box of Luster AM/PM Toothpaste Reinvented system,
Health & Beauty

Lightening My Smile with Luster AM/PM Toothpaste

A couple of months ago, I needed to have a crown replaced at the dentist. I’m sure you know how expensive that can be. As a result, my plans for getting a professional teeth lightening has been put on hold.

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Two years ago, I reviewed a gel from Luster that gave me good results at home in lightening my teeth enough to be noticeable (see my review here). Recently, I received AM/PM Toothpaste Reinvented, a new system from Luster.

box of Luster AM/PM Toothpaste Reinvented system,

On the package, it says “3 times whiter in 3 days”. That sounded unbelievable, but I was game to try it, in spite of the fact that I was using a toothpaste that I absolutely love.

My teeth were probably the most yellow they have been in a long time. I need to schedule a regular cleaning at my dentist, and that usually helps a bit. So I would say that I am a “torture test” for Luster AM/PM Toothpaste Reinvented.

morning and evening tubes of Luster AM/PM Toothpaste,

The way this system works is pretty obvious: you use the AM gel toothpaste with breath freshening benefits and stain protection ingredients in the morning and PM paste toothpaste at night with ingredients for stronger enamel, stain removal and whiter teeth. Easy peasy. I must say that as regular toothpaste, I like both of these options. They taste good (minty) and leave my mouth and teeth feeling clean. The AM toothpaste leaves my mouth tasting so incredibly fresh that it’s really enjoyable to brush my teeth.

I used Luster AM/PM Toothpaste for 3 days, and honestly, I didn’t see any difference. Unfortunately, the kit doesn’t come with a card with tooth shades on it so you can match your “before” and “after” to see if there’s any difference. I have no clue what “3 times whiter” would look like. I took a “before” photo by the window with bright light but no sun. Actually, when I look at the “before” photo my teeth don’t look as yellow perhaps because of the light?

my "before" photo of my teeth, before I started using Luster AM/PM Toothpaste,

Then Jeff and I went away for a long weekend, and I brought a travel size toothpaste from another brand with me instead. When I returned home, I decided to give Luster AM/PM another try, and this time, I used the system for about a week or so. Now, I can see that my teeth aren’t quite as yellowy as they were before. I took an “after” photo, and unfortunately, I noticed the lighting situation is different as you can tell from my skin tone. By the window where I took the photo, there was golden sunlight, so in the photos, my teeth look about the same. In person, I think they might be a couple of shades lighter. They are certainly not blindingly white, but I think they look better. I’ll take it. Especially since all I did was use another couple of toothpastes instead of my normal one.

after using Luster AM/PM Toothpaste for a week,

The Luster AM/PM Toothpaste system whitens safely both above and below the surface of the teeth using professional-grade peroxide-based whitening ingredients. I have super-sensitive teeth, and I had no problems whatsoever using Luster AM/PM Toothpaste. It is both enamel-safe, and as I mentioned above, the PM toothpaste has ingredients to help build enamel. The toothpaste also contains fluoride to fight cavities. The system was developed by dentists for their patients to use at home.

tubes of Luster AM/PM Toothpaste after I used them for about a week or so,

Each tube contains 4 oz. and the kit is priced around $12.99. It is sold on the Luster website where you can get additional information as well as at Walgreens, on, at Harmon Discount, and on Amazon.

I’m beginning to be in holiday mode, and I have started thinking about and buying holiday gifts now. I think Luster AM/PM Toothpaste would make a terrific stocking stuffer for family members!

Luster 365 Days of Teeth Whitening

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  1. I was sendt this set as well, but haven’t started testing it yet. I am glad that it seemed to work, though maybe not as dramatically as they assert. Maybe it really needs to be used for a longer period of time. I need to photograph it so that I can start testing it.

    1. I don’t think a peroxide toothpaste can work overnight, but like you said, the longer time period seemed to make a difference. I’ll be curious to see how it works for you

  2. I’m actually glad it did not work as starkly as it claims, I would be scared to use products that seem to work overnight because they could be loaded with chemicals

  3. Sandy Pincombe says:

    Will head to Walgreens this week and see if they carry it. As I age my teeth age in color

    1. I think it’s an easy way to get some whitening/lightening without having to do trays or strips, Sandy 🙂

  4. I think whitening toothpastes are a good long term option for tooth whitening and I think probably better for my sensitive teeth. I know my teeth felt super sensitive after I used whitening strips

    1. I have sensitive teeth, too, and I always have to abandon strips after about 2 days. I have had pretty good luck with Luster products. The toothpaste must be gentle because it doesn’t bother me at all. And I also was able to use the Luster gel that definitely lightened my teeth.

  5. I need to try this, I drink so much coffee it’s horrible for my teeth! I am horrible about using strips and can’t afford the treatment so toothpaste is a good way to go!! Thanks for sharing this brand with us!!!

    1. I also really liked the Luster gel that was easy to use, and definitely whitened my teeth several shades.

  6. I think this is an interesting idea as far as the two different AM PM tubes, because realistically in the morning you haven’t been eating or drinking things that can stain so you might have different needs.

    1. absolutely right!

  7. I have been told to use toothpaste for sensitive teeth so I use Sensodyne. Strips for whitening aren’t for me but a toothpaste would be fine. I could use this for a week and Sensodyne the next week.

    1. I was using Sensodyne for several years for my sensitive teeth. Somehow I was able to switch to Marvis with no ill effects. I can’t use whitening strips, but Luster AM/PM Toothpaste is absolutely fine for me. I’ve also been able to use Luster Whitening Gel that I paint on my teeth with no issues. It might be gentle enough for you to use intermittently.

  8. Such a bold statement for a company to make. Thank you for fully testing it. I sadly can’t really use whitening toothpaste (unless they don’t work…haha) because I have a fake tooth in front from a fall in elementary school that shattered a tooth.

    1. Got it, Kristi!

  9. Jen Walker says:

    I need to do some more teeth whitening so this sounds good to me. My teeth are sensitive, so a slower whitening is better for me, although a faster approach sounds ok in theory.

    1. I wish I could handle using white strips, but after 2 days, I can’t stand the pain. Luster’s gel that I paint on or the AM/PM Toothpaste system doesn’t provide as striking results but there are no sensitivity issues so it’s worth it for me.

  10. Kathryne says:

    I’ve tried strips before, my sensitive teeth couldn’t handle. I’m curious if this one will be better. I go to my dentist every 6 months.
    But with my coffee drinking, my teeth need whitening in between visits

    1. I can’t handle the white strips for more than a couple of days because the pain can be excruciating. Luster’s gel that I paint on and the AM/PM Toothpaste system are very gentle even though the results aren’t as striking as white strips.

  11. Ehmkay Nails says:

    I usually use strips. I drink so much coffee, it’s necessary! Lol

  12. Those are bold claims. I sometimes use strips, but not for long, because of sensitivity.

    1. I think the 3 day claim for these toothpastes was a little exaggerated, but with continued use, I see some lightening/whitening. I think this system would be great to use after a professional cleaning to maintain the results.

  13. I tried this set and unfortunately it didn’t work for me. But you know, everything is YMMV!

    1. I hear you, Anastasia. The AM/PM Toothpaste doesn’t work in 3 days, and I don’t think it works as well as the blue gel that I painted on last year from Luster. But over time, I have seen some lightening and they’re good toothpaste in general, so I will keep going with them.

  14. My Nail Polish Obsession says:

    AM/PM toothpaste makes sense – there are medicines and lotions that are specifically for day and night.

  15. I put this on my Amazon list to try. Thanks for the review!

    1. Check out the Luster paint-on gel, can’t remember the name of it, but I had good results from that. I may go back to it.

  16. 25 Sweetpeas says:

    Makes sense! That is a quick bold claim tho!

  17. My teeth get so stained from drinking tea every morning. Switching toothpaste is so easy!

    1. Right! Though I haven’t seen a huge change in the color of my teeth after a little more than a week, they are less yellow, and switching TP is so easy. Plus, they’re good toothpaste formulas.

  18. I’m always hesitant about anything like this because I have sensitive teeth as well, but I would definitely try this for a bit of a boost in the whitening department.

    1. The Luster AM/PM Toothpaste system is very gentle. I have very sensitive teeth as well and can’t use white strips. I have been using Sensodyne for years, but I have no problem with either the AM/PM Toothpaste or with their gel that I paint on my teeth. In truth, they don’t whiten like a professional whitening or even 10 days of white strips, but they make some difference for me. I am going to try the Whitening Gel again soon.

  19. I go to the dentist 3 times a year for a cleaning (luckily my insurance pays for that) but as a heavy tea drinker I get stains very quickly so I need whitening in-between. I think that would be a good solution for me! Strips don’t really work on harder to reach areas like in between teeth and that’s where I get stains.

    1. Though I am seeing some whitening from continued use of the Luster AM/PM Toothpastes, I think they would work well to maintain a professional cleaning or whitening. They are actually excellent toothpastes even without the whitening effect.

  20. I’m certainly intrigued. I’ve tried some whitening products in the past but my sensitive teeth couldn’t handle it. Maybe this will work a little better for me.

    1. I can’t use white strips or trays because my teeth are too sensitive as well. I have found that Luster’s paint on gel and now the toothpastes are much, much gentler for my sensitive teeth – though they take longer to work, IMO, than white strips

  21. Madhubani says:

    Wow… I have never used any teeth whitening products, but now i am intrigued. I am happy it worked and i am so getting it 🙂

    1. Teeth whitening products have been very common here for quite a while. White strips that stick to the teeth are the most common. The whitening toothpaste is gentler but takes longer to work 🙂

  22. I liked the Luster products I’ve tried in the past. You’re right these would make great stocking or practical gifts for friends and family members.

    1. For sure! It’s effective but affordable stuff that’s perfect for a stocking stuffer. I hope your husband is doing better

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