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Let’s be frugal with this $6 find from Eveline

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It’s so nice to find a product that works and is so affordable. EVELINE COSMETICS is an international brand that has many products for the eyes. There was talk about this on Facebook and I decided to take the plunge (I think it cost me $5 a few months ago, it’s now $5.99). Eveline 8w1 Total Action Concentrated Eyelash Serum has 8 reasons to buy according to their information.

This was made for weakened and brittle eyelashes. I don’t have eyelashes like that but I do have stubby lashes and I’ve tried dozens of eyelash serums to help with growth. The first I tried was Latisse which did the job. It was wonderful. It was also expensive and could only be gotten through a doctor. My dermatologist ended up with the most stunning lashes through her use of Latisse. Mine improved greatly but then she moved away and I didn’t have the money to keep using it.

I still use a nightly lash serum and have teeter totter results. Some are great but only work for a few months and then my lashes seem wimpy again. Some burn my eyes too much to continue with them. Others just never had any effect. And all were expensive. When Eveline 8w1 Total Action Concentrated Eyelash Serum came to my attention I realized I had nothing to lose.

This is a combo eyelash serum and eyelash primer. Normally eyelash primers weigh my lashes down so I don’t use them. But Eveline 8w1 Total Action doesn’t do that. It helps lift my lashes and has worked well with several mascaras. The first time I used this I thought it was dried out but it just needed to be woken up. The next time I saw the white primer and knew that it was fine.

Here’s the scoop from Eveline:

The serum acts in 8 areas, visibly reinforcing and improving eyelashes condition. INNOVATIVE product combining properties of rebuilding serum, eyelash growth activator and mascara base. LUXURY OF YOUTH is an ingredient rich in precious argan oil acting in synergy with hyaluronic acid. Penetrates into hair structure and stimulates their growth, optically doubling eyelashes. Effectively regenerates, nourishes and thickens eyelashes. D-PANTHENOL reinforces eyelashes from the roots to the tips. Regular use of the serum makes eyelashes become visibly thicker, longer, stronger and less prone to falling out. Apply the Concentrated Serum 8 in 1, when your eyelashes are: 1. Weakened 2. Brittle 3. Without shine 4. Short 5. Thin 6. Faded 7. Falling out 8. Slowly growing.

I don’t use this as regularly as I’d like to. But I do use it every time I wear mascara. If I’m home then I don’t wear any makeup other than lip balm. If I go out I’ll wear the whole shebang. That’s when I use Eveline. I already have a new one in my Amazon cart as well as their Eyelash Growth Activator Concentrated Serum 3 in 1 Advance Volumiere. This one is clear while the Eveline 8w1 Total Action Concentrated Eyelash Serum is white because of the lash primer.

At $6 and with Amazon’s generous return policy you have nothing to lose. I’m happy to have this frugal find in my life.

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  1. Effective and affordable is such a winning combination! This sounds like a really excellent eyelash serum!
    Lola+Seicento recently posted…Nordstrom Gift with $125.00 Beauty or Fragrance PurchaseMy Profile

    1. I love what it does for my lashes though I can’t comment on the growth part.
      Marcia recently posted…What’s new for eyes from Hard Candy? Find out here!My Profile

  2. Allison Cohen says:

    I will definitely give this a try. My friend had fabulous results with GrandeLash, but since my eyes are so sensitive, I haven’t wanted to spend the money in case my eyes won’t tolerate it. I still have some RevitaLash left as well as a backup in my stash, but I’m always looking for something even better. I’m especially curious about the extra strength version you mentioned.

    1. GrandeLash was okay for me for a short while but then stopped working. I like that this is in addition to a nighttime serum.
      Marcia recently posted…What’s new for eyes from Hard Candy? Find out here!My Profile

  3. Kim A. says:

    I’ll give this a try too! Happy to hear about it, thank you!

    1. Thanks for commenting. It’s the best $6 find I’ve made.
      Marcia recently posted…What’s new for eyes from Hard Candy? Find out here!My Profile

  4. I love hearing about more affordable lash growth serums. Im still using Grande Lash, I bought extra during the holidays so I’d have stock for longer through the year, but that’s a great price if you are reaping benefits from it!

    1. I’m using another lash serum so I don’t know about growth but it sure makes my lashes stand out. I’ve bought other lash primers that were too heavy but this is light enough that it doesn’t drag my lashes down.
      Marcia recently posted…What’s new for eyes from Hard Candy? Find out here!My Profile

  5. Do you think those lash serums lose their effect after a while? How often do you think one should use it?

    1. Michelle, I do think they lose their effect which is why I switch around after about 6 weeks. I try to use the night one every night but this one is just when I wear mascara because of the nice boost it gives.
      Marcia recently posted…What’s new for eyes from Hard Candy? Find out here!My Profile

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