Beauty Tools, Product Spotlight

Is It Just Me or Is the Foreo Luna Mini 3 Impossible to Set Up?

I Bought This

On the first day of Ulta’s 21 Days of Beauty that just ended, I thought I got the deal of the decade. The Foreo Luna Mini 3 was on sale for 50% off. I had been saving my Ulta money back from points, so I bought the Foreo Luna Mini 3 that’s usually priced at $159 for $52 including tax. How exciting, I thought.

I own the first generation Foreo Luna, and I love it. It’s a cinch to use. Just plug it in and press the button once to turn it on and another time to switch to the second lower speed. Press it a third time to turn it off. Easy peasy. And it holds a charge for at least 2 years.

But the new generations of Foreo Lunas and Luna Minis do so much more. I thought I needed the latest and greatest, especially for less than half price. 

My Foreo Luna Mini 3 arrived two weeks ago. I’ve had a busy couple of weeks, so I just got around to setting it up on Sunday. I plugged it in to charge it. Supposedly, it charges in 1.5 hours. Because I had to go out, it charged for longer than that.

I looked in the box for a manual or some information on how to set it up. All there is is a QR code to scan and a small amount of information that is almost completely unreadable unless you’re 9 years old. I can read “First things first: Unlock your Device”, but that’s it. The rest is in mouse type in white font on a pink background.

Who is the genius who designed the look of their packaging and product information? I went online to find some information, and the font is pale gray on white. Really?

When I got home, I discovered that I had to download the Foreo For You app from the App Store before I could use the device. I tried to set up an account, and the app repeatedly told me that I needed to check my email address. Huh? It finally took. I set up a password to finish creating the account.

Next I clicked on “Luna” from the list of devices, and I scanned the SKU that contains the serial number. I chose the type of retailer where I bought the device. I added in the date I bought it. The next thing it asked was to upload proof of purchase. I bought it online at Ulta, and they don’t send a receipt like you get at the store. So I took a screenshot of my order that showed where I bought it, my name and address, the price I paid. I uploaded it to the Device Info tab. It appears to be uploaded because I can see it on my phone screen. However, it still says “Upload proof of purchase” and it won’t let me “save changes”. I don’t have any other proof of purchase to try to upload.

I have tried to pair my device via Bluetooth, but it won’t connect. In order to connect, it is necessary to register your device. I guess my device isn’t “registered” because it hasn’t recognized my proof of purchase.

I will try calling Customer Service tomorrow to see if they can help me. If not, I will return it to my local Ulta store. Hopefully, they’ll take it back. Or maybe they can give me a real receipt, but I doubt it because I didn’t buy it at the store. 

Do any of you have the Foreo Luna Mini 3? If you bought yours online, did you have any trouble registering your device and pairing it with Bluetooth? Got any advice to help me get this thing set up?

Grrrrrr, I am ready to pull my hair out. My bargain purchase isn’t turning out to be a bargain after all.

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  1. Denise Wertz says:

    This sounds like a nightmare! Why do you have to have an app on your phone to use a facial cleanser? Technology is wonderful, we all benefit from it every day, but sometimes it’s just not necessary. Good luck getting this all fixed.

    1. I agree, Denise. Now that I have the replacement Foreo up and running and paired with the app, I am not sure that the benefit of the app is that great. A simple on/off button would be fine for me!

  2. Wow, that is frustrating! It shouldn’t be that difficult registering an online purchase. I had to download the app and register all of my devices that way, but I didn’t encounter this problem. I hope that they resolve it quickly for you!
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  3. Wow. What a mess. I am not technogical in any way and I’d probably be throwing it on the floor. I sure hope CS helps Keep us updated.

    1. I was just about to throw it on the floor. Turns out, it must have been a lemon.

  4. Gabrielle says:

    That is nightmarish! You have to jump through rings of fire in order to wash your face??? Yoiks! They should send you oodles of free goodies to make it up to you!!!

  5. Sandy Weinstein says:

    What a mess. Companies have gotten so ridiculous lately. No one sends instructions, cust service is terrible. Hope you can figure it out.

    1. I was grateful, Sandy, that the FOREO Customer Service rep actually called me back. Though she couldn’t figure out the bluetooth pairing problem, she was helpful when I said I wanted to exchange it. And I was shocked at how accommodating the Ulta store folks were. So I guess the first/pink FOREO was a lemon! Glad that the blue one worked as it should.

  6. This thing is a nightmare! I returned one because I thought it was broken because it wouldn’t turn on. I googled how to work Foreo Luna mini 3 and it said to press the button, press 2xs fast… blah blah hold to turn off. Did not say anything about YOU MUST GET APP 1st. Why do I have to get an app to use it? Why can’t I just use the darn thing? The last thing I need is another app on my phone… especially one to wash my face! With it being this much of a pain they should pay people $150 to use it.
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    1. So sorry, Cynthia! I knew I needed an app, but I still had problems. I think I had to return mine to Ulta, and the second one finally worked. But I agree with you, why do we need an app to turn it on and off. I did program it, but I just use it however I want once it’s on. Boo, Foreo! Hope you’re able to use it now!

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