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Jeff’s Recovery Progress Looking Up!

Woohoo, Jeff’s On the Mend!

Today, I drove Jeff to his one month post-op appointment at the surgeon’s office in Boston to remove the staples from his incisions. Three hospitalizations later, the long awaited day finally arrived!

Although one of Jeff’s incisions is still bleeding a little and the other one is still leaking quite a bit, we were delighted that the physician’s assistant said that the staples have done all that they can do and that they should be removed. Yay! We were a little concerned that she would say to wait another week or so.

In place of the staples, she put heavy duty surgical tape that is supposed to stay in place for about two weeks. He still has to wear gauze pads on top to absorb any leakage, but it still seems like progress.

Instead of the compression stocking he has been wearing during the day, the PA said he should be wrapped with 3 ace bandages from his foot to the top of his thigh for as much of the day as possible. While the swelling on his leg has gone down substantially, his ankle and foot are still swollen.

Some of the other issues haven’t been completely resolved, but hopefully they are moving in the right direction.

The best news is: Jeff can drive again!!! Because he drives a manual shift and that requires the left leg that had been operated on, the surgeon told him not to drive. For the past 6 weeks, I have been driving him around as well as visiting him when he was in the hospital, a three hour round trip. I hate driving especially in traffic, especially in the city. I am so grateful that Jeff is mobile again, and so is he. 🙂

Fingers Crossed for Marcia’s Recovery

So that’s the good news about Jeff. I am truly hoping that the first arm that Marcia broke a couple of months ago is healed enough that she can do things for herself. It’s been a tough year healthwise so far for Marcia. Please think strong healing thoughts for Marcia’s recovery! I hope she’ll be able to return to NSDB as soon as she is healed.


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  1. So glad that Jeff is getting better – and Marcia, too! Jeff is lucky to have you!

  2. gloria patterson says:

    congrat you guys will have to go out to dinner to celebrate

  3. Gabrielle says:

    I am so thrilled that there is encouraging Jeff news! I’m also holding healing thoughts for Marcia.

  4. Hi, Allison – I’m so glad you shared this update with us! I was wondering how it was going. Wishes for Jeff and Marcia to get well soon. Stay strong – Angie,
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