The Beauty Blogazons Weekly Roundup
Weekly Roundups

Last Call for Beessential Giveaway & Beauty Blogazons Weekly Roundup 3/28/15

Wow, this was a quick week. I attended the monthly meeting of my garden club and got to look at gorgeous photos of stunning gardens. Seeing all that green was almost too much for me. I’m so used to seeing white and gray out my window that green looks unnatural, lol! Also, I hosted my book club. That means I got to make dinner for the group. It’s a quite a bit of work, but I only have to do it once a year. I may even share a few of the recipes that I made if anyone is interested. In addition to eating and drinking, we always have great conversations about the books we read and about other things that are going on in our lives. Do you belong to a book club?

My Beessential Natural Skincare giveaway ends late on Monday night, March 30! The prize includes Beessential Original Honey Hand & Body Cream, Honey Lip Balm and Dead Sea Mud Soap for Dry Skin. Check out the giveaway details, and enter here.

Beecology Natural Skincare products, Beecology Hand & Body Cream, Beecology Dead Sea Mud Soap, Beecology Honey Lip Balm

Promotional Product


The Beauty Blogazons Weekly RoundupNow on to the Beauty Blogazons and this week’s beauty blogposts. For my post, I joined up with the women in The Beauty Collaborative (some of whom are members of the Blogazons too) to share our spring makeup looks. Because it really isn’t very spring-y here in the Boston area, my rose gold makeup, nails and accessories look is more a transitional look than a real spring flowers look. If you missed the post on Thursday, you can catch it at the end of the list below. Thanks for reading and enjoy your weekend <3

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  1. Too bad I can’t enter the giveaway, because I just read the review and the brands sound really interesting.
    Kiss & Make-up recently posted…Review | Living Lalique eau de parfumMy Profile

    1. The Beessential Natural Skincare products are wonderful, Melissa. So sorry that it isn’t an international giveaway.

  2. Laura says:

    It is great that you keep yourself involved in so many activities. I envy you in a good way. 😉 I plan to slowly work my way into biking again when the weather finally turns warm. Everything I do is solitary except for the company of my furry friends until hubby gets home from work. Thankfully I enjoy my own company.
    Oh and I love recipes especially easy ones. I cook from scratch everyday. It gets tiresome sometimes but I like knowing what is going into my food.

    1. Laura, the last week of the month usually is my big week coz that’s when the two groups meet. Other than that, I too am rather solitary. I have a couple of friends in the neighborhood that I get together with on occasion and another friend who teaches and skis during the “school year” who I see in the summer much more. But I have learned to like doing things on my own. On the topic of cooking, so glad that you’re a scratch cook too!!!

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