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Weekly Roundups

Joining Fashion Flash to Bring You More Variety

Recently, I was asked to join Fashion Flash, a group of fabulous women bloggers who blog on a variety of topics specifically targeted to 40+ women. While I love beauty and I know you do too, I have other interests as well and I’m sure you do as well. Fashion Flash is made up of fashion bloggers, lifestyle bloggers, health and wellness bloggers as well as beauty bloggers. I’m looking forward to getting to know all of the members of Fashion Flash and checking out their blogs.


The way it works is, once a week, usually Monday evening or Tuesday I’ll put up a post inviting you to click on a link that’s hosted by one of the fabulous Fashion Flash bloggers – and the host will change every week. There you’ll find descriptions and links to each blogger’s featured post so you can easily hop over and take a look. What struck me when I visited Mirabai’s amazingly helpful fitness blog, Moving Free, to look at her Fashion Flash post was that taken together, the posts form a fabulous mini-magazine targeted to women like me – and hopefully like you too!

So click here to visit Moving Free and to check out this week’s Fashion Flash entries. And let me know what you think!

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  1. This is a great concept and I’m glad there’s something like this which is targeted for my age. I swear the fashion and beauty blogging world has been taken over by teenagers and the young 20s, there’s nothing wrong with that but I appreciate something that I can better relate to.
    Shireen L. Platt recently posted…Personalized Your Nutritional Supplements with Cool ChoiceMy Profile

    1. Absolutely! I sometimes love the fashion that the young fashion bloggers show, but there’s no way I can wear that. Even beauty – I can’t wear what a young one can, sadly. I think this will be fun!

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