitney Museum on Madison Avenue at 75 St. Jeff and I went there to see the artworks in their temporary home, against plain grey walls and grouped differently than when in the Frick home. Unfortunately, 5 of my favorite paintings (all the Whistlers) and a stunning portion of Thomas Moore by Holbein were on loan elsewhere. Boo. But my favorite painting by Ingres, Countess d’Hausonville, was still there. 

We walked back to the hotel via Central Park where spring has definitely sprung.

Still to Come

Today, we’re going to the Museum of Modern Art, just around the corner from where we’re staying in Midtown. And tonight, we’re going to what is supposed to be a hysterically fun play off Broadway, The Play that Goes Wrong. 

It’s great to be back in Manhattan, my home for many years. But it sure is expensive. Breakfast for two at a local diner cost $52 plus tip. Ridiculous.

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  1. gloria patterson says:

    Sounds like you are making up for not going or do these things for several years. Do everything eat everything have a great time while you are there.

    1. Thank you so much, Gloria 💕

  2. i’m glad that this special time with friends is going so great.
    Marcia recently posted…Hello from NYC!My Profile

    1. Thank you, Marcia! I’ve been thinking about you. How are you feeling?

  3. Sandy says:

    Love all that Artwork, thanks for sharing!

    1. Sandy, thank you! I am so happy to hear from you. I’ve been wondering how you have been doing, and also hoping you’ve experienced some improvement since we last “talked” xo
      Allison recently posted…Hello from NYC!My Profile

  4. Gabrielle says:

    Wow! You’ve gotten to do some fabulous things! I still remember doing little theatre myself. Oh, those days…

    1. Oh, I can definitely picture you as an actress, Gabrielle!!
      Allison recently posted…Hello from NYC!My Profile

      1. Gabrielle says:

        Aw, thank you!

  5. What a truly amazing trip, Allison! Enjoy every second of it!
    Lola Seicento recently posted…Bumblebee Linens Hand Bath Towels for Mother’s DayMy Profile

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