pale pink words on black background: Lip Blushing: Is it for you?
Beauty Tips

Lip Blushing: Is It For You?

While I was waiting for my appointment at the ophthalmologist today, I was browsing through the June 2019 issue of ELLE magazine. I came across an article by Kate Foster about a new-to-me beauty procedure, “Lip Blushing”. I googled lip blushing, and it appears that lip blushing, a form of permanent makeup, has been around at least since 2013.

What is Lip Blushing?

Lip Blushing is a semipermanent tattooing of the lips using needles with an indelible tint in custom blended, subtle shades of pink, red or coral. The tattooing can be done as fine lines, dots/pixels or wider sweeps. The tint can last up to two years. And you can get touch-ups, if needed.

The goal of lip blushing is ultimately to make lips look fuller and more youthful. An indistinct lip line can be corrected with lip blushing. If the upper lip is thin or small compared to the lower lip, it can be enhanced by redrawing the lip line.

Where is it done, how much and what’s it like?

Kate Foster of ELLE magazine decided to undergo the procedure in NYC at FFrankMD Salon with a specially trained technician. At that salon, the process was done with a digital machine with 15 needles that apply organic pigments. The procedure typically costs between $1200-1500, and a touch-up session is $350. Kate chose a soft rosy color with a slightly lighter shade applied in the center to give the lips more dimension and the look of plumpness. She admitted that when the tech first started tattooing, she felt a sharp pinch and her eyes watered. But as the process went on, she said it felt “like a finger running over (my) lips” and that she almost fell asleep. (Hmm, why don’t I believe that?)

Another permanent makeup artist, Jackie David from Jackie David Skincare also in New York, that I read about in an April 2019 article on the ELLE website, uses a “rotary pen” to line and deposit color on the lips. The rotary pen is similar to the tool she uses for microblading eyebrows  She was even more candid than Kate Foster. Jackie David warned that the lips are one of the most sensitive parts of the body so pain can be considerable. She said that she gives clients a prescription topical numbing cream that is applied 15 minutes before the start of the procedure. She also mentioned that the process takes about two hours. She charges about $1200.

Because the pigment fades as the lips heal over the first couple of weeks, the color initially looks much darker than the final result. Kate admitted that initially her lips felt dry and sore and after a couple of days, they began to peel while the outline of her lips continued to look dark. By day 5, she said her lips looked and felt more normal. After a month, she got the rosy pink tone she was promised. Nevertheless, Kate Foster still wears lipstick. But when she forgoes lipstick, she says she feels more confident.

I’m sorry I don’t have any photos that I can show in this post. But here are Instagram before and after pix from “carlybrowness_pmua” who is a permanent makeup artist who does the procedure in Utah. Her photos were shown in the ELLE April 2019 online article. Check Carly out on IG where she has lots more photos of her work, if you’re interested in seeing more permanent makeup.

Are you tempted?

If you are tempted or if you are just curious, I recommend that you go to the source and read Kate Foster’s article “Lip Blushing” in the June 2019 edition of ELLE. Also, check out ELLE’s article “Everything you need to know about permanent makeup”, from April 20, 2019.  In addition to lip blushing, the online article also describes microblading, permanent eyeliner and permanent concealer.

As for me, I’m a total chicken. I detest needles so there’s no way I would consider any of those procedures. Also, I don’t consider myself a real candidate for lip blushing. I adore lipstick, and I have no problem applying and reapplying lipstick, gloss or tinted balm most days. Even the Kate Foster admitted that she still wore lipstick just about as much as she always did.

Nevertheless, I can understand doing lip blushing if you want to redefine the outline of your lips to balance uneven lips. Also, lip blushing would be very helpful to those who have very thin and/or colorless lips. The photos I saw looked much plumper, better defined, and fuller as well as well balanced, size-wise.

But in my case, I’ll stick with my lipstick.

Let me know what you think about lip blushing in the comments. Any interest?


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  1. Interesting procedure, but definitely not for me!

    1. Agree!!

  2. Sandy Pincombe says:

    Thanks for the review. But definitely not for me.

    1. Me neither, Sandy. I couldn’t handle the pain or the price tag. But I have a weird lower lip that I inherited from my dad. The lip line goes much lower than the color of my lip. I was about to reject this procedure out of hand, but then I thought lip blushing could fix it. It could also help friends of mine who are self-conscious about their lips that have gotten my thinner with aging. But still no, not gonna happen.

  3. gloria patterson says:

    NO NO NO It like all these people that say getting tattoos don’t hurt. I have watched some of tattoos shows on TV and saw people on there crying. NOT for me!

    1. I’m always amazed when I see people with loads of ink all over their bodies. I wonder how can they stand the process? I know I couldn’t!

  4. There’s not enough money in the world to get me to put needles anywhere near my lips – too painful! Luckily, I have a lot of color to my lips. I actually like to use lighter colors to tone them down most of the time. Unless I’m wearing a bold red or purple or something. The before and after did look really nice though. And if I had uneven lips or something really noticeable, I’d consider it!
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    1. I feel the same way. Definitely worthwhile if one has very thin or unbalanced lips but otherwise no no no

  5. Lydia says:

    I’ve had brows and liner tattooed. I was told that lips are the most sensitive and it hurts. The price we pay to look good!

    1. Thank you, Lydia, for taking the time to comment. Both the brows and liner look worthwhile. The microbe a ding I’ve seen friends get looks fabulous! I would be nervous about doing the liner because I have so many eye problems, though that’s the one that interests me most. Lips, on the other hand, don’t seem worth it unless one has very thin or unbalanced lips.

  6. Lydia says:

    I don’t mind enduring the pain or puffiness for a bit because the results are worth it and last several years (at least on me). I am very interested in the lip blush because I look dead without color on my lips! I have purchased many lipsticks and stains that claim to have staying power, but I must have very oily lips because they do not stay on for more than an hour. I’m going to look into the lip blush (soft peachy color).

    1. Lydia, that makes sense for you to try it. First, you have experience with permanent makeup. I think a soft peachy color will be gorgeous. Let us know how you like it after you do it! xo

  7. Not me. I have trouble with any needles though I’m craving Botox. But I’ve ruled against both spending this kind of money and the pain involved. If it took a full month to look natural that’s a negative too.
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    1. I feel the same way about both the cost and the potential pain. The point you make about not looking completely normal for a month is a good one.

  8. I got my brows microbladed and love them. The pain was totally tolerable for me, but the lips—ouch! Not or me, I love lipstick too much!
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  9. Really interesting topic Allison!

    I’d heard of lip tattooing before, but never under the name ‘lip blushing’. It’s definitely not for me but it is fascinating to hear about all of these beauty procedures that have become more popular in the past 10 years!
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    1. Thank you, Laura! I agree. While I wouldn’t do the lip blushing procedure, I could see how it would benefit some people with thin lips, unbalanced or uneven lips, colorless lips etc.

  10. I really like this idea! I kind of want to get Lip Blushing done! I wonder where I can get it done near me in north Tampa.
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  11. Sandy Weinstein says:

    i had something similar to this many years ago, back then it was called something else and very expensive. permanent lip color, but it was not permanent, it only lasted abt 2 yrs and then starts to fade.

    1. That’s so interesting, Sandy! What prompted you to do it? Did the procedure hurt? Did it take very long for the color to look natural? The articles that I read said that the results last about 2 years, so you were right on target. Are you ever tempted to do it again? As you can tell, I’m curious about it 🙂

      1. Sandy Weinstein says:

        it was over 20 yrs ago or more. i just want a more defined outline of my lips, with a little color. very expensive the first time, it did hurt. i did it again with a different person as well as the lower eye liner. the results dont last but 2 yrs even though they say permanent. i might be tempted to do it again. i also had my eyebrows done a few times, but the after the last time, she got the color wrong, so i said never again. i dont like the microblading look either and it is just as expensive as the permanent eye brow. i did the eyebrows because of an accident i had in 4th grade and there was a space where the stitches has been. the color of the lips as well as the brows are very dark to begin with which scarred me because i am blond. it did lighten up and i had to go in for retouch. if you bleed, the color does not take very well.

  12. So I’m a huge fan of tattoos, I have one on my lower neck/upper back and I want to get several more. I also have very uneven lips that people make fun of CONSTANTLY which is why I don’t like to post lip swatches on my blog. That being said, I would probably never get any kind of permanent makeup done because all it takes is to go to someone that has no idea what they’re doing and you’re face is now all messed up and there ain’t no covering that up like you can a regular tattoo.
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  13. These are some great tips that you have shared! Although I am not very good at makeup related stuff but I recently got cosmetic surgery from The Micropigment Studio. She uses finest quality tools and I was very satisfied after the treatment.

    1. That’s great! What did you have done, Susan?

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