
I’m Back with Tulip Pix from Holland!

Well, our trip trip to Amsterdam and Holland is sadly over, but we have lots of great memories and photos. I know this is a beauty blog and not a travel blog, but – if you’re interested – I’d like to share some of the highlights from our Dutch trip over the next couple of weeks. Today, I’ll start with tulips!

I planned our trip to Holland to coincide with the height of the tulip season, and in the weeks before we left, I thought I goofed with our timing. Europe like the Northeast and Midwest US had a long, exceptionally cold winter and a delayed spring. But fortunately, everything worked out well for us: the tulips were blooming very well during our visit. On the Monday after our arrival in Amsterdam, we figured out how to take the train to Schipol Airport to get the express bus to Keukenhof, the 32 hectare garden about an hour away from Amsterdam in Lisse that is the showcase of the Dutch bulb industry. When we arrived at the airport and looked for the 858 bus to Keukenhof, we were instructed to get on the long, and I mean looooooooong, line with hundreds of others who were waiting for the bus. We were in line for about an hour, but we met a nice couple from London to chat with.

As we approached Keukenhof garden, we got our first glimpses of the tulip fields: brilliant bands of color on the flat lands. Many of the fields had bicycle paths surrounding them. Sadly, we didn’t get a chance to rent bikes. Too much to do in just one day!

pink, purple and white tulip fields in Lisse, Holland, neversaydiebeauty.com

red, pink tulip fields in Lisse Holland, neversaydiebeauty.com

yellow and white tulip fields in Lisse, Holland, neversaydiebeauty.com

Keukenhof means “kitchen garden”, as that was how it got its start as an herb and flower garden for a manor house. It is open only for two months, from late March through mid-May every year.

entrance to Keukenhof gardens in Lisse Holland, neversaydiebeauty.com

The gardens showcase tulips, but there are other bulbs as well: hyacinth, grape hyacinth, daffodils, cala lilies, and fritallaria.

cala lilies at Keukenhof, neversaydiebeauty.com

cream colored daffodils with peach center, neversaydiebeauty.com

hyacinths and tulips at Keukenhof, neversaydiebeauty.com

closeup of an orange fritallaria plant at Keukenhof, neversaydiebeauty.com

Every kind and color tulip was to be found:

  • tulips with rounded petals

pink tulips with rounded petals, neversaydiebeauty.com

  • petals with spiked petals

tulips with spiked petals at Keukenhof, neversaydiebeauty.com

  • doubles and triples that look almost like peonies

triple tulips, Keukenhof, neversaydiebeauty.com

  • single color
  • single color with a different color edge

red tulips with yellow edges, neversaydiebeauty.com

  • multi color

multicolor blush/yellow/peach tulips with rounded petals, neversaydiebeauty.com

  • parrots.

parrot tulips at Keukenhof, neversaydiebeauty.com

The gardens are beautifully designed with:

  • areas of single hues (though sometimes a surprise shows up!)

pink tulips with boxwood hedges at Keukenhof, neversaydiebeauty.com

  • others with coordinating borders of either other flowers or boxwood hedges

water feature at Keukenhof with bordered tulips on either side of the canal, neversaydiebeauty.com

tulips surrounded by boxwood hedges at Keukenhof, neversaydiebeauty.com

  • and a few gardens with tulips of mixed colors and types.

garden with tulips of mixed colors and varieties at Keukenhof, neversaydiebeauty.com

Truly a treat for the eyes! There were ponds with swans as well as sculptures and follies (little houses) throughout the landscape to keep things interesting.

water sculpture at Keukenhof, neversaydiebeauty.com

formal garden with boxwood hedges, tulips, daffodils and sculpture at Keukenhof, neversaydiebeauty.com

pond with swans and tulips at Keukenhof, neversaydiebeauty.com

We spent more than 6 hours at Keukenhof, and we figured that we walked at least 5 miles. It was heavenly!

In addition to a lot of souvenir shops and food concessions, there was a place to order bulbs that would be shipped to your home at the appropriate time for planting in the fall. Jeff bought me a giant amaryllis – Minerva: red with white center – that I proceeded to lose at the garden. 😥

amaryllis in pots for sale at Keukenhof, neversaydiebeauty.com

There was an antique windmill that we visited that gave us a bird’s-eye view of the property.

windmill at Keukenhof, neversaydiebeauty.com

bird's eye view of Keukenhof from the windmill, neversaydiebeauty.com

We also took a 45 minute cruise on a small electric-powered boat through the canals that went through the nearby tulip fields.

cruise along a canal amongst the tulip fields in Lisse Holland, neversaydiebeauty.com

It was so peaceful and relaxing after wandering through the gardens for hours. The only sounds were the birds and the clicking of cameras 😉

We had a lovely, memorable day at Keukenhof! Have you been there? Would you like to go?

riot of color: bands of warm colored tulips at Keukenhof, neversaydiebeauty.com




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  1. Great post! Fantastic photos! You nailed it!

    1. Allison says:

      Thank you, J 😘

  2. Welcome back, Allison and wow, looks like a wonderful garden to walk through! I adore tulips and have so many bloomed in the garden this year.

    1. Thank you, Shireen! I’m jealous of your garden. I have such bad luck with tulips in my boggy garden. I planted some yellow ones, and though they have poked through the ground, they look pretty sickly. My fingers are crossed that once it warms up (today), they’ll pull through. I was so tempted to order oodles of them while in Holland, but my brain prevailed. I did get my giant amaryllis, however, and I’ve got to plant it soon.

      1. I wish it’s all me but it’s my MIL! She has the greenest thumb and we have a beautiful garden because of her. I kill almost everything green. LMAO!

        1. LOL, Shireen! You’re so lucky to have a MIL with a green thumb!

  3. Welcome back, Allison! These pictures are absolutely GORGEOUS! I love tulips, and you were certainly visiting the perfect place to enjoy their magnificence!

    1. Thank you, Helen!

  4. I’m Dutch with heritage from Holland – I’m so interested in your trip. What beautiful flowers!!!!! Thank you for sharing these – these are technically beauty, if you look at it that way!

    1. I agree, Judy! That’s great that you have Dutch ancestors. It is such a beautiful and inventive country and culture – I hope you and your family will go some day to see the Netherlands!

  5. Sandy Pincombe says:

    Oh Allison, thanks for sharing. Such beautiful photos. Our Tulip Festival in Holland starts this week. Holland is a Dutch town that sits on the shore of Lake Michigan. Even though it is only about 30minutes from me I have never been over to see any of the week long festival.

    1. Sandy I’ve never been either which is ridiculous when we have a resource like this in our state. My brother goes all the time though.

      1. Sandy Pincombe says:

        Marcia, what part of the state is your brother in?

    2. Sandy, I hope that you will have the time to go to Holland MI and see the tulips! It is so beautiful whether in Holland MI or Holland NL! I’d love to hear about it if you are able to go!

  6. Tulips are among my favorite flowers! I have this red amaryliss with the white center, in fact this year the bulb created FOUR stems that each have four flowers in them. Because I’m in San Diego I don’t even have to dig it out and replant it, it’s in a pot outside and happily sends its spectacular blooms up every year. Don’t be sad about losing your, you wouldn’t have been allowed to bring a bulb back into the US anyway, and if customs found it you’d be at risk to get a big fine.

    1. Laure, I actually did get the Minerva amaryllis, but I can’t say how. I still haven’t planted it yet. Mine will have to go in a pot. You are amazing that you coaxed 4 stems for yours!!! Magnificent!

    2. Sandy Pincombe says:

      Marcia and Allison,
      Don’t think it will be this year as I have several commitments that I can’t reschedule. Hopefully next year.

      1. Glad you’re busy, Sandy! I may see if Holland MI has a website about the event. I’m curious about it 🙂

  7. Your photos blow me away. It’s hard to believe you aren’t using professional cameras. This trip sounds like it was so perfect for you. Surrounded by flowers and beautiful places. So happy for you.

    1. Thank you so much, Marcia. Just my iPhone 7+. The trip really was perfect for us – flowers, art and food – our faves!

  8. I was hoping you would talk about your trip. Beautiful photos!

    1. Thank you, Cindy!

  9. OMG stunningly gorgeous pics – I’m so jealous! I’m glad you guys had fun!

    1. Thanks, Jen!

  10. Kathryne says:

    I saw some of your Facebook photos, that was indeed a wonderful trip! I love tulips and these are all beyond beautiful. Yes to more travel posts!!!

    1. Thank you, Kathryne! I hope to do a post about the art museums that we visited too.

  11. Those tulips are gorgeous! I’m so happy you got to experience spring in Holland!

    1. Thank you, Anastasia!

  12. So gorgeous! I don’t know much (or anything…) about flowers, but it would be amazing to see in person.

    1. I think you’d love it. No need to be a horticulturalist for this beauty!

  13. These flowers are all so gorgeous, I love tulips! My favorite photo is the one of the all pink tulips with the one orange one peeking out!

    1. Thank you, Cassie! I always like to see an oddball in every crowd 😉

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