
I Give Up for Today, At Least

I just wrote a long post where I wrote about a product ordering mishap that I just experienced. It was a frustrating situation but kind of a funny story. 

After I finished writing it, I tried to insert a photo into the post. Somehow, the new WordPress composition program, that I updated to last week and hate, “lost” my post. The only thing it had saved was the title. Ugh.

It’s too late tonight to start over again. I hope you had a good night’s sleep, and I hope you have a good day today. I will try again tomorrow.

At any rate, here’s the photo that I was trying to insert in my original post:

This is Crane Beach in Ipswich MA where I spent this afternoon. A hurricane out in the Atlantic Ocean caused ultra-high tides that covered the entire beach going all the way up to the dunes. The wind was strong, the water was freezing, and the waves were big. A lovely day, though no swimming for me!

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  1. Gabrielle says:

    Yesterday was a tech nightmare for me as well. So sorry about your lost entry!

    1. Thanks so much for commiserating with me! I hope your tech nightmare has been resolved xo

      1. Gabrielle says:

        It has, thank you. I hope wordpress is working better for you today.

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