Beauty Tools

J Cat Dry Makeup Brush Cleaner

One of the key reasons I put off doing swatches of new eyeshadow palettes is that I end up with a million eyeshadow brushes to wash and dry. Ugh. 

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During one of the Ulta sales last year, I finally remembered to pick up J Cat Dry Makeup Brush Cleaner, and I’m glad I did. Although I know that not many of us are wearing a lot of makeup these days, this handy dandy little beauty tool is a good thing to have in your arsenal. And it doesn’t cost much either. If you are inspired, you can probably even make your own version.

What J Cat Dry Makeup Brush Cleaner is is a piece of rough polyurethane sponge inside a metal jar.

When you swirl your dirty makeup brush in a circular motion over the sponge, the fibers latch on to the powder on your brush. In the photo above, you can see the powder residue on the sponge. The brush comes out surprisingly clean! So if you are doing a multicolor shadow look, instead of using 3 brushes to apply your shadows, you can use one.

It’s called “dry makeup brush cleaner” because it won’t work to remove liquid makeup. I haven’t tried cream, but I assume that’s a no-no too. However, if your liquid makeup dries onto the brush, I have a feeling you could use it. But it is really designed to let you use one brush for more than one powdered color.

You can flip over the polyurethane sponge for more cleaning surface if you need it. Washing the sponge is easy to do with soap and water. Let the sponge dry before replacing in the container.

I really like the J Cat Dry Makeup Brush Cleaner. At $5.99, it’s a must-have. You can buy it on the J Cat Beauty website, on where it’s sold online only or at HB Beauty Bar. Next time you’re looking for an item to add to your cart in order to qualify for free shipping, remember J Cat Dry Makeup Brush Cleaner. It’s definitely a worthwhile purchase.

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  1. I have one of these and I love it. I’m not sure what brand it is, I got it in one of my Boxee charm boxes. Now I wonder how I lived without it!

    1. What a great inclusion in one of your Boxycharm boxes! I noticed that there are other brands as well yesterday when I wrote the post. I had only heard about the J Cat product, but one could even make one’s own, though at this affordable price it’s easier just to buy it

  2. I know just what you mean about putting off swatches because of having to excessively clean brushes! What a great dry makeup brush cleaner! I could really use this! Thank you for introducing me to this!

    1. Now I have no excuse not to start reviewing many palettes I’ve put off reviewing!

  3. I need this! I tend to clean my brushes off with the back of my hand which just grabs my natural oils.

    1. Allison says:

      You do need it! I did the same thing, trying to clean my brush on the back of my hand, but it never got it all. This works!!

  4. I keep forgetting to use the one I have. It’s so perfect for eyeshadow brushes.
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  5. I use all natural hair brushes and am too scared to use these on those bristles. I have a few microfiber towels I wipe my brushes on between full washes.

    1. Allison says:

      Sounds like you’re all set with your microfiber towel, An. That’s great 😀

  6. Gabrielle says:

    This looks ideal for me! Thanks for clueing me in to its existence!

    1. Allison says:

      You’re welcome! It’s perfect to add to your bag at Ulta if you’re trying to get free shipping and need something small to reach the hurdle. It is so darn useful!

  7. I didn’t even know that this was a thing! I always have such a hard time cleaning my powder used brushes and this sounds like a fantastic quick solution!
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  8. I tried a similar product but maybe I used it incorrectly because it didn’t work for me all that well. Considering the price I might give this one a try, who knows maybe it will be different!
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    1. The JCat Dry Brush Makeup Remover is just for removing powder, but it works quite well for me. It’s so handy when I’m doing swatches. It might be worth a try just for that use

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